
Chapter 92 - Vol. 4 – Episode 5

Chapter 92: Vol. 4 – Episode 5

They entered the secret hall located in the middle of the capital. Gold, silver, and precious jewels rolled on the floor as if they were mere rocks.

But the most important thing was something else.

It was the artifacts with their own mysterious power that hovered in the corners of the hall.

There was a sword.

An axe.

A spear, a bracelet, and a ring.

If the High Priest Pedrian revealed his powers through the wards of the grand temples and the support of the evil god Angramainyu, Kapitle revealed his power through the artifacts he had gathered.

They walked while guarding their eyes against the blinding light until they reached the curtain of water. Behind that curtain was the silhouette of a person.

Although it was only a silhouette, its presence was large. A calmly glinting eye gave an oppressive aura despite the curtain.

The ruler of Eldorado.

The Golden Wise King Kapitle was there.

Everyone in the continent knew of him, but at the same time only a few of his trusted subordinates ever saw him.

The average subordinates had never seen Kapitle himself behind the curtain of water.

“I see everyone has arrived. Sit.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Before them was a table made of obsidian.

A total of seven chairs were laid before it.

Six belonged to the dukes.

And the last chair belonged to Zakiya, the guardian of the secret castle in the desert.

But even if six seats were filled, the seventh seat remained empty.

“I wonder what happened,” they said of Zakiya, who had not responded to Kapitle’s order.

Even if Zakiya had not revealed her true face during the meetings, she had never ignored Kapitle’s order to gather.

“Huhu, no need to worry.”

Kapitle’s words resounded through the hall.

At his words, the dukes simultaneously lowered their heads. “Of course.”

“I have given Zakiya a special order.”

“As expected. We are reassured.”

One reason Kapitle was called a Wise King was because of his ability to control and order his subordinates. If Zakiya’s absence was due to his order, then there was nothing to be worried about.

“The plan to pit the young lion and that old High Priest has worked.”

“Yes. It is due to your amazing strategy that the crazy religion has disappeared.”

“The eight grand temples he constructed have also been demolished, so there is no protection of the evil god lingering in those lands.”

At Kapitle’s words the dukes began praising his feat.

“Please, take the continent for yourself by defeating that extra.”

“I will be at the forefront.”

“No, I am better at strategies. Please give me the opportunity.”

The dukes fought over themselves for the opportunity to stand at the forefront.

Kapitle had a definite line between reward and punishment. If someone showed definite progress, he raised their position, and if someone’s accomplishments were lacking, he rescinded their titles.

That was why there was an obvious competition for any opportunity to accomplish something.

“There is no need to fight. I will go myself.”

“Your Majesty himself!”

“You’d stand at the battlefield?”

The voices of the dukes became louder.

Even they had never seen Kapitle’s true powers.

They only submitted to his power and flawless strategies that came from behind the curtain of water, mostly in fear.

We can finally witness his Majesty’s true powers.

What powers does he have?

When their curiosity had reached a peak, the curtain of water slowly started to move.

The silhouette’s true figure was revealing itself.

It was the moment when his true figure, which most of his trusted subordinates had never seen, was revealed.

He was an old man.

But he wasn’t a weak old man.

The beard that had grown from his chin to his chest made him look strong.

His body, which had been trained over endless decades, revealed a powerfully consolidated power and its vibrant movement.

The crown on his head had white gold as its foundation with multiple precious jewels embedded in it.

And one of his eyes was an “ocular prosthesis.”

A strange aura came from the jewel that was in the place of an eye.

Is that the legendary eye which is said to read people’s minds?

I’ve heard that it reads people’s future.

No one knew the truth.

They only feared him.

Suddenly, Kapitle slid off his perch and placed one foot on the ground.


With only that single step, the entire room trembled.

He waved his hand lightly.


The air seemed to rush forward as one of the walls of the hall collapsed.

Is this a show of power?

While the dukes fell into contemplation, Kapitle murmured, “I haven’t stood in so long, that I seem to be unable to control my power.”

“That was from standing?”

“As expected of Your Majesty.”

His servants lowered their heads at the careless power, which had turned out to be not his true strength.

They could win. Their ruler could beat Sungjin.

“Huhu. It seems like the time has come for me to reveal everything I’ve gathered.”

Kapitle raised his hand.

That caused the artifacts hovering in the air to gather in front of him. Like the loyal pets of an owner.

“I will be warming up. You may watch.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Kapitle reached towards an artifact that looked like a string. The golden string was simply that, a string. It couldn’t be called a weapon.

But since Kapitle had chosen that over all of the other artifacts, it had to be special.

What power did it hold?

The string turned brighter in Kapitle’s hands.

At the same time, the gold and jewels on the floor trembled from an unknown force.

A strange tension rose.

And the dukes witnessed the power of the artifact Kapitle had chosen.

After rolling around on the floor because of the interfering flow, they helplessly saw the results of such power under the pressure.

Half of the hall had blown over.

And the castle walls beyond had collapsed.

And beyond those ruins, a new moat had been created.

And beyond that, a new crater was the collapsed outer wall.

And beyond that outer wall, the ground had split into a crevice.

Looking at the destruction that had cut through half of their capital, they could only sit in excited trembles.

“This is... the power of His Majesty.”

“It’s unbelievable... No, it’s otherworldly.”

They would not have believed it had they not seen it.

They had heard rumours that Pedrian had split the sea but couldn’t confirm its validity.

But one thing was true.

If their ruler tried, he could do the same.

They all had witnessed the true powers of the string Kapitle had chosen.

Sungjin or Sujin that extra would be defeated under its power.

Our ruler didn’t really have a need for all his plans.

