
Chapter 77

Chapter 77: Vol. 3 – Episode 20

For him to appear twice...

Although not quite sure how, Sungjin was certain there was something between Lucifer and himself. He hypothesized Ereka’s forbidden summoning may have played a part in the initial meeting, but perhaps he had miscalculated.

Maybe even before the incomplete summoning, he and I had already been connected on some level?

Or perhaps Lucifer himself was a part of his summoning ritual, but he would have to figure that out later.

“Why do you show yourself?”

“I have come to you.”

“You willingly...” Sungjin believed there was truth in his words.

“You hold the fruit of God, and with that is your second opportunity.”

“A second chance. As expected...there must be a great power hidden within this fruit.”

“Correct. Although the initial sacrificial ritual failed, the fruit will give you a new opportunity. If you wish to gain my powers and reach the pinnacle of this world, speak.”

“My answer is the same.”

“For now, but a human’s mind always changes at a crisis.” The lord of Ninehell was in no hurry.

“You will appear before me when you are ready with your new answer.”

A strong wind passed by.


“Sungjin, are you okay?” Ereka shook his shoulder as she looked at him with a concerned expression.

“Ahh, I’m fine.”

“I was worried. You spaced out after touching the fruit.”

“I’ve met a face I never wanted to see again.”


“The power of the fruit is real.”

Sungjin revealed no more about whom he had seen.

“Rachel, tell me when it’s time to utilize the fruit.”

“Yes, Oppa.”

Sungjin stopped talking to those around him and fell into deep thought. He could use the fruit too but knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself afterwards.

To think if I used it, she then wouldn’t be able to.

Why would it only respond to one person; couldn’t they both use it?

It should not be that only I could use it.

If he only used it on himself, Lucifer and the High Priest would not have been interested. Kuga had also said the fruit served one purpose only and had no other specific powers. Why wouldn’t Rachel also be able to use it?

The fruit is not ripe enough to cause the miracle, so I suppose I’m the anomaly.

Through Ereka’s sacrifice ritual, he was almost connected to Lucifer; maybe that’s why he could use the fruit earlier than anyone else.

Or maybe Rachel needs a separate ritual for herself.

Among his many theories, he could not whittle his thoughts into a specific one; there were too many unknown variables. When the time came, eliminating Rachel’s pain was still the priority.

But I should prepare for myself being able to use it also for the upcoming battle.

Sungjin had made up his mind. The High Priest who could split the ocean had walked away. To promise a following fight meant that he would pull out all the stops for the next battle.

Which means he knew there’s still plenty of time to fight before Rachel can use the fruit to lift the curse.

Today’s victory was truly a tie.There was not much meaning in obtaining a fruit that couldn’t be used. The High Priest would attempt to capture Rachel once again. The true fight would come then.


Sungjin and the High Priest went back to their respective countries and immediately started preparing for the next fight. Sungjin first gathered his team for a talk.

“As long as the fruit retains its power, the High Priest will aim for both Rachel and the fruit. He will fight to the death.”

“As expected...right?” Ereka replied worriedly.

It would have been too easy if he left Rachel alone to be freed from her curse; they couldn’t expect him to give up so easily.

I should grow stronger to help stop the High Priest.

“Then what should we do?” Rachel trembled.

The scene of the High Priest Pedrian splitting the ocean had come as a shock for everyone. He was their future enemy.

“Let’s wait for now. We should wait to move after Rachel’s curse has been lifted. We will train steadily in the meantime.”

He had become bloodthirsty, but he knew he must respect the differences in strength between the High Priest and his allies. It would be a fight of blood and sweat to the end.

That doesn’t mean I have any intention of stopping.

Sungjin smirked. The High Priest would be an excellent opponent worth any preparation. The higher the mountain the more satisfying it is climbing to the top and to be in the position of challenger was something that required a lot of competitive spirit.

There was nothing to do but prepare for the next battle logically and devise a fool-proof strategy.

Kuga added a few words:

“When Rachel’s curse is lifted, her powers, originally given by the goddess, should be restored. Although it will pale in comparison to the High Priest’s strength, she should still be able to offer some assistance.”

Eustasia’s eyes lit up at the good news.

“It will be a time of preparation until then. We should focus on defense and survival tactics.”

“We should.”

Sungjin stood from his seat.

“Then let’s start preparing right away. I’ve come up with a drill we can all practice.”

So Sungjin and his team came up with a plan to consolidate all their defensive force until Rachel’s curse was lifted. It was the only logical solution. But Sungjin knew there was the possibility of another angle of attack. There was the probability of the High Priest dragging him down with whatever means he could. What mattered most, however, was the timing.

Nothing will go as you plan.

He resolidified his determination to stop Pedrian.

Chapter 11

The High Priest looked down at the seal below him on the highest level of the grand temple and prophesied:

“Now, the heretics will bring the sacrifice and sacred object before us willingly.”

The great priests listened to his words like innocent pupils.

“We trust everything will happen as God has planned.”

“Everyone will witness God’s plans.”

Pedrian raised his staff towards the sky.

