
Chapter 272: The Real Guru

Chapter 272: The Real Guru

Being huge in size and swift in movement, both two distinctively different concepts, were both implemented in Han Jin’s giant ship!

As Han Jin became familiarized with the ship’s controls, the speed of the giant ship increased, giving all passengers the illusion that the sky and the Earth was moving, not the ship! The frightening scene shocked the ship’s passengers as mountain after mountain rapidly passed by, vanishing at lightning speeds beneath the ship.

Most of the people invited to the deck of the ship were elites of their professions. For them, controlling their own emotions properly was just a basic ability, or even a habit. They soon calmed down, however, their mental image of Han Jin became much more mysterious.

Prior to today, everybody knew that Han Jin was powerful, but from today on, he had become a true pioneer; the giant boat they were standing upon was proof! Regardless of Han Jin’s future outcomes, he was doomed to be remembered forever!

Suddenly, the ship’s angle of flight changed, tilting downwards towards the ground.

“Raphael, what’s happening?!” Yalina screamed in fear, “Is the ship out of control?”

“No.” Jeddes shook his head, “Did you not notice that we are each in weird poses?”

“Poses?” Yalina was confused.

“Yeah! We... we are flying down now!” Juventus let out another gasp of astonishment.

The interior of the giant ship seemed to be unaffected from the sudden tilt. Despite the rapid velocity, the passengers also weren’t affected by the wind; now that the giant ship was headed towards the ground, with the entire ship body tilted, they could still stand on the deck without being unbalanced.

“Gosh... Raphael, we are crashing! We are crashing!” Moxinke screamed.

Raphael remained settled; he continued to sit quietly, eyes closed, with a barely detectable smile on the edge of his mouth. For some reason, Moxinke suddenly became quiet upon seeing Raphael’s reaction, as he turned around to stare at the approaching forest.

Suddenly, the crackling bristles from the trees below sounded; the ship finally dashed into the forest, changing direction immediately. The head of the ship was now pointing high into the air, basically flying straight forward on the ground.

Tree after tree, regardless of size, was crushed into powder. The seemingly bland outer ship boards were suddenly illuminated, and all the flying broken leaves and branches were blocked by an invisible layer.

A chasm, more than fifty meters wide, appeared in the forest. Behind the giant ship, rocks flew through the air, and blade after blade of grass was derooted, creating a ‘comet tail’ hundreds of meters in length.

Just like as the saying goes, ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees!’ The passengers of the ship were absolutely aware that they were flying fast, but the precise extent remained unknown.

In fact, the ship maintained a wide distance from the ground. Though the airflow couldn’t be sensed onboard, the great power of the jet stream remained towards the sides of the ship; given the size and speed of the ship, its powerful current was beyond imagination!”No! There’s a rock ahead! A giant one! Master Raphael...”

Juventus had fine eyesight. Using moonlight, he managed to catch sight of a rock more than ten meters high, and given the ship’s speed, the inevitable impact would be unimaginable. Even before Juventus finished his words, the ship had smashed into the rock.

After a loud boom, the ship only shook slightly and continued flight, while the giant rock was immediately smashed, launching rocks of various sizes onto the deck like raindrops.

Passengers abroad reacted quickly. Magicians like Yalina and Cain released magical shields at the first notice, while those like Winston and Dwightsteel dragged out their weapons in a split second.

However, their actions were not needed; everyone could see clearly that the crushed rocks were reflected into the air, like fireworks exploding into the sky.

The ship tilted towards the sky, shooting back into the air once again. Just as the passengers had a chance to catch a breath, they noticed that the ship began rolling towards the ground.

The angle of the barrel roll was frightening. At this moment, nearly everyone used their full force to grab the shipboard; even the little thunderbirds could sense the unstability. Additionally, Hogan, with much mental preparations, became stunned for the first time.

As he had initially mentioned, this was just the beginning. Han Jin was not finished yet!

The ship continued to roll. Finally, the bottom of the ship faced the sky, while the deck now faced the ground; it was completely inverted.

“I...I... Raphael! Are we falling down?!” Moxinke, already calmed down, became agitated once again; the ship’s current position forced him into such a mood.