But to use those plans despite his power made Kapitle a truly perfect ruler.

The extra may have some strategies, but what’s that before our ruler?

Victory is ours.

Kapitle looked at the destruction he had caused in satisfaction.

“Leave the ruins as they are. I will capture the extra and his servants as slave to fix this.”

“Of course.”

The dukes immediately understood that leaving this ruin was a part of his “propaganda.”

“Now, go deliver my proclamation of war. The continent will be united under my rule.”

“Yes, of course!”

The dukes moved in an immediate fervour.

There was nothing to fear.

* * *

Chapter 3

The rumour that the Golden Wise King had sent his provocation to Sungjin rapidly spread through the continent.

Although it had already been predicted, heroes were surprised at the rapid progress of events.

“As expected, the Golden Wise King must think of the young lion as a mere kitten.”

“He must be this bold because he has the confidence.”

“But... the young lion has beaten several opponents who had an absolute advantage over him.”

“But the Wise King’s power made a ravine in the capital...”

“So who should we ultimately bet against?”

The Golden Wise King was the traditional strongest of the continent.

But whether Sungjin would win or lose was uncertain until the fight.

These kinds of stories passed among the people every time they met.

But these predictions and worries were not only among the heroes.

But the extras showed no interest in the past wars because it didn’t matter who won.

Their lives weren’t going to get better, as the heroes always exploited them no matter the ruler.

But now it was different.

Lute, who was studying to become a healer to fix his mother, set down his book to think.

Will I be able to keep studying?

He was young, but he knew the current affairs.

If Sungjin won, he could keep studying. If the Golden Wise King won, he wouldn’t be able to.

It was a miracle in and of itself for an extra like him to be able to study. This miracle was only made possible under Sungjin’s rule.

Master Sungjin, please win.

The young boy prayed with all his hope.

His dreams and countless of other extras’ dreams rested on Sungjin’s victory.

Suppressing their anxiousness, they prayed for Sungjin.

On the other hand, extras under Kapitle’s rule found a little hope in the upcoming battle.

Farmer Nick looked at the crops he had grown.

The golden crop was called “agritian,” which apparently had a sweet flavour when cooked. It was a valuable crop.

... Or so they said.

Nick had only heard of its flavour. He had never tasted it.

Because he had never tasted the crop he had grown.

The rice he gathered was always shipped to the capital without a grain left behind.

Nick looked at the rice stalk in his arms without a single grain left in it and hung his head.

It was said to be nutritious...

But all they received was the red grain Ret, which was without flavour or nutrition. It was always delivered mixed with sand, and they only received half of what they should receive.

It was just enough to not starve them.

Just enough to make them capable of working.

He wished they could try that rice to their fill.

But it was hopeless.

He would never be able to eat that.

Until he died.

He turned to go home.

Suddenly, the overseer grabbed him.


“Lord? What is it?”

“Do you think I’m blind?”

And he beat Nickto to the ground without an explanation.

As he did, a small bag fell out of Nick’s arms.

“To think you would try to steal the crops for the capital!”

The small bag was something Nick had tried to steal.

“I’m sorry, my lord.”

“Shut up, you bastard.”

The overseer kicked Nick without restraint.

“Lord, please... Just once, please let me go.” Nick begged with tears. “I have a child back home who’s two this year. He’s fallen sick from starvation so... please, forgive...”

The grain was not for him to eat.

He had stolen it for his child who was thin but his belly was bloated.

He had stolen it, hoping his child would survive after eating it.

At the story of the two year old, the overseer Nuiber felt a little empathy.

He had a two year old child at home, too.

All fathers felt the same.

To feed their child at the risk of their own starvation.

“It wasn’t for me. My child is dying... Please... Forgive...”

Nick begged once more, grabbing onto Nuiber’s leg.

And Nuiber...

Began kicking at Nick again.

“Don’t start with those excuses! The rules are the rules!”

Nuiber suppressed his weakened heart.

If I overlook this, others might, too.

If he didn’t control the situation, his reputation would be at risk. If his reputation broke, his salary would decrease, and he might even be fired...

Then his child would starve.

He couldn’t let it go.

I need to protect my son.

Nuiber beat up Nick even more and then glared at the others.

“If you guys try to steal the grain, you will end up like him.”

The surrounding farmer didn’t say a thing.

After the overseer left, the farmers dispersed and Nick slowly stood up.

His entire body was covered in bloody bruises from the boot of the overseer, but a smile hung on his face.

I did it.

He felt his trousers.

There was one more bag in them.

The only bag the overseer saw was the one he had hid in his shirt.

He had managed to steal another.

Hold on, my son.

I’m going.

If he gave his child the nutritious food, she would be able to live. He was sure.

He ran home.

He didn’t know whether anyone else had noticed.

“Andrea, dad brought you something.”

He shook the bag before the child.

He gathered the sleeping child with a bright smile.


And fell on the floor.

The child’s body...

Had already turned cold.

“Andrea... Wake up... Wake up...”

Despite his tears, the child didn’t cry.


Nick’s despair rang through the house.

This damned world...

When would they ever be able to eat their fill?

That capital who took everything from them. Let them be ruined.

Nick held the child in hatred and despair.

He would never be able to see his child again.

He would have to live out the rest of his life alone.


But that turned out to be wrong.

Because he didn’t wake up the next day, either.

The cause was a burst artery in his brain due to impact.

Nuiber confirmed his death.

“Kuk. To think he’d die.”

Nuiber panicked for a moment before turning around.

“Well, whatever. There’s plenty of other people to fill his position.”

There was nothing for him to be blamed for as long as he reported that he had done it as a warning.

The nation’s production didn’t stop because of a death of one extra.

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