
Chapter 83-85


Why can he......?

Because it was an attack I completely did not expect, I couldn’t even do anything, and received the attack directly.

I then tumbled down to the ground.

......No good...... My consciousness.......

『Myneーーーー, Myneーーーー!!Don’t dieーーーー!!!』

......I can hear Waffle’s voice.

I’m sorry, Waffle.

You’ll have to escape alone.......

『Waffu!!!! I won’t let you lay even a finger on Myne!!!』

For the sake of protecting me, Waffle stood alone in the dragon’s way.

To make his small body look bigger, even if only by a little, he growled while intimidating the dragon.

It’s no use, no matter how strong Waffle has become, if he gets hit by the blaze like I did, he’ll definitely get done in.

Even if he has 【Regeneration】.......

That’s right! If I stick 【Ultra Regeneration】 and 【Regeneration】 onto myself......!

Quickly, while Waffle is buying time...... It’s no use...... I can’t put any strength into my body.

I can’t take out the pebble from my storage bag.

『Myneー, take 【Regeneration】 from meー!!Don’t dieー!Quicklyー!』


I hurriedly cut 【Regeneration】 from Waffle, and 【Paste】 it on myself.

At that moment, fumes like white steam came out from my body as my injuries healed very quickly.

As soon as he finished buying time until my regeneration ended, Waffle started attacking the dragon.

『Kaa-san said it before! Offence is the best defence!』

Using 【Strong Legs】 and 【Body Enhancement・Small】, he plunged into the dragon’s bust in one go and used 【Camouflage】.

The dragon, who lost sight of Waffle’s figure due to the effect of 【Camouflage】, looked around its surroundings restlessly.

Waffle is.......

There!!! He used 【Flight】 and took a position right above the dragon.


Waffle decisively attacked once again using the ramming attack overlapped with great damage delivering Skills from before.

Waffle fell with a great momentum like a meteor.

When Waffle’s attack was noticed by the dragon, he had already drawn near to an unavoidable distance.

The dragon probably resolved himself for the inevitable impact, as far from showing a behaviour to avoid, it raised its large arm at the approaching Waffle.

Thus, the two enormous forces collided, and a violent sound of impact resounded throughout the area.


Finally finishing my regeneration, I stood up while shouting out Waffle’s name.

......Waffle and the black dragon’s clash...... resulted in...... the black dragon’s win.

Waffle probably crashed into it, as its right arm was bloodstained, and a few of its fingers seem to have broken.

And Waffle...... is stained in blood, and isn’t moving without even a single twitch, on the ground a short distance away from the dragon.

I took out the 【Ultra Regeneration】 pebble from the storage bag in great haste, and pasted it on Waffle.

As I did that, just like before, thick white fumes rose from Waffle, and his wounds started regenerating.

「......How dare you do this to Waffle...... I’m getting angry as well」

I used 【Strong Arm・Saint】 【Body Enhancement・Large LV3】 【Physical Strength Enhancement・Extreme LV2】 and 【Strength Rise LV2】 all at once.

I then used 【Realize】, and created the strongest dagger, “Twirling”.

Seeing the brilliance from “Twirling”, the black dragon showed a cautious attitude without taking it lightly.

「......Sorry, but I’ll have you experience “quite some” pain, so prepare yourself」

Probably reacting to my words, it once again took in a large breath, and breathed out blaze at me.

......Too late.

In front of me a large black vortex appeared.

Yes, it is the usual vortex created using 【Unique Magic・Space-time.】

The destination this vortex is connected to is.......

The black dragon’s blaze did not hit me, but was sucked into the black vortex.

It then rushed out from a similar black vortex which appeared right behind the black dragon.

The blaze which flew out from the vortex naturally, directly hit the one who fired it...... the black dragon.


The black dragon who received an unexpected attack from an unexpected direction screamed loudly.

I then moved to right above the black dragon raging in pain using 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

I then fell freely, and as I landed on its back, I pasted my feet on the dragon’s back using 【Paste】 and fixed it so that I don’t fall.

The dragon shook me who was on top of it and rampaged even more violently.

「......It’s futile, now then, my turn」

I resolutely sever it’s right wing from the base using Twirling which I had been holding.

It writhed even more in pain, but it couldn’t shake off me, who had been fixed using Paste.

I ignored the struggling dragon, and similarly severed its left wing.

I then extinguished Twirling.

The damage delivered in the first half of the battle, and the damage Waffle delivered in protecting me.

On top of that, with the damage delivered in the current chain of events, even the black dragon had probably reached its limits, as its movements became sluggish.

It moved sluggishly for a while, but in the end, it’s neck struck the ground and it stopped moving about.

