
Chapter 624: Short-sighted Nobles & Classes

Chapter 624: Short-sighted Nobles & Classes

“Curse energy?” Annan frowned, realizing that the problem was starting to get serious.

His expression also became serious.

“What curse are you talking about?” Just in case, Annan asked for clarifications.

Annan still held a glimmer of hope in his heart.

If it was that “curse energy”, then it was not as simple as a rebellion by local nobles.

Vasika’s answer erased Annan’s glimmer of hope, “It is the curse power that you know. The tales told by the legend: ‘Holy Grail’, ‘the Fountain of Youth’, the forbidden technology from elves. They intend to use the ‘blood of the world’ pumped by the curse shaft. The power of creation that can almost make your wishes come true.”

Hearing the word curse shaft, Annan was finally able to confirm it.

“But how did they find the courage to…”

“Why don’t they dare?” Vasika Rasputin scoffed, interrupting Annan. “They are short-sighted and selfish. Protecting their wealth and power is their highest purpose, the underlying motivation behind all their actions.”

“Forget about the blood of the world leading to the further strengthening of the Gray Mists. They want the Great Barrier to be further suppressed, and it is best to stay away from them. In this way, they can independently support the Great Barrier and are eligible to become existence on the same level as Austere-Winter Dukedom.”

“If enough curse energy can be extracted, fighting against the upright deities is not impossible. Even if the world becomes riddled with holes for hundreds of years later, they don’t care.”

Speaking of this, Vasika’s eyes became gloomy, “Speaking of this. I even suspect that the concentration of the Gray Mists has increased abnormally.”

“Do you mean that someone has started using curse power again?”

“That’s not impossible. Generally speaking, the Great Barrier only shrinks up to five meters yearly. But since last year, this number has suddenly increased significantly.”

The brown-haired cat girl who gave people a strong sense of imbalance nodded heavily, “The strongest possibility is the United Kingdom. The old and frail King Denizoya and those ‘old royal families’ of Fildes Archipelago have this motive.”

The warnings of the ancestors were too distant for the people of today. Compared with the many miraculous feats that the curse energy could do, its side effects were negligible for individuals.

For the short-lived species, the cost was much less than that of the elves.

Before the arrival of the elves and centaurs in Yatheran, the technology of Yatheran was equivalent to the level of the early middle ages on Earth. They didn’t have the protection of deities, the survival rate of transcenders without bearing technology was extremely low, and they didn’t understand spells at all. Only a few ancient ritualists used incomplete, barbaric, inefficient power.

At that time, the Gray Mists, for the Yaselan people, was just the most basic ritual of “lighting the lights and clapping hands”, which could dispel the light curse.

The concentration of the Gray Mists increased so rapidly because of the abuse of curse power by the elves. It wasn’t until it caused apparent destruction to the bodies of the elves that the Great Barrier was established based on the 24 wizard towers.

Banning the curse energy was already the matter at the end of the Third Age.

From the end of the Second Age to the end of the Third Age… In less than a thousand years, the outside world was filled with thick fog that the transcender could not pass through.

“If it is a curse that can push the Austere-Winter’s Great Barrier to shrink inward, the scale of extraction of the curse energy is quite a lot.”

Annan replied immediately.

This determined that even if the curse energy was harvested, it was not done individually.

Considering that nobody suddenly unveiled a magical differential engine or a magical spacecraft in the past few months, it didn’t seem like its technology was secretly developed by any country.

Something was not quite right.

Annan quickly realized the problem.

“You want to say that the efficiency is wrong… right?”

Just looking at Annan’s eyes flashed, Vasika guessed what he was going to say.

“That’s right,” Annan nodded lightly, “If the curse shaft is restarted, it will take a few months. No matter what you do, you should have already extracted enough curse energy.”

The most simple use of curse energy could support the consumption of a prosperous city.

Harvesting crops in seconds, rapid reproduction of animals, and greatly extending lifespan… All these miracles that seemed to be a premium paid game feature could be easily accomplished using the curse energy.

The curse energy could only be stored in the curse shaft.

That was because the curse energy was the blood of the world.

If the curse shaft leaked without triggering an explosion, even if the curse energy only touched the air, it would immediately return to the world.

Because “air” was also a part of this world.

The curse energy was stored stably in a curse shaft where the environment was like another world.

The reality was that no one had come up with any booming technology.

The curse shaft was idled.

Why is this happening…

Annan thought for a while.

Annan turned his head and asked, “Those guys from the Northern Alliance… Where did they get the curse energy technology?”

“They haven’t technically got it yet. That’s why we’re here to chat.” Vasika corrected.

“But you said earlier…”

“They haven’t reached a unified consensus internally yet. But someone will eventually be unable to resist. Because within the province of Frangell, there is specimen storage.”

“Although, in principle, the elves should have destroyed all their curse energy technology, there are idiots among the elves just like these short-sighted nobles.”

Vasika frowned, “In the [specimen storage] of the Frangell Province, there was a curse shaft manufacturing technology. A Frostwhisper directly brought it out.”

“I even suspect some of them have already started secretly manufacturing curse shafts in their territory.”

That’s something they would do.

Annan nodded. He also realized the seriousness of the problem accordingly.

“I’m afraid our meeting today will come to an end.”

Annan turned to glance at the three people on the first floor and then looked at Vasika, “I have to contact Winter’s Hand and take them away for interrogation.”

Torturing was hard and dirty work. Naturally, Annan would not be doing it.

Also, he didn’t need to find a way to get these people out. That was something Winter’s Hand needed to think about.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the players didn’t have much experience in this expertise, and considering that there were still some minors among the players, Annan would get them to do the work for practice.

However, Annan still remembered Ivan’s reminder.

Although Annan didn’t know why, Ivan reminded him to try to grasp the initiative when talking with the Rasputin family.

According to Annan’s speculation, this seemed related to the legendary curse vessel Austere-Winter’s Grand Duke held.

Vasika did not attempt to intimidate Annan or have any ulterior motives. Ivan’s warning was not necessary for the time being.

However, Annan could use this to his advantage.

Vasika didn’t know what Annan was thinking.

She glanced at the three people, “I’ll help you look closely at them. Although I don’t think you can ask anything from them, it’s fine.”

“—Also, Your Excellency Vasika.” Annan interrupted suddenly.

“No need to keep your distance from me, Your Majesty. Just say what you want to say.” Catwoman chuckled, “After you succeed to the throne, I will be your court ritualist.”

“I do have something to trouble you.” Annan smiled at Vasika, “I have a group of loyal and trustworthy young people here. I mean, they are young people loyal to me personally.”

“They are subject to special curse restrictions. Even if they fail in the ritual, they will not die. Also, they are pretty smart.”

“So, what you’re saying is…” Vasika asked tentatively.

“Would it be possible for them to study under the Rasputin family? We can discuss the specific remuneration later.” Annan, who smiled lightly, looked like a cunning white fox cub.

For some reason, Vasika raised her mouth slightly.

“Okay. I don’t need any reward, I can even give you a gift.” She complied with Annan’s request, “The only requirement is that anyone who learns our family’s ritual must add the word [Rasputin] to their name.”

“Of course, they may not come until next month. I’m going to be a cat soon. You might not understand me.”

Becoming a cat?

Annan had someone in mind… No, a cat.

“As long as there is an interpreter who can communicate with cats, there will be no problem,” Annan replied like this.

On the other hand, the players, who were doing the [Ship Adventure] underground, had not yet learned that Annan had given them many benefits.

However, their search for Captain of the Stone Celecia had yielded some new results.

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