
Chapter 57

Every time Su-hyeun and the director exchanged words, the latter’s voice grew louder little by little.

The contents were different from what he had initially expected.

In the end, however, the director had to accept Su-hyeun’s demands.

In all honesty, he couldn’t afford not to bow down to Su-hyeun’s demands. In front of a rank S Awakener, not even a person like the director could do whatever he wanted to, after all.

“...Are you actually threatening me right now, young man?”

The contorted expression on the director’s face was rather gratifying to see.

Su-hyeun smirked and continued on. “Of course not. It’s just that, if it gets leaked to the public that I requested you for the evacuation of Anyang city’s residents well ahead of time, things won’t look too good for you, wouldn’t you agree?”

“That’s exactly the....”

“All I’m asking for is just a little bit of concession. For instance....”

The longer Su-hyeun’s explanations carried on, the more distorted the director’s expression became.

Just a little?

It was only ‘just a little’ in theory only. This was a one-sided trade, one where his side didn’t get a single thing in return.

Such a thing would never fly in normal circumstances. The thoroughly-calculative director would never have entertained such an idea in a million years.

Unfortunately, Su-hyeun was in possession of his weakness.

Not just any, but a truly fatal one for the director.

I’d like to ask you for a favor. A favor? Yes. It’s to ensure the safety of the citizens.

The conversation between Lee Ju-ho and the director.

It was the recording of that conversation.

<< There’s nothing better to catch and shake him around than this. >>

If the truth got known to the rest of the world, then even if he was the director, he’d have no choice but to tender his resignation.

Well, it was an event where over 600 thousand lives were at stake, after all. If nothing happened back then, all would’ve been well, but the event did occur so at this rate, it’d be seen as the director was pretending to be unaware of the situation despite the fact that he did have the prior knowledge.

<< Regardless of whether the director is brought down from his position or he’s impacted negatively by it, it’s still not the solution to the fundamental problem. >>

The thing was, the tendencies of politicians were pretty much similar from one to another.

This director wasn’t all that unique among their kind. If he were to be kicked out of the position, it’d be filled by another one similar to him, instead.

<< In that case, I should just... >>

Su-hyeun would ensure that the director stayed put.

Of course, things would be different from now on. With today as the starting point, he was planning to tighten his grip on the director’s neck.

The director’s fate was now in Su-hyeun’s hands.

“Well, then. I’ll take it as we are in a mutual agreement, so I shall be on my way now.”

The moment their discussion came to an end, Su-hyeun didn’t even look back once and left the office.

The heavily-panting director and his reddened face didn’t get up from his seat in the end. He had no choice but to go along with Su-hyeun’s demands, but that wasn’t what he originally was aiming for.

Not only that, his weakness had been taken advantage of, too.

If that file got leaked to the press or to someone in the political circle, the director’s standing would be left in a shaky, precarious situation in an instant.

They’d be saying things like, how could they ever entrust a position responsible for the safety of the whole nation to a person like him?


Su-Hyeun heard a certain scream exploding out from inside the director’s office as soon as he closed the door behind him.

A wry smile floated up on his lips.

<< Who do you think you were trying to fool? >>

The offer the director made at the beginning, the one about him working for them, was pretty much the same thing as Su-hyeun helping them out in a one-sided manner.

Serving an organization after joining it out of righteousness.

That was what the director was demanding from the get-go, and he’d have achieved a massive feat if Su-hyeun accepted that demand and decided to join the organization.

The end result was a complete opposite of what he had been scheming, however.

The director now had no choice but to do Su-hyeun’s bidding in this one-sided relationship.


Su-hyeun felt refreshed and relieved for some reason after leaving that office.

It was his first time seeing such a crumpled expression on the director’s face, and the fact that he was responsible for that made him feel doubly refreshed.

Su-hyeun exited from the building, climbed aboard his car, and set off to elsewhere right away. He was on his way to the address contained in Lee Ju-ho’s text he received earlier in the morning.

It was a small one-bedroom studio flat located in Sillim-dong.

Su-hyeun confirmed the surroundings first and entered the elevator. Then, he pressed the bell on the door right before his eyes.

Ding dong-

A short while later, a voice came from the inside. “Who is it?”

“I’m a hyung that Hak-joon knows.” (Note to editor: this is what the raw says, but wouldn’t it be better to go with “It’s Hak-joon’s friend”?)

“....I beg your pardon?”

The returned voice was soft and mixed with confusion. It belonged to a young woman.

