
Chapter 967 A Small Task

This morning, he had definitely not woken up thinking that his day would involve being under the control of one of the most dangerous individuals on the continent.

In fact, it had all started so...innocently.

Eloise was one of the sovereigns who had had the most effect on him during the actions he had taken in the absence of the King, mainly because he had seen the way she had been able to rally herself the moment she had found out that everything that she had been told was wrong, was true.

It took a special kind of devotion to be able to believe in something even when the entire world was against you, and such a thing... Had to be admired.

When he had seen the intimate moments between the King and Eloise, he had also felt happy for his elder disciple brother to whom he owed his life, and so, when he had been contacted by her, he had responded instantly.

She had asked casually whether he was free for "a small task" which would take around a day, and after checking his schedule and seeing that he could easily hand over his training to others, he had said happily that he was at her bidding.

When he arrived near the Goddess’s Sanctum, he had met four women, two of whom had been very sullen, and had not spoken a word.

Of course, he knew both of them: one was the reason behind them knowing that one of the strongest Heroes whom they had thought to be on their side was actually a traitor, whereas the other was the strongest disciple that that traitor, and who was currently the head of the sect that they were just a few kilometers away from.

He had no idea why they seemed angry, but deciding to not ask unless it became his business, Percy had looked over to Eloise, who had pointed to the other woman in the room and said, "Do you mind being seduced by her?"

Completely taken aback, he had turned in the direction of the woman, only to find a very stunning individual who even winked at him and pointed a finger, as if inviting him into a world of pleasure that he honestly missed as the continent was not in a state where he could go off gallivanting in the village behind the Sect of Hedon.

"I see that the spell is working- it should have no problem taking effect on those other spoiled brats, too. Don’t worry - you were supposed to be attracted to her. This is the task: just relax and enjoy. She has been told about you, and she’s in awe of everything you’ve done for the continent. Why don’t you regale her about your deeds of valor, while awaiting my instructions?"

Percy had been able to break out of the spell cast on his mind by the pumping blood in his body when he heard Eloise speak, and then, he had even felt ashamed, as he had acted in this way in front of someone he respected.

However, finding out that it was an enchantment, he felt much better, but after hearing the entire request, he could not help but stammer and ask, "A-are you sure? Is that really the task?"

A half-smile came on Eloise’s face as she heard this, and that, itself, should have set the warning bells ringing in his mind.

However, when he heard her say, "Yup, but there might be a few more things to take care of before the day is done - like I said, standby for my instructions,", he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t happy that he would have such great company for the day.

"Oh, one more thing- you’ll be taking on this identity."

Saying so, she gave him a trinket which was meant to change the appearance and another that had the information regarding an individual whom he had not heard of, and as soon as he took them, he was shoved in the direction of the lady whose spell took full effect on him as soon as he stepped within a few meters of her.

He was tempted to resist, but seeing an encouraging look on Eloise’s face, he had nodded, and then started to go along with it.

Of course, he did so quite happily, so the rest was a blur - he only vaguely remembered taking on that identity and then reading a little about the person whom he was impersonating before being completely lost in the charms of the woman who insisted that he call her ’Goddess’, and although he might not have usually assented, he did so willingly now as the spell was much more powerful than he could ever have anticipated.

The entire morning was spent going around with her in the Goddess’s Sanctum - they were always in each other’s hands, and even though she playfully pinched him, at times and constantly blew him kisses, there was nothing more intimate that happened, which wasn’t all that bad as even this experience was something to be enjoyed.

As the day progressed, Percy began noticing things, with the first being a large board that had been erected at the entrance of the Goddess’s Sanctum.

"The war is coming- so why deny our desires?"

It was quite a polarising statement, and below it, an explanation was also written.

"The Goddess’s Sanctum has historically restricted the entry of males, especially in a dominant role in the relationship due to a few rules that were set down a few thousand years ago. Yet, did you know that the original commandments of the first Goddess were that there should be no restrictions, whatsoever? This was later changed for the welfare of the sect, but with the fate of the continent, itself, in question, should we really continue to stop those who might wish to experience all that there is before marching forth to greet whatever is waiting for them on the battlefield? There are quite a few Goddesses who have signed up to enter relationships with the aspiring youth of the continent, so today, all those who have courted these maidens are welcome to the sect, to spend as much time as they wish. Even those who have not done so shall be welcomed. Come one, come all, for today shall be a day of joy, and gaiety! Welcome to the Goddess’s Sanctum!"

Percy remembered being transfixed where he stood as he read this, as no one could ever, ever have thought that a day like this would come.

Those of the sect were definitely the most sought after women in the entire continent, and today, there was really an offer for everyone to enter and have a chance of building a relationship with someone they would normally only be able to dream of?

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so it made Percy wonder why the entire sect was not overrun at the moment.

During all this time, the woman that he was with had also been reading the same statement, and as soon as she was done, she turned to Percy... And completely enveloped his lips with hers.

This, of course, made the new sovereign’s mind go completely blank, and as he lost himself in the moment, all of the worries in the world floated away into nothingness.

It was only quite a while later that they parted, and when they did, the woman breathlessly said, "I owe Xuan my life, and I said I would only play along, but isn’t she right? The end really might be near...If so, why not give in to the heart’s desires? No more spells. Come."

With these words, she began to pull him in the direction of a house nearby, and as Percy tried to figure out what the hell was going on, he received Eloise’s message.

"I’m sorry to interrupt, Percy, but the time for the real plan is nigh: your job is to act as our insider in the group of men and women who will be given as hostages to target our enemy. Your job is to make sure that all of these individuals are protected, even if she turns on you- we’ve placed multiple trinkets on your body which will help you do the same. Oh... And sorry about this, but we’re also going to have to poison you. Drink up!"


As his mind began to reel, the woman he was with sighed and took out a vial from an inner pocket.

She held it in front of him while looking at him longingly, but before she could say anything, it became clear that he first had to take the vial and drink.

Percy even did the first part almost automatically- what he had just heard was still going on in his head, and at the moment, it was as if he had entered some narcotic induced fever dream.

However, the soft touch of the woman as she held his hand and nodded to show encouragement was real, and even the urgency that he had heard in Eloise’s voice was genuine.

At the end of the day, there was only one question to be asked- did he trust her, or not?

He trusted the king with his life, and he trusted her, so what more was there to question?

With that, Percy gulped down the vial of poison, following which his lips were once again possessed by the woman who kissed him with reckless abandon.

When she pulled away a few seconds later, he found himself wanting more, but leaning in, she whispered, "After all this is done... Find me in the sect."

A second later, she disappeared, and then... Percy found himself teleported to a large house, where he saw that he was surrounded by a bunch of arrogant looking individuals.

It was at this moment that the poison took effect, and as he saw the expression on the face of the Hero in the room, everything finally clicked.


Not even a second after the announcement, a gigantic sword, so large that it could probably block out the sky, itself, cut off the upper part of the house they were in.

As it toppled to the side, a small group stood in the air, glaring at the Hero.

"Traitor. You dare use our children as hostages! Today you will die!"

One by one, each of the Heroes launched the attacks they had clearly been formed, and as the one in the house hastily put up a defense...all Percy could do was crouch and hide his balls, lest they be injured in the aftershocks before he could return to the sect.

Also, at the same time, a thought appeared in his head.

"Lady Eloise...if this is ’a small task’, then what the hell is a big one? Oh, and damn, you really are the perfect match for my elder disciple brother..."

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