
Chapter 853 The Heads Decision

Even the Head seemed to have been muted, because even though he looked like he was struggling, the sounds that had been coming from him before could no longer be heard.

As the woman continued to say this, the sovereigns finally broke out of their shock and looked like they were about to vehemently protest what was obviously a false accusation.

Yet...they all promptly shut their mouths when an urgent voice was heard in their minds.

"KEEP QUIET! There is supposed to be an ancient statute in the Order where someone who is out on an official errand can claim that they were opposed if someone talks back to them. That means that if you speak, she could turn you to ash and still not be punished. It’s a trap. Just keep your mouths shut, and let me do the talking! That includes you, King! You should not even think of saying a word!"

The message was delivered quickly, in a frantic tone, but it managed to reach them before they fell in the trap.

Daneel hadn’t been planning to say anything, anyway, because it was obvious that these people must have come with full preparation. Still, he really appreciated the Head’s warning, because he hadn’t known that his subordinates were in such immediate danger, too.

"Bleurgh! Do not try that again, Mrs. Quenry! I have invoked my right as the Head of the High Council to plead on behalf of an accused individual before he is taken into custody! I am a recognized member of the Order, so I have the added right to oppose someone on official Order business, too! I know that you shut me up because you knew that! If you do it again, you will have been in direct violation of the rules!"

It looked like the Head’s efforts had finally paid off, because he managed to cough and regain his voice.

Even in the middle of his statement, there was a faint attempt to cut him off again, but the man managed to persevere.

By the end of it, it became clear that the objective of the woman was exactly as he had stated it, as she got an irritated expression on her face and spat out a sentence in an annoyed tone.

"Well, it looks like you’ve grown since the last time I’ve seen you. Fine. I just wanted to get it over with quickly. It’s not like I didn’t come without proof."

While the woman was speaking, the sovereigns were all completely focused on her.

Yet...Daneel’s mind was elsewhere, and that was mainly because the system had finally managed to figure out just how the woman had managed to do such a thing to such a powerful Hero.

[Phenomena Analysis Module has determined that the spell just used was a form of Mass Hysteria, where all those present, including the target, were made to firmly believe that the target had changed into the form in which he was shown. System has determined that it is an attacking form of Mind Control, and that it resembles a Champion Path named ’Psychomaniac’ which was declared as the strongest in a generation, but the individual who practiced it perished during their breakthrough, thus resulting in the Path being labeled as being too dangerous.]

I-it had all been fake?

Daneel could scarcely believe it. Just the thought that the reality they saw could be manipulated so easily without the system even detecting it was scary, to say the least, and it made him understand just how precarious of a position he was in.

Only...it wasn’t like he hadn’t anticipated that something exactly like this would happen.

Of course, the way it had come to be was definitely interesting. To think that the one who was most motivated to save the continent was being accused of doing the exact opposite was...rich, to use mild words, and it even made him almost laugh out loud.

He controlled himself, though, and ensured that his ’escape route’ was ready before focusing on the woman who had begun to speak.

"Here. Evidence has come to light that this individual was masquerading as a staunch supported of Angaria while acting against its interests all the time. Oh, if they give him to me...ai, forget it, it’ll never happen. They still talk in whispers about what happened the last time I was put in charge of interrogation. Count your lucky stars, boy, because otherwise, you would have met the fate of someone whose fate was worse than death. Go on, Head. Read, and try to make your case. This place is sealed, though, which is something I can do directly without consulting anyone. You can’t talk to anyone outside, and no one on the outside can come in, either. That bunch beside our dear convict will be hauled in for questioning, too, as they are close associates."

It was as if each word said by the woman was delivered in the most infuriating tone possible.

Her distaste for someone who was only being accused was obvious, but more than this, it was the...’thrill’ that had blazed in her eyes when she mentioned the stuff about interrogation that truly disturbed all those who were listening.

A dossier dropped into the Head’s hands, and he immediately delved into it.

Thankfully, before they could ask, the Head made copies appear in front of the others too.

This was followed by a minute of reading, but with each second...the expressions of those who were going through the accusations changed dramatically.

First there was disbelief, then anger, and finally, an all-consuming rage could be seen on those who weren’t adept at controlling their emotions.

In fact, even Luther, who was known for his permanent stolidity was balling up his fists angrily while looking like he could really use something to tear into pieces.