“Come! Powers! I order you as God’s vessel!”

He opened his eyes.

The eight grand temples constructed throughout Rupellion shot into flames once more. A black energy boiled, erupting into the sky. Eight pillars connected the sky to the ground.

“I order, under God’s name, hell. Open those gates!”

The power gathering from the pillars joined into one above the High Priest. It intensified and melded into the figure of a large door. Evil creatures wriggled around the door’s frame.

“One who oversees pain, I order you under God’s name.” The door opened slowly.

“Rise from the ground! Rise with spreading poison!” Dark purple smoke spurted from the gates.

“Azidahaka, one who spreads pain across the world!”

Suddenly, the door was flung open to reveal a gigantic pair of snakes with wings. The blackish-purple snakes quivered and intertwined with each other. Their bodies spanned several hundred meters. The four great priests began to choke on the air.

To be able to wield such magic...

As expected of His Excellency...

“I order your mission under God’s name. Punish the humans in the faraway land of heretics. But do not kill them immediately, so that they would wish for repentance.”

The High Priest pointed with his staff towards Sungjin’s land. The snakes flew in the direction until they were out of sight.


The next day, Sungjin, devoted to his defensive training, felt a strange shiver run down his neck.

What’s that about?

There was nothing tangible happening; it was only instinct he felt.

Others felt something was amiss as well.

“Sungjin, just now...” Ereka’s face had a grim expression.

The sky outside their window turned dark. The large shadow of a snake appeared covering the entire sky. Sunlight disappeared. It was midday, and a darkness like this was a sinister omen. The maidservants moved quickly trying to light the lamps, but the darkness only deepened.

“Ahhh!!” Rachel suddenly collapsed onto the floor with a scream of pain.

“Miss Rachel?”

“Rachel?” The two hurried to support her.

What happened? There should be no attacks now.

Rachel, who still carried the curse, had consistent bouts of pain, but she should have had no more today.


It was not only her. The shouts erupted from everywhere.

“Ahhhhh!!” Everyone within the capital screamed in pain, and it did not end there.

Every human within range of the capital began screaming in pain. Only heroes had appeared to be resistant. The extras all screamed without exception. The pain ripped their bodies apart and gnawed at their senses.

Where was this coming from?

They fell to the ground and rolled in tears.

After receiving the report, Sungjin’s face hardened.

“This...is the High Priest’s next move.”

He had predicted the High Priest would come after Rachel and the fruit, so he focused on defensive maneuvers. He was even considering ignoring minor instigations.


Creating a curse against the entire population of a region would be comparable to a bioterrorism attack, something the strongest countries had forbidden.

Bastard, are you intending to include all citizens in a fight between us.

“Is there no cure?” Ereka asked in a hurry, but all the healers shook their heads.

“This is not an illness; it’s a curse.”

“The curse is too strong for us to handle.”

“Looking at the origin of the direction it came from, it seems as if it is from Rupellion...”

“Unless the source of the curse is broken, we’re powerless against it.”

Every question met a negative response.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from the skies:

You pitiful people, you owe this pain to the cursed one within your lands.

It was the voice of the High Priest Pedrian.

Only we can stop the spread of the curse.

Sungjin doubted the truth of his statements. But those in pain began to listen; they needed someone to blame for what had befallen them.

With God’s love, I will cease your pain temporarily.

At the end of those words, a shower of light descended from the darkness. The light was so bright and warm people forgot all about Rupellion’s evil deeds. The pure light shone on the earth, and everyone’s pain momentarily subsided.

Did you feel that, humans? This is God’s love.

Sungjin tightened the grasp on his arms.

“This bastard is toying with us.”

Sungjin knew the High Priest was behind all of this. He was the one who placed the curse just so he could pretend to stop it.

Everything about Rachel was a lie; he could see that, but the citizens didn’t know the whole story about her. Their common sense would be blocked further by the unbearable pain they were now in. Obviously, their faith would be swayed towards the person offering to end their torture.

If you refuse God’s love, it is obvious that his love will not be able to reach you. There will never be true salvation with a cursed presence by your side.

The light became weaker.

The name of such existence is Rachel. She is a girl your king did not recognize as evil and chose to protect. Petition for this girl to be turned away. It is only then you will be freed from the curse. If not, every day at this time the pain from the curse will overtake you.

The High Priest stopped talking.

The High Priest, completing his curse on Sungjin’s capital and surrounding regions, slowly sat down. He once again closed his eyes halfway.

“Now that I have given them a chance at redemption, let us wait and see what happens.”

“It is truly benevolent, Your Excellency.”

The four great priests shouted their praises at his omnipotence.

“What have I done? God has used this body is all.”

“But it is Your Excellency’s omnipotence that God has used with care.”

“I should rest now. I will watch the heretics’ punishment.”

“We will take our leave.” The four great priest expressed their deepest regards and left.

The High Priest, now alone, scooped up some water with a wooden bowl and flicked it with his finger. At that, Sungjin’s capital was reflected.

“Now, show me your ugly truth.”

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