
Chapter 58

However, if it was a barrier that was formed by formations, then it would be riddled with uncertainties and deceptions. Just a subtle change in the formation would lead to a completely different effect, let alone a Magical Array that was formed by multiple formations. A Formation Barrier to a Rune Barrier was like an abstract drawing to a building blueprint. Even though it might look easy at first glance, it was actually profound and obscure, making it hard to understand and crack.

Therefore, when Baiyi randomly came up with the puzzle, all of the Soul Armatures instantly became lost and baffled. After all, the sorcerers who excelled in formations from theAncient Rohserl Empire were extremely rare in that era. It had already been more than 6000 years since the fall of that empire so it was most likely that the supernatural beings from that era had long become a Soul Armature.

“Oh, take a look at these mediocre people! They only know how to play with those useless runes. This is exactly why I keep telling you that we, Rohserlian sorcerers, are the real orthodox sorcerers of this world,” The Archmage announced proudly to Baiyi.

Such arrogant remarks would certainly arouse some dissatisfaction from the rest of the Walkers. Of course there were also many of them who dared to question the authority of the First Walker, for example, the 17th Walker who had dedicated her whole life to translating runes immediately gave another different opinion, “Although I’ve said it many times, I’m still gonna repeat it again! With all due respect, I still think that Your Majesty should acknowledge the convenience and the simplicity of Magical Runes. It’s not as useless as you think it is. If you had a few more sorcerers under your lead that time when you were still alive, even if they were just mere Rune Sorcerers, the Ancient Rohserl Empire territory would probably be several times bigger than the one you had, wouldn’t it?”

After hearing her remarks, the 14th Walker, the Sorcerer expressed his view as well, “Both of you do have your own points but in my opinion, my way was much more rational and sensible. If it wasn’t for the cold-blooded Sorcerers Association... Sigh , how could they say that I was the one who was crooked and evil?

Those days, the Scholar was regarded as one of the main advocates for the Magical Runes. Not only that, she was also the biggest contributor to the academic world in terms of Magical Runes, so it’s still understandable that she had a different view from the others. But you? Sorcerer? You are indeed evil! Remember the sorcerer troupe that you put together? They were all basically a group of muscled jocks who were fully equipped in armors! On top of that, they always used the Illuminating Spell to blind their opponents before killing them ruthlessly by their swords or meteor hammers. Is this even the moral of a sorcerer? And here I thought it was some sort of heavy armored regiment! Baiyi scoffed.

“SHALLOW! HOW SHALLOW ARE YOU?! Let me ask you, what exactly is sorcery? Isn’t it just to obtain victory? I was merely utilizing and putting it to a better use than you all did!” The Sorcerer defended himself.

“You’re the shallow one, alright? Sorcery is a form of art! Not a mean of killing! You !

“Hey, I actually agree with Sir Sorcerer. Sorcery is just a mean of getting our way and obviously, the Undead Spells are the best method that one could use!”


Just like that, in a blink of an eye, the originally warm atmosphere started to turn cold. An ordinary discussion— that was equivalent to programmers talking about JAVA and C++— escalated into a battle between Good and Evil. The atmosphere in the Void instantly became tense and fiery with hostility.

That was the main contention with the Voidwalkers. Each of them came from different backgrounds, different standpoints and had different ideas. If if wasn’t for the special existence of Baiyi, it would probably be impossible for them to work together to escape that place even if they had the same goal.

All one could say was that it was fortunate that Baiyi was the spokesperson for both side. Since the quarrel between them had taken place countless of times in the past several thousand of years, Baiyi was already accustomed to it and he even possessed a rich experience in coping with that kind of situation.

In the end, he simply simulated a game using his consciousness and threw the guys who had made the loudest voice into it. Instantly, the quarrel stopped and the atmosphere in the Void cooled down again.

“Oh? It’s this game? OH YES! I’m an expert in this!” The Archmage said confidently and quickly picked a character named Genji 1 .

“Looks like we have to put aside our quarrel for the time being and join force to fight the enemy together!” The Scholar said as she decisively chose a character named Hanzo 2 .

As for the rest, well, the Devil chose a healing character that could fly, the Paladin chose a female character that drove a machine, the Sorcerer picked a huge gigantic roadbully while Caveman picked a skinny cripple... After the Blacksmith had chosen a robot that could morph, the game officially started. Another round of fierce and ruthless fighting took place in the Void representing their respective leagues— Good versus Evil.

The dispute was obviously between the sorcerers only so why did these three people who had nothing to do with it, joined in the quarrel as well? You guys just want to play games, right? And hello? Sir Blacksmith? Why didn’t you choose the short Tobjorn 3 who looks so much like you?Baiyi could not help but rolled his eyes inwardly.