“Gosh...” Yalina used one hand to hold the shipboard, and used the other to keep her dress down. Since she intended to cheer for Han Jin, she was dressed in formal attire; the white formal dress made her look glorious. However, were the whole skirt to flip around, it would be really ‘glorious’ to those around her. While the others feared falling to the ground, Yalina feared more for her dress.

Nobody, other than Han Jin and Harley, had remained calm. Sunier used both her hands to hold onto Han Jin’s chair; Hogan’s legs were shaking; even Jeddes temporarily lost his ability to think, holding onto the shipboard, without daring to release his grip.

The feeling of disorientation due to the flipping of sky and Earth was indeed confusing; it was like a giant hand grabbing their hearts, making their bodies feel stuck.

The ship flew forward as it continued to turn. Another 180 degrees later, the ship’s orientation finally made it back to normal.

Han Jin gradually stood up, as he grabbed Sunier’s hands and smiled; “Are you ok?”

Sunier nodded. Upon seeing Han Jin’s smile-infused eyes, she shook her head.

“Raphael, please... let’s stop!” Moxinke yelled in a nearly begging tone. In fact, nearly every person aboard had varying degrees of acrophobia; the only difference was their abilities to suppress fear and hide their own reactions. Moxinke was indeed filled with fear.

“He’s not playing, he’s testing the performance of the ship.” Jeddes said lightly.

“Yalina, you, Cain, and Hogan need to do something for me.” Han Jin smiled.

“What do I need to do?” Yalina asked while secretly pulling her skirt, trying to straighten the wrinkles.

“Fix whatever you think is lacking on board.”

“And me.” Jeddes soothed the shipboard, smiling, “Now, I am really interested in your magical equipment. Do you mind me observing and studying here?”

Yalina and Cessacioun both exchanged glances, seeing the smile beneath their eyes. How can Han Jin’s magic be learned through mere observation? They had both observed Han Jin for a long time, and remained entirely clueless. Jeddes’ attempt was destined to fail!

“Not just you, I don’t think any magician would miss this chance.” Cain said.

“I can’t be more welcome.” Han Jin smiled.

“Raphael, I think your ship is quite near perfect. What else do you need?” Yalina asked.

“There’s nothing perfect in the world.” Han Jin shook his head. “Also, I have many things unfinished.”

“That means, you will help us?” Yalina’s eyes showed eagerness.


“Great, I can do it.” Yalina continued, “Cain, what about you?”

“No problems for me either.”

Yalina’s eyesight then landed on Jeddes, who shrugged and uttered, “Don’t ask me. I am not moving even if I am dragged away.”

Just during the group’s conversation, the ship had traveled back to the original parking place and touched down gradually.

“Raphael, can you control the magic ship without sitting there?” Yalina used her hands to point at the lonely chair.

Han Jin indeed set all centers of matrices under the chair. Others like Yalina could sense the center of the ship upon boarding, despite the failure of capturing any magical fluctuation.

“For simple flights, I can control it anywhere.”

“Magical... so magical!” Juventus exclaimed. His heart was already winged. He wished to immediately fly back to the mercenaries association and inform what he had just witnessed to his opponents, showing the extent of the dumbness of their mistakes.

For his own initial disapprovals, he had already forgotten long ago. This was just a pattern that was common in many people’s behaviors; picking on others’ mistakes, but forgetting their own.

The original staircases in the ship were built by carpenters; after rising into air, they had smashed into pieces. Hogan immediately took out a roll of soft ladders, hanging them on the shipboard. Despite the fact that everybody on the ship was a professional, forcing them to jump down more than twenty meters was just unrealistic. Powerful fighters like Winston and Saxon were fine, but Gibran, Reg, and the others would encounter great difficulty.

Stepping on the ground gave a sense of security and safety. Moxinke let out a long sigh; he had never previously discovered the friendly nature of the Earth.

“Master, if you have no other affairs, please allow me to leave.” Juventus bent his waist bit by bit, “Our guild has many knowing our production of magical equipment here. It’s time to give them a surprise.”

“Good. ” Han Jin nodded.

Dwightsteel’s attention drifted away as he looked towards Juventus’ back; he originally thought of tataling to Han Jin, but he decided not to after some rethinking, given the debilitating nature of the action. While degrading Juventus, his own personal character would be in question, given his close relation with Juventus. It was best to just forget about it for now.

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