It’s alive, but it’s like in the brink of death, I guess?

After confirming the safety of the situation, I detached my feet, which had been fixed by 【Paste】, using 【Cut】.

I then rushed over to Waffle who had been lying down.

『Waffle, Waffle, please answer me』


Thanks goodness! I made it in time.

Tears reflexively overflowed from my eyes.

『I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Waffle...... I’m really sorry, and...... thanks』

『Thank goodnessー, Myne, aliveー』

Hearing those words, I wailed even more.

Gently holding up Waffle in my arms, I once again thanked Waffle.

The cause of the bitter fight this time was because I did not paste 【Regeneration】 on myself.

I thought that it would be bad if 【Regeneration】 activated in public, so I didn’t paste it on myself normally, which backfired on me.

From now on, let’s paste it without worrying about such stuff.

Waffle and I then rejoiced at the safety of each other for a while.

......Now then, we can’t keep playing around.

I’ve confirmed Waffle’s safety, after all.

Next is the black dragon’s turn.

I casted 【Magic・Large Recovery】 a few times on the black dragon.

Its consciousness was probably hazy, but with 【Magic・Large Recovery】, it should have become clearer.

It let out a groan.

『Waffle, can you explain the situation?』

As I requested that of Waffle, he raised a hand and barked 『Wafu』, before beginning to talk to the black dragon in front of me.

Waffle desperately explained it to the black dragon.

However, the look of his tail swinging wildly, as he shook his arm around, changing gestures while talking to it was irresistibly cute.

I forgot about the mortal combat we had, and unintentionally felt warm and fluffy.

『Wafu! He understands nowー』

After rubbing Waffle’s head, who proudly reported to me, I pasted 【Ultra Regeneration】 which was pasted on Waffle, onto the black dragon.

As I did that, fumes which cannot be compared to the previous ones, was emitted strongly from the black dragon’s body.

Then, in about 10 minutes, including the cut wings, the regeneration had completely finished.


『He’s thanking Myneー』

Phew, with this, all of this will end we hand over the little dragon which is taking shelter on the opposite side, I guess?

At the moment I thought that and was feeling relieved, a new black figure appeared in the skies above us.

......Yes, another black dragon...... appeared.


Oh my god...... another one.......

Beside me, Waffle glared at the sky, and growled.

As he did that, the black dragon who had been involved in the mortal combat, roared at the other one who was circling the skies.

Probably hearing the roar, it slowly descended towards us.

Waffle also prepared for a battle, but as soon as he heard the roar, he dropped his guard and while saying 「Wafu」, he climbed his way up to his usual place, on top of my head.

......Un, judging from the situation, it should be okay to assume that it won’t become a battle, right?

『Waffle, what’s happening?』

『It seems to be thta kid’s motherー』

While I was hearing about the situation from Waffle, the mother dragon landed on the ground.

Ah! That’s right.

I have to return the Skills to the father (?) dragon.

I cut the Skills from Waffle, and returned it to the dragon.

While I was returning the Skills, the dragon couple seems to be conversing (?) about something.

As I studied the figures of the conversing dragon companions which I have no idea what they were saying for a while, the talk seems to have ended, and the first black dragon called out to Waffle.

Waffle jumped off from my head, and once again started conversing while using lots of tail-wagging and gestures.

As I looked at him while feeling warm and fluffy, Waffle faced me and beckoned while saying 「Gau」?

『What’s the matter?』

『Bring the kid hereー』

Aah, it seems to have calmed down and the mother dragon isn’t hostile either.......

Un, it’ll be alright!

I immediately went to meet the little dragon using 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

「......Huh? Little dragon-kun isn’t here?」

That’s weird, even though I told it to wait here.......

......Don’t tell me, he’s kidnapped again!?

If that happens, the conclusion we finally reached will all come to nothing!?

I used 【Presence Detection・Large】 in a panic, and decided to look for the little dragon-kun.

......Ah, there it is.

I wonder if it was curious about our fight?

It moved considerably nearer to the place we had been battling until earlier.

Yosh, let’s go and meet it!!

I used 【Body Enhancement・Large LV3】 【Leg Strength Enhancement・Small LV3】 【Sprint】 【Swift Feet(Small) LV2】 and ran in the direction the little dragon is at.

While hearing sharp wind sounds, I immediately went towards the little dragon.


Since I left Waffle behind, I know that my words wouldn’t be understood, but I tried calling out to it.

The little dragon who heard my voice called out 「Kyui!?」

Even if my words aren’t understood, I who had been battling with its parents is here.

It probably understands that the battle has ended...... I think.

I used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】 to make a black vortex in front of the little dragon, and pointed at it, gesturing it to enter.