Logic managed to prevail in the sovereigns, who didn’t speak no matter how much they wanted to, and the Head was the one who broke the silence with a voice filled with frustration.

"Th-this is preposterous! In all of these instances, the King of Lanthanor acted for the continent, not against it! You’re just using circumstantial evidence!"

"Oh, what was that? Ah, a typical response, I see. Well, let’s see what’s so circumstantial about it."

It looked like the woman had gotten bored, as she was found reading a book she had conjured out of nowhere when the Head interrupted her.

Putting it away, she, too, got a copy of the report, and started to read out the summaries of all the insinuations that were written with.

"’First contact: During his time in an Academy located in the Kingdom known as Lanthanor in the Central Continent, the person who shall herewith be known as the ’convict’ came into contact with a known associate of the Church. It is suspected that a deal was made here.’ Oh, it’s written in this boring form. Anyway, I’ll just gloss over it. Well, communication was intercepted between the Central Continent and various locations on the coast, which were all places where the headquarters of the Church could have been at at that time. Every time, this communication was present before and after an attack or an altercation planned by the Church. Displayed capabilities far beyond normal which corroborate with techniques that could have been passed down from the Church. Associated closely with Ashahell, who is another known associate. Displayed tendencies of overambition when targeting other Kingdoms in the Central Continent covertly. And finally, the most damning evidence of it all that led to all of these long-standing ’suspicions’ transform into something...more. Let’s watch it!"

The video had been described in the report, and none of them had been able to believe that it was possible.

However, as if to prove them wrong, a large display trinket was deployed which showed a dark room.

A ring of light fell upon a chair that was in the middle of it, and on it, a familiar woman could be seen.

It was Sister Xuan, and her face was filled with such loathing that no one would be able to be convinced that the sweet girl who had spent time in Lanthanor was even possible of putting on an expression like what they were seeing.

"That guy made me follow him around, and when I finally wanted to be together with him, he said it would be possible if I joined the Church, too! I refused, but he managed to place a restriction on me that I managed to break out of only now! He should be slaughtered into bits! Mother, promise me it will happen! HE NEEDS TO DIE!"

She spat these words out in the harshest tone possible, and if someone who wasn’t aware of her past was watching this, they would totally be convinced that she really was someone who had been wronged.

As if the video hadn’t had a harrowing effect on all those who were present in the room, the woman continued in a casual tone.

"There is also testimony regarding the same from the companion of this individual, who is now in protection as it is her who brought all of this to our notice in the first place. After investigation, proof was found of a restriction that is of a style that is not present in this continent. All in all...it’s more than enough to call for an arrest. Don’t you agree, Head? If he’s innocent, he will be fine afterward. But he needs to surrender first. Shall we get on with it, then?"

While the woman’s words hung in the air, the sovereigns could only look between themselves.

Even the Head was completely stymied. If there was such damning proof, even if it was placed on purpose, the arrest had to happen first.

However...he knew that after it happened, no one could guarantee the King’s life.

It was obvious by now that someone high, high up was making all this happen. The Head didn’t know why they were doing it, but his decision regarding what he would do was taken instantaneously.

"King, run. I’ll hold them off, even if I have to die in the process."

As soon as Daneel was sent this message, he turned around with a startled expression on his face and looked at the man who really did have an expression akin to one who had just found out that it was their last day.

However, there was no fear. There was only a determination to do what he had decided on, so Daneel quickly sent him a message.

"That is not necessary, Head. I’ve already set up an escape mechanism for myself. No one needs to die."

This time, it was the Head’s turn to be surprised.

Yet...remembering the terrifying capabilities of his ’elder disciple brother’, the Head took it in stride.

Still, it looked like there was something he had to say.

"Good. But do you know of her ability to track anyone she has seen even once in her life, even if they run to the ends of Angaria?"

Daneel’s silence was enough to give him an answer.

"I knew you couldn’t have taken that into account. I’ll handle it. Choose the right time, and run. You must live on first, King."

Before Daneel could give him an answer, the Head boldly stepped out of the room and said something that made a pressure that was heavier than any they had ever felt settle onto all those who were present.

"What a farce. As long as I’m alive, I won’t let someone innocent be taken into custody. Come at me, Mrs. Quenry. They say you killed your husband to break through and become a Hero. Let me find out if it was worth it."

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