In the midst mediating the argument between the Voidwalkers, the retirees, oh wait a minute, Soul Armatures were still speculating about Baiyi’s true identity. Many of them guessed that he must be a supernatural being who had undergone the training from Rohserlian sorcerers but the moment they recalled his repairing skills, they were completely perplexed by the whole situation. A Rohserlian sorcerer had a much more nobler status than the current sorcerers, so they would never lower their status to become a blacksmith.

“Are you a Rohserlian sorcerer?” A Soul Armature finally asked directly, “An existence like yours is very rare in this realm. I’d never expected you to have such profound attainment in forgeries as well.”

“It does not matter what I was before. I’m now nothing more than just a lingering soul,” Baiyi kept his low profile, “As for the forging and repairs, they’re just merely my hobbies.”

As he refused to give any more informations, the other Soul Armatures did not dare to pursue the matter any further. After all, everyone had their own secrets. Baiyi cunningly took advantage of the awe and fear that people felt towards the unknown to his own advantage, he now managed to deepen the mysterious impression that he held in their hearts.

Of course, the act of showing off was not his main intention. His original intention was to attract the attention of the Soul Armature who had disclosed the news earlier.

“Oh yeah, that’s right! Since you have such profound understanding on barriers, perhaps the academy could use your help in this matter,” That Soul Armature said suddenly.

“Oh? Like what?” Baiyi pretended to be confused.

“It’s like this. It seems like the artifact that was suspected to be Sage Vagabond’s had a complicated formation barrier on it. Right now, the academy is at a loss because there is no one here who could crack it open.”

As I thought! Baiyi smirked inwardly. When he first heard that it was an artifact that was left by the Explorer, that was the first thing that came to his mind. Throughout the Explorer’s whole life, dealing with barriers and enchantments were basically par for the course. Even the barrier puzzle was actually his idea. Baiyi was almost 100% certain that the treasures that he left behind would have that kind of puzzle on it too. With the current standard of the academia right now, it would not be easy to solve the puzzle.

That was exactly why he proposed the game just now! On the spot, Baiyi announced to the rest of the Soul Armatures, “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll try to provide some help.”

“That’s great! As expected of Master Hope! You’re indeed a warm hearted person. Please allow me to pass on this flower barrier to the academy. I’ll convey your thoughts to them as well.” The Soul Armature said respectfully while holding the blue orb in his palm.

Baiyi nodded in silence. A question suddenly arose in his mind, prompting him to ask, “I’m curious, how do you know so much about these things? As far as I know, your practitioner is a junior student right?”

“Ah, well, it’s like this. The student from the Golden Chrysanthemum class who had discovered this treasure is actually courting my practitioner right now. That is how I found out about those things. He also said that if he could get something out of the treasure, he will definitely share it with my practitioner.” The Soul Armature quickly explained.

“Oh, no wonder. This is indeed justified. Every Soul Armature hopes for his practitioner to become stronger... Eh? Wait! Wait a minute! Isn’t your practitioner a b-boy ? I-I think I’ve seen him before somewhere. Even though he’s slightly softer and cuter than most boys, he is still a male, right?”

“So what’s the matter? This is a free generation now, Master Hope! Love can still bloom between two people of the same gender!” The Soul Armature announced happily.

Damn you! You gaylord! No wonder you’re studying at the so-called C hrysanthemum 4 class! Baiyi thought to himself while he secretly swore not to let Mia get close to the students of that class.

As a matter of fact, in those olden days when the civilization on Earth was similar to that world, the people were much more acceptable of that sort of thing than the people of modern times. Those two worlds were quite similar when it came to that aspect.

B-But this is... Baiyi grimaced inwardly as he quickly came up with an excuse and left. Having just taken a few steps, he suddenly heard the quiet plea of the Archmage who was still locked in the fierce battle, “M-My dear student, we can’t hold out much longer anymore. Please help- ?”

I thought you just said that you’re an expert at this game?

“No, no, no! My expertise is summoning and collecting cards! HURRY! HELP ME QUICKLY OTHERWISE OUR JUSTICE LEAGUE IS GOING DOWN AGAIN!” The Archmage shamelessly demanded.

It seems like the Justice League has never won ever since I stopped playing with you guys! What a group of noobs you guys are! What the f*ck are you guys doing actually?! Baiyi thought to himself but at the same time, he decided to fulfil his teacher’s request and helped them once.

Soon after, a shrill cry could be heard coming from the Evil League, “WHY IS THAT F*KING NINJA CARRYING TWO SWORDS?!”

Translator’s Thoughts

asukatarilinn asukatarilinn

Please forgive Baiyi’s homophobic remarks! We: Mr. Author, Qidian and the translation team are in no way promoting/supporting homophobia. This is just how Baiyi is. He basically critiques everyone else other than his cute Mia-chan.

Our standpoint can be concluded as what the S.A said just now, “This is a free generation now! Love can still bloom between two people of the same gender!” The world would be a better place if we could spread our love more. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter! Please comment and let us know what you think! Ciao ~

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