
Chapter 25: The departure

Chapter 25: The departure

After checking out his skills and abilities once more; Ed left the castle and headed to the market. There, he bought herbs and medicinal plants to make pills and potions. He also bought some blacksmithing materials that he would use to maintain his swords\' quality.

Ed had gotten some money from his father\'s as thanks to his contribution in helping the country. On on top of the money, he got from selling monster corpses, he didn\'t have to worry about losing money any time soon.

Ed also headed to the shop where he ate at the last time he was searching for Oliver. There, he asked the old man on pointers for cooking. After he had gotten the cooking skill, he wanted to try it but didn\'t get the chance.

The old man was happy enough to share his recipes with him, but Ed just declined. "I like this shop\'s food so I wouldn\'t want to spoil it by making the food on my own" Ed did indeed enjoy the food that was made in this shop. If he made it himself it would lose a lot of its meaning.

Ed headed to the food market and purchased a lot of ingredients. To his surprise, most of the food that was in this world is identical to his previous world. Other than some \'interesting\' looking food he didn\'t have any problem identifying the ingredients he needed. He also bought some spices; they were very expensive to his surprise.

After sorting out everything, Ed returned to his home. He didn\'t have to carry anything since he had the Inventory he got from the Game interface V2. \'Although I complained before, I\'m glad I got this ability\' Ed was all smiles inside.

Ed returned to his home and Becky informed him that his luggage was ready. Although he was leaving the next day he still preferred to prepare everything beforehand. He went to the training area with his sister and Raikou. Oliver didn\'t join them after the last time since now he always trains in the sect.

Ed taught Bella some new techniques this time. Every time he showed her a skill she would memorize it immediately which showed that she had talent with the sword. If she wasn\'t young and still weak, she would be a genius and execute any skill perfectly. He would need to point out 1 or 2 mistakes if any at all when she was performing the techniques.

\'I should get her a katana the next time\' Ed thought about crafting her a magic weapon but decided against it. If she got a powerful weapon now she might rely too much on it and discard her training.

The training lasted for about two hours this time; Bella\'s stamina was getting better and better. Ed went and took a bath as usual and joined his family for dinner. Although he disliked it, he wouldn\'t be seeing them for a long time so he went anyway.

The dinner was lively as everyone kept asking Ed for souvenirs. He was going to a different country so it was only natural they would be curious about it. Ed promised them all to get them different things and he reminded himself to get some for the servants as well. They always took care of their family so he should give back to them as well.

After the dinner, Ed got back to his and slept as soon as his face hit the pillow. He had to save some energy for his trip tomorrow.

The next morning, Becky woke Ed up and he washed his face and changed his clothes. He then made his way to his father\'s office.

"Ed; which carriage would you like to take?" Arthur asked Ed since he wanted him to choose for himself.

"I don\'t need a carriage. Raikou should be faster and his stamina would be better than the horses anyway" Ed also wanted to train his Shadow Steps in this journey.

"Well, then you would know better. Leonard will be giving you a map and directions for your journey." Leonard was also present and he moved up to Ed and gave him a map.

"The journey to the Scale country isn\'t too difficult. It would take you 1 week to get to the country. Then you would only need to make your way to the capital which should be easy enough. There are a lot of small villages along the way so you can stop by them to restock on supplies." Leonard kept explaining the map to Ed.

"I understand" Ed didn\'t know much about reading maps but he could still understand what he was being taught.

"Well then it\'s time for you to head to your adventure" Arthur got up and walked Ed to the entrance of the castle.

When he was about to leave he noticed many presences near the entrance. It was the rest of his family along with Griffin Oliver and even Becky. They had all come to wish him a safe journey.

"Promise me you\'ll be okay Ed. Don\'t let anything happen to you. Don\'t get scammed along the way. And be careful of bandits!" His mother seemed very worried and she even had tears on her eyes.

"It\'s the bandits that need to be worried." It was Eric speaking. "Next time you come back I\'ll have surpassed you, brother!" Eric made a fist and hit his chest. It was his declaration to get stronger.

"Take care of yourself big brother!" Bella came up and hugged Ed she was also teary eyed.

"Young master Ed, take care" Becky bowed in front of Ed and spoke.

"Take care, Master Ed" Griffin and Oliver spoke at the same time and saluted Ed.

"Thank you, everyone. I\'ll be sure to get you all souvenirs!" Ed was moved by his friends and family\'s actions. They all cared deeply about him.

"Take care my son" It was Arthur\'s turn this time. He put his hands on Ed\'s shoulder and patted them. He got something out of his pocket and gave it to Ed.

"This is a letter written by me. This should be enough evidence for your identity in case anyone questions it" He handed Ed the letter.

"Thank you father" After saying his goodbyes Ed made his way to the entrance of the city. He was taking a different route this time than the one he took when hunting.

"Raikou!" Ed called his trusted partner and rode him.

"It\'s time for an adventure"


The duo ran along and disappeared from view after a few minutes.

Author\'s Thoughts


Hello everyone! I have some bad news. It\'s exams time for me so I won\'t be able to post as much as i used to. I can still manage 1 or 2 chapters a day tho.

I hope you forgive. I\'ll probably do a mass release after O\'m done^^

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