
Chapter 529 - A Battle That Subverts Stereotypes

Chapter 529: A Battle That Subverts Stereotypes

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the ground was a ball of black energy, and the person within it, who was standing at alert, had something blue tied around his forehead. A golden angel wearing majestic armor hovered high up in the blue sky. All that remained of the town square, in which they were doing battle, was rubble.

This was the first time humans had seen an angel’s battle appearance. This information was not available even in the Church’s records, as no one had been stupid enough to challenge an angel.

The calm before the storm came to an abrupt end when Baiyi hurled his Void Spear. In what seemed like a Planck instant, the tip of the spear, which left a black tear in the space behind it, had reached the angel’s chest, and it was too late to dodge. The angel did not try to dodge; she met the spear with her flaming claymore. At the same time, a golden aura surged out from the golden blade and covered the angel.

The veil-like, golden defense barrier around the angel looked unstable — it was as though a slight breeze would blow it away — but when the tip of the spear struck it, it failed to pierce through.

The collision generated a frightening shockwave that swept through the area like a gale. Mia had already deployed a protective barrier despite standing so far away, yet the shockwave made her stumble. The stinging wind made her cheeks hurt.

The tremendous shockwave blew away the mounds of rubble in the area. The town now looked as though someone had just cleaned it up.

Baiyi was not surprised by the sturdiness of the angel’s defense barrier and calmly said, “That untamed wave of Divine Energy is quite something! I guess I underestimated you a little too much. Nevertheless, your techniques don’t seem polished, do they?”

Baiyi looked down at the area he was in. “Also, you went a little overboard with your defense. Do you really hate what I am that much?”

As Baiyi spoke, he gracefully dodged a torrent of light blades pouring down from the sky.

From afar, these blades resembled Demigod-level combat chi blades, but they were not. The angel’s blades were made of raw Holy Power — something no human could ever hope to match. The blades struck the ground, creating very deep pits upon impact.

“Not only are you rusty, but your aim is also abysmal, as well. You really should get a pair of glasses,” Baiyi said with a sneer. The second wave of light blade attacks came right after the first wave, but Baiyi gracefully dodged them, as well. As he danced around the blades, Baiyi found an opportunity to hurl another Void Spear at the angel, but it was knocked off course by a light blade.

The collision did cause another explosion, though. Baiyi’s Void Spear exploded into several smaller spears and streaked towards the angel.

“Take this: the furious thrusts of angry tribesmen!” Baiyi bellowed as he controlled the spears to charge from different directions. The angel was like a sealion being hunted by a group of hunters with spears. All her escape routes had been sealed off.

Another gold barrier encased the angel, but the spears did not strike it. When the spears reached the angel, they stopped, and bolts of black electricity exploded out of them.

The lightning formed a circle around the angel’s golden barrier, trapping her within. The black lightning converged to form stronger bolts, which pelted the angel’s golden barrier constantly, causing it to lose some of its luster.

As Baiyi controlled the small spears, he said, “Ley see if that defense of yours is flawless!”

The words had only just left his mouth when cracks appeared on the huge ball of lightning. Golden light shone from out of those cracks, and a few moments later, the black lightning ball was rilled with cracks emitting gold light. A fiery red gust shot of from within the battered black lightning ball, creating an explosion so great, it could be confused for a supernova. The small spears were destroyed in the explosion, and the black lightning dissipated.

The golden angel reemerged, its wings spread wide open, illuminating the sky with their brilliant golden glow.

Baiyi frowned as another attack was destroyed.

He now had a complete understanding of how the angel fought. The angel was like a bull, disregarding all tactics. This was the same regardless of who she fought. Her techniques were primitive, and it was clear that she had no battle experience.

The contrast between the angel’s beauty and her brutish manner of fighting was alarming. Meanwhile, Baiyi, a Voidwalker, who was encased in the black ball of energy, fought gracefully and skillfully. They were both individuals that subverted their stereotype. One relied on skill and planning, while the other relied on brute force and intuition. The soon began a struggle between skill and raw power.