As I did that, after it showed a behaviour of thinking for a while, it said 「Kyuu〜〜」 and leapt into it.

Naturally, the place I connected it to is in front of its parents.

I also immediately followed behind it, and leap into the vortex.

What I saw after passing through the vortex, is the emotional reunion of the parents and child.

I don’t understand what they are saying, but all three of them are exchanging cries with extremely happy-sounding voices.

Un un, this is good, this is good.

With this, our work here is done, I guess?

Waffle was also looking at the dragon family while its tail was wagging wildly.

『Fenrir-sama, I’ve safely handed over the little dragon to the parent dragons』

『Ooh, you’re safe, huh!! Is my boy alright too?』

I explained the situation up until now to Fenrir-sama who asked me about Waffle in a worried voice.

When I told her that Waffle almost died, although it was through telepathy, a terrifying bloodthirst was conveyed to me.

『......I see, good work. Are there figures of humans at the surrounding area right now?

Well, I wouldn’t really mind even if a mess happened, but you see...... my boy was about to die, huh, I see, I see』

......Ah, this is definitely bad.

However, I can’t just lie.......

Father dragon, I’m sorry.

『......No one』

『Is that so, in that case, Myne...... Immediately connect this place and that』

I used 【Unique Magic・Space-time】 as I was told, and connected Fenrir-sama’s residence in the Divine Spirit Forest and here.

Then, a bloodthirst which leaked out from the vortex in front of me covered the whole place.

The dragon family also probably realised the sudden dense bloodthirst wafting around, as their conversation was interrupted and they turned their face towards my direction all at once.

Fenrir-sama’s whole body then appeared.

『......Jor, come here immediately, you won’t be discovered by humans if you fly above the clouds.

You hear me? Come here immediately, otherwise, you know what will happen』

As soon as she arrived, Fenrir-sama seems to be talking to someone through telepathy.

......It seems to be her little brother I’ve heard of...... I heard a dangerous threat in that telepathic communication.

Fenrir-sama then held Waffle in her mouth, and dropped him down gently on her back.

『Boy, why did you force yourself? I thought that my heart would stop, you know』

『I protected Myneー!Praise me, praise meー!』

The dragon family and I gazed and listened to them in silence.

No, rather than silence, it seems to be the right decision without a chance to talk.

Although it wasn’t directed towards Waffle or me, the dense bloodthirst scattered towards the dragon family still hasn’t stopped.

Even if they are black dragons, there is no way that they can oppose Divine Beast-sama.

In the end, until Fenrir-sama’s little brother arrives, we couldn’t even move slightly, and ended up doing nothing but wait.

We then waited for about fifteen minutes.

To the dragon family and me, those fifeen minutes felt like an eternity.

A gigantic black dragon descended in front of us.

「......T, this is the Divine Beast, Jormungandr......」

The absolute existence rivaling Fenrir-sama, is in front of my eyes right now.


『......You’re finally here, Jor.

I’m sorry for asking this again, but won’t you connect to the Divine Spirit Forest?

It’s okay at the moment, but we don’t know when humans might approach this place』

It’s a request by Fenrir-sama.

Disobeying isn’t a choice.

I immediately connected the Divine Spirit Forest and this place using 【Unique Magic・Space-time】.

Fenrir confirmed the appearance of the usual black vortex in front of her, and with Waffle on her back, they quickly entered it.

The remaining black dragon family and Jormungandr-sama, and I looked at each other’s faces, even though we didn’t make any prior arrangements.

Although they definitely wouldn’t understand me, I said 「Please」 and let them enter first.

The little dragon who has entered the black vortex a few times called out to its parents, saying 「Kyui Kyui」.

As it did that, the father dragon who fought with me entered it.

Next was the little dragon and the mother dragon.

Next is Jormungandr-sama’s turn, huh, as I looked at him, for some reason, he stared at me.

......U〜n, did I do something??

The pressure from the Divine Beast-sama I had just met today, even if I have gotten used to Fenrir-sama, it’s still quite harsh.

Enduring the silent pressure, I once again said 「Please」 and gestured him to enter first.

As I did that, Jormungandr-sama’s wings suddenly shone.

......Eh? Am I going to be attacked? Will I die here......??

『......Can you hear me, Nee-san’s friend』


......What’s this, what’s this? Telepathy!?

By any chance, is it Jormungandr-sama!?

As I got into a panic, the same question once again echoed in my mind.

『Is this Jormungandr-sama!?』

As I answered that, I could see that the gigantic dragon “Jormungandr”-sama in front of me nodded.

『......For the time being, it’ll be inconvenient if we cannot converse. I have granted you my sacred protection』

Name: Myne


Race: Hume

Gender: Male

Age: 15 years

Occupation: Hunter

【Divine Beast’s Sacred Protection】

Telepathy ≪Jormungandr≫ new!

