
Volume 2, 7: Leave your troubles for when you make meringue.

Volume 2, Chapter 7: Leave your troubles for when you make meringue.

The light clang of metal on metal formed a rhythm.

Risa held the silver bowl in her arm as she whipped the egg whites with a whisk.

Usually she would use the mixer to make meringue, but today was an exception.

It was the regular holiday today, so there were no customers or the two employees.

She didn’t really want to stay home, so she holed herself up in the café kitchen. Even so, she couldn’t motivate herself to make a new recipe, so she was doing brainless work.

So many things had happened recently, so she wanted to have some time to herself to think.

The request to be the consultant for the Culinary Department, the recruitment for new employees, and the marriage talks with His Highness Edgar.

Putting the recruitment aside, she was extremely underqualified for the Culinary Department and the marriage talks.

Suppose she did marry His Highness Edgar. She would not be able to continue running the café.

All royalty that came of age in the Feliformia Kingdom dabbled in politics. Of course, that included His Majesty and Her Majesty, but His Highness Edgar who would lead the next generation already had a position. If she became his spouse, Risa would also be given a political position.

She didn’t need to think about that to know it was impossible.

After all, Risa had come to this country, no, this world for less than two years. She knew next to nothing about this world, especially when it came to politics.

In addition, even though Risa was the daughter of a marquis, she was adopted.

Of course, Lucius might not know this fact, but the spouse of the crown prince should still be a lady with noble blood. If this were an average marriage talk, His Highness Edgar might have been the ideal spouse, what with his incredible character and income. However, he was the crown prince of a country.

It wasn’t like she loved His Highness Edgar, but there was a reason why she couldn’t refuse on the spot.

That was the joy that Anastasia showed when they were informed. She was best friends with His Highness Edgar’s mother, Her Majesty Adelisia.

Risa’s refusal would likely cause her deep sorrow, so Risa couldn’t put her foot down.

Besides… Risa thought.

The people of this world expected Risa to provide unfamiliar and new flavors to them. While she was happy about it, she also felt immense pressure from them.

If she married His Highness Edgar, wouldn’t she be set free from that pressure?

Risa almost went with the flow, the unimaginable duties and troubles of the crown princess seeming better than all the troubles she had right now.

She was suddenly brought back to reality, noticing that the bowl was full of meringue. Suddenly feeling all the exhaustion in her right wrist, Risa placed the bowl on the table.

Her sigh in the quiet kitchen sounded strangely deafening.

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