The angel soared higher up and clouds of light blades, which fell at a more ferocious intensity than before. Every light blade that struck the ground did as much damage as a missile. As the ground trembled, Mia’s anxiety grew, yet all she could do was watch helplessly from a safe distance.

Mia knew that this battle had passed the point of intervention; she could not even get close, lest she gets hurt. Mia did not want to know who would come out victorious; as she cared for both Baiyi and Lulu, she would be devastated if either of them lost. Mia was frightened by how the battle could end, and she did her best not to think about it.

Baiyi, on the other hand, was not the least bit worried. Despite being encased in a huge ball of black energy, he easily dodged the rain of blames with his brilliant dexterity, without breaking a sweat. He was so at ease, he kept taunting the angel. “Missed me! Missed me again! Ooh, missed again!”

As Baiyi wondered how he would retaliate, he could not help but glance around the surrounding. “Damn, you’ve turned this whole place into a hellhole! Are you actually a barbarian on the inside? You seem to know only two techniques. You may resemble the beautiful girl-next-door, but you’re nothing more than the Hulk filled with steroids!”

The constant barrage of light blades stared up a cloud of dust so thick, the angel could no longer see Baiyi. As she looked down warily, her entire being was focused on trying to spot a black silhouette in the dense sea of dust below.

Mia suddenly felt a wave of energy flow forcefully through her veins, and she almost lost her foot. She was dizzy and nauseous. Similar episodes had occurred in the past, only when her Soul Armature was siphoning a great deal of power in preparation for a devastating attack.

Telos ,” Baiyi muttered.

A gust of air blew away the sea of dust, revealing the Voidwalker at the bottom of a really deep crater. A massive black formation was erected behind Baiyi, who had bent forward slightly. His right arm was raised slightly, and a jet-black spear was hovering below his open palm.

The last time Baiyi had used this technique, was in a bitter battle against a Divine but kinky leather suit. Every ounce of Void Energy within him had been compressed into this black spear, which he then used to pierce the divine leather suit at point-blank range. The divine leather suit suffered damage so great, its self-repair ability could not undo it.

If the same attack were to strike an angel inhabiting a mortal’s body, what would happen?

The angel quickly conjured another holy barrier around herself. She did not look scared; instead, she looked confused. The angel believed her barrier would protect her. The only thing on her mind was how her opponent had managed to gather all that power and escape her notice.

The price she paid for her complacency was a heavy one. The angel watched Baiyi turn into a blur, and before she could process what she had seen, a black spear struck her divine barrier.

There was no violent explosion or shockwaves. Mia watched as the entire world turned black for a second — a period in which she could see nothing.

When her vision returned, the fight was over.

Feathers swayed downwards in the gentle breeze, as the angel, whose wings had been chopped in half, fell with frightening speed.

The spear had easily pierced into the angel’s near-impenetrable divine barrier and tore both wings in half. The angel’s armor and weapon had dissipated into harmless motes of light, and her battered figure streaked towards the scorched earth below — akin to an angel falling into an abyss.

‘An abyss of her own making. How ironic,’ Baiyi thought.

“Well, that settles it. Skill vs power is not important. In the end, it’s the one who skillfully uses their power that will come out victorious,” Baiyi muttered and sped towards the fallen angel. He caught her before she could hit the ground. Baiyi landed gently inside a crater with the angel in his arms. When he flew out of the hole, Baiyi was holding a huge ball of light in his other hand.

The ball of light was a defense barrier, which contained a frightened Yula, who was staring at Baiyi in horror. The frightened boy struggled desperately to free himself.

“You’re still alive, right?” The Fifth Walker said, looking down at the angel. He dropped the ball of light and brought a finger under the angel’s nose, and he felt her weakened breaths. With the angel in one arm and the ball of light containing the young cleric in the other, Baiyi flew towards Mia.

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