......It’s certainly there.

I’m must be the only person to have been granted two Divine Beast’s Sacred Protection.......

......A dry laugh involuntarily came out from my mouth.

『For now, let’s go to Nee-san’s place.

She’s already angry, I don’t know what will happen if we are late』

As I was dumbfounded by the fact that I was bestowed two sacred protections, Jormungandr-sama quickly entered the vortex, leaving me behind.

「......Un, it’s not a big deal」

After that, I also travelled to the Divine Spirit Forest.

『Now then, Jormungandr. How do you plan on settling this matter?』

It originally started with Claude and his gang kidnapping the black dragon’s child.

Jormungandr-sama and the black dragons weren’t at fault.

I think there’s no doubt about that.

The course of events of the attack on Adol seems to be like this.

The father dragon and mother dragon separated into two groups and searched for their kid, flying about for days after days.

However, there are a lot of human towns, but they never got hold of the child’s presence.

They couldn’t find even a single clue, so they grew violent with only irritation in them.

In the middle of that, Jormungandr-sama contacted the father dragon, saying that their child has been found.

As soon as he heard about its whereabouts, the father dragon couldn’t help but to disregard Jormungandr-sama’s warning, and started flying.

That’s the natural reaction, I guess.

The child they were searching for so long had been found, they were worried.

How can anyone criticise the parent’s feelings, thinking about his child.

Whereas the mother dragon was on the opposite side, and quite far at that, and even if she heard it from Jormungandr-sama, she couldn’t return immediately.

And while she was returning and heard about the situation from Jormungandr-sama, she returned at full speed to stop the father dragon’s rampage.

And after that regarding the battle, an explanation shouldn’t be needed.

In the end, this course of events is the perspective from the black dragons.

It’s somewhat different from my and Fenrir-sama’s point-of-views.

I have the responsibility to settle the misconduct by the Hume race.

Fenrir-sama has the same understanding and sympathy as a parent who had her children kidnapped.

With those thoughts as the cause, she proposed to cooperate, and actually moved in order to help the child.

As a result, her telling the whereabouts of the little dragon was the cause of the father dragon’s rampage, when Fenrir-sama felt that she wanted to quickly tell them so that they can feel relieved.

Also, my actions in pulling apart from Adol is because I didn’t want to involve the unrelated people in Adol, and absolutely not to provoke and anger the father dragon.

And the fact that Fenrir-sama is angry right now, even though she helped them out with good intentions, he tried to kill her own child, of course she would be mad.

Furthermore, the cause of it is because they rushed out without listening to our story properly.

It seems that if you look at each of the three parties’ standpoint, no one is mistaken.

The one who we can declare as bad is Claude and his gang, the party which kidnapped the child.

That’s why, Fenrir-sama subdued her anger, and first asked Jormungandr-sama on what he planned to do.

......Though blood might rain depending on Jormungandr-sama’s answer.......

『Let’s see, first of all, I’ll have to thank Nee-san and Myne.

Thanks to your cooperation in this case, the child could return to its parents safely.

Honestly, it might have been impossible if it had only been us...... Let me thank you from the bottom of my heart』

......A Divine Beast lowering his head at me.

This is the second time after Fenrir-sama.......

......Honestly speaking, I wish he will stop this.

『However, it shouldn’t be a mistake to say that the origin was the Hume race.

Originally I wanted to come out for revenge, but considering Myne, I decide to stop that.

Because of that, why don’t we reconcile on this matter』

Well, I don’t think coming to a compromise is bad.

......If we exclude one point.

『Don’t you say such foolish things, where did the settlement for almost killing my kid?』

Yes, the terms from before is the reconciliation between the “Dragons and Hume race”, so Fenrir-sama wasn’t included.

『......Well, that......』

Jormungandr-sama seems like he didn’t expect it, and let out a deep sigh.

『Jor, if you can’t come up with a suggestion, I shall decide for you.

Let me kill this guy who tried to kill my kid.

W〜hat, if he’s lucky, he won’t die, and Myne is here after all, so he can be healed immediately』

W, wait a minute!? Please don’t involve me in such a dangerous thing.

Wait, Waffle!!! Please don’t yawn at such a place (the back of his mother), say something, please!!


Wait! Don’t sleep! Please don’t slep!! You’re the person concerned, you know!? You can’t sleeeeeep!

『......Nee-san, please don’t say such dangerous things.

Good grief, your bloodthirst is as much as usual, it’s really troubling』

『Did you say something?』

After the exchange between the siblings, Jormungandr-sama gave us a shocking proposal.

That is.......

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