
Chapter 487 Tender

Chapter 487: Tender

"I’ll be back after three days," the Woman whispered in Ryder’s ears before she got off the bed and left.

Ryder laid on the bed, placing his palm on his face.

"Just what magic is this? This seemed so real..." Ryder thought as though about what he had gone through just now.

He stood up after a while and got dressed before he walked over to the door to check if the woman had left.

After confirming, he walked back to the room and closed the door before he logged out.


It was already morning in the real world when Ryder had woken up from his slumber.

He got off the bed and freshened up before leaving the room.

He walked downstairs, where he saw Shu sitting before the TV.

"You woke up. Pretty late today. Did you have a good sleep?" Shu asked Ryder.

"Yeah, a bit too good sleep," Ryder let out as he smiled wryly.

"Don’t tell me you were in Divinity until now?" Shu asked, rubbing his chin.

"Maybe," Ryder let out as he stepped forward and sat on the chair beside Shu.

"Anyway, you might not have heard, but something shocking happened last night. Apparently, someone kept the owners of a nearby house hostage," Shu told Ryder.

"From what I was told, it sounded like the work of that guy who had come to bring Alice. He is currently missing."

Ryder nodded his head, not much shocked. He already knew about it, though.

"Did Alice go to college?" Ryder asked.

"Nah, she was about to go. And I know how stubborn she is. She wasn’t going to stop if I had told her. And going out when that guy is missing was risky," Shu responded.

A cheeky smile graced his cute yet chubby face.

"Oh god, what did you do then?" Ryder inquired, feeling suspicious after seeing that smile. "Don’t tell me you called the university and got them to cancel all classes for the day?"

"Hahaha," Shu started laughing after hearing Ryder’s reply, but he ultimately nodded his head. " You know me so well."

"Sigh, you didn’t need to do it. Actually, that guy is already dead," Ryder told Shu, coming clear with him. He at least had that much trust in him.

"What?" Shu’s laughter disappeared as he heard Ryder’s words. "How do you know that?"

" Because I killed him last night. As you said, he was keeping the people hostage. Moreover, he wanted to kidnap Alice. So I took him out," Ryder said calmly, not much emotion on his face.

"But... Sigh, I won’t ask. He wanted to hurt Alice, so he deserved it. I’m still shocked, though," Shu let out. "If you knew his intentions, you could’ve told me. I would send my guards. You wouldn’t have had to dirty your hands."

"Oh right, did you return the Ring of Lexini?" Ryder asked Shu, trying to change the topic.

Shu noticed that Ryder was trying to change the topic, but he pretended to be ignorant and went along with it.

"That’s right. I returned the ring and got the rewards." Shu answered.

He picked up the remote and changed the channel to a news channel as he asked, "Also, I have the Guild Token. When are you going to establish the guild?"

"I heard some people are already after the tokens. If they found them, they’ll establish their guilds first. We’ll lose the opportunity to be first. So I think we should do it as soon as we can," he added.

"Yeah. I think so too. I’ve also selected a Place and arranged for the Land where our Guild will be established. But at the moment, I can’t do it. I’m stuck on a mission that I can’t get out of. So you’ll have to wait," Ryder answered, without explaining things about the Death Domain.

"That’s fine. If you’re stuck, we can’t do anything. The others also wouldn’t have an easy time getting this. So we should have some more time," Shu nodded.

"Is Alice upstairs?" Ryder asked Shu, looking back towards the wall. "I thought she’d be in college, so I didn’t check."

"Yeah. She had lunch and went back to her room. Maybe she’s resting now," Shu suggested as he rubbed his chin. "I didn’t check either."

"I’ll go see her. Anyway, don’t cancel the classes tomorrow. She should be safe from now on," Ryder told Shu as he stood up and started walking towards the stars.

"Understood, I’ll only keep our best guards with her and tell them to inform us if anything suspicious happens around her when she goes out," Shy responded before she shifted her gaze back to the TV.

’I know he isn’t my brother, but his instinct to kill to protect is just like my brother’s. Should I tell him the truth? That I came close to him because he reminded me of my brother?’ Shu thought as he closed his eyes and laid on the sofa, lost in thought. ’No, he’ll be weirded out by me. It’s fine the way it is. I can’t lose my family again.’


Ryder opened the door of Alice’s room only to find him lying in bed. The Divinity Glasses were on her face.

’This girl, Looks like she’s addicted to this as well,’ Ryder thought as he closed the door and walked back to his room.

He picked up the keys of the car he had purchased after his old car was broken previously. Placing the keys in his pocket, he left the room.

"I’m going out."

After reminding Shu, he left the Estate and stepped inside his car.

His car passed through the house where Luke was staying previously. A cop car was outside the house.

He zoomed off into the distance.


Ryder’s car stopped before the building, which was the headquarters of the Dream Corporation. It has been quite some time since he has come here.

In the previous timeline, he had gone to kill Luke instead of coming here.

As he stepped inside the building, he was greeted by the guards who had known him all too well.

Almost everyone here had seen the picture of the person who was the owner here.

No-one stopped him from going anywhere he wished. Ryder stepped inside the lift, which took him to the floor, where the medical researchers recently finished a discussion about a new test to verify their research. If they were successful, it was going to be tremendous progress.

Ryder asked one of the guys where the main members of the team were. None of them could be seen in their offices.

In the response to his question, he was told that they were in the lab, testing something.

"Shall I inform them about your arrival?"

"No, it’s fine. Let them focus on work. I was just casually here," Ryder replied before he turned back and walked to the lift.

He went to the upper floors where the aviation department of Divine Corporation was.

Herriet was the leading person there.

Fortunately, she was in her office and free as well.

"Herriet, how are you?" He asked the woman as he opened the door.

"Ah, so you finally have the time to come and meet me after so long. Have a seat," Herriet told Ryder as a smile covered her face.

Ryder stepped forward and sat on the chair before her.

"After that day, you finally come to meet me now. I wonder if I should be glad," she muttered as she smiled wryly.

"Ah, I told you. I had to go out of the city. I just came back now. I came back here to meet you right after coming back," Ryder explained himself as he smiled wryly.

"Anyway, how’s work going? Is everything fine?" He asked Herriet.

"Yeah. I was just about to call you. I just got information that we got a tender. It’s a big tender, and with that, we might be able to earn our first big break after this merger. But we do need more money, too," she told Ryder.

"We are already entering the aviation business. But if we simultaneously manufacture as well, we’ll be really good," she said.

"Hmm?" Hearing her words, Ryder fell in deep thought.

’Just what was it about? The last timeline didn’t have this. There was no tender after that. The change here seems to be after the merger,’ Ryder thought as he frowned.

"Can I know more about the tender and where it’s from?" Ryder asked.

"Oh, it’s from the Max Corporation. Apparently, they’re outsourcing some of their stuff to us," Herriet answered.

"Max Corporation?" Ryder muttered, not remembering the name.

He pulled up his phone and searched the name.

"Ah, got it," he muttered as he looked at the information he received.

"Apparently, they’re a subsidiary of Dream Corporation. It might be Shu trying to help us. But we don’t need it. Don’t worry; I have faith. The aviation industry will be much more beneficial," Ryder said, shaking his head.

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