The door opened up a little while later.


Hair tumbling beyond her shoulders, fox-like facial features and small eyes without eyelashes.

It was a woman in her early twenties, around the same age as Hak-joon himself.

Su-hyeun observed her face before asking her. “Are you Miss Gwok Yun-seon?”

“Pardon? Ah, I am.”

“I’m Hak-joon’s friend. It’s a bit of a stretch to say we’re really close, but....” Su-hyeun glanced at Lee Ju-ho’s message on his phone’s screen one more time and spoke. “I’d like to help you, if you don’t mind.”

“You want to... help?”

“It’s a bit uncool to just waltz inside your home when you’re staying alone, so.... Should we go to a nearby cafe, instead?”

“That is....”

“Fortunately, there aren’t anyone nearby. I’ve made sure of it, so you don’t have to worry.”

Yun-seon’s eyes became completely round at his words.

Soon, though, she bit down on her lip hard, put on her slippers and stepped outside the front door. “Please lead the way.”

“You made the right decision.”

A small cafe was located on the studio building’s ground floor. She and Su-hyeun settled down on a spot not readily visible to the others.

Two cups of coffee were brought out, and Su-hyeun opened his mouth. “You’re Hak-joon’s girlfriend, am I correct?”

“Yes, I am. We met when we were still students.”

“When you say students....”

“When we were in second year of high school. We’re now twenty two, so we’ve been together for about four years.”

“That’s a good time period to be in.”

After saying that out loud, Su-hyeun inwardly went, oops.

When he thought about it, his own age wasn’t all that different from the young couple’s. Maybe him living for much longer in his previous life was to blame, because this romance felt so young and fresh to him.

Thankfully, Yun-seon didn’t try to dig into his slip of tongue. She asked about him, instead. “You said that you’re Hak-joon’s friend, but how do you even know each other?”

“Should I say we... work in the same field?”

“You’re an Awakener, yes?”

“I am. You probably don’t know much about the stuff happening this side, so.....”

“No, I do know. You’re Mister Kim Su-hyeun, yes?”

He was surprised by her knowing his name, and quickly asked back. “How did you know?”

“Hak-joon talked about you a couple of times before, saying that you’re a good older friend. There has only ever been one older friend Hak-joon talks about, and that’s you, Mister Kim Su-hyeun.”


She knowing about him wasn’t all that strange, actually. That is, if Hak-joon really did talk about him lots of times to her.

<< That makes explaining things much easier. >>

Indeed, this wasn’t a bad development. Thanks to it, she was no longer deeply wary or suspicious of him now.

Su hyeun thought that he didn’t need to beat around the bushes anymore and got down to business right away. “Then allow me to get to the point. Will that be fine?”


“Miss Yun-seon, I’d like to know more about Hak-joon’s, as well as your, current situation.”

“Our situation....”

A shadow was cast upon her face. Her expression remained gloomy until then, but now it had become completely dark.

She must’ve been thinking about something, because she had her eyes closed for a little while. But soon afterwards, she stared straight into Su-hyeun’s eyes and asked him. “Before I answer.... May I ask first why you wish to know?”

“Haven’t I said it earlier?”

“You mean, you wanted to help us?”

“That’s correct.”

“But... why?”

What did she mean, why?

She immediately replied the offer of help with suspicion. Either she had never experienced a genuine, no-strings-attached goodwill or help, or maybe, had experienced betrayal at some point.

Of course, it wasn’t as if he didn’t have any reasons.

Technically speaking, there were two.

One was indeed genuine goodwill. He was impressed by Hak-joon’s humanity, and also, something like sympathy to his plight had kicked in, too.

As for the second reason...

<< Ten years from now. >>

It was because of talents and abilities possessed by Hak-joon the Awakener.

Something happened and that caused Hak-joon to possess a different temperament than his current self. In order to find out what that could be, Su-hyeun decided to get in touch with Hak-joon.

His talents and abilities were easily the best among all the Awakeners Su-hyeun knew of. As an example, he managed to reach the A rank in only two years.

Su-hyeun failed to even imagine the number of incidents that could’ve been resolved were he received assistance from just one guy like him.

<< Of course, even if it’s not that.... >>

Su-hyeun held her gaze and replied. “Do I really need something like a reason? He’s my younger friend, isn’t he?”

“Is that really all?”

“Although I can’t outright say there aren’t any other factors... At the very least, I do have the power to resolve the problem affecting the both of you. I’m sure you’re aware of this by now.”

“Well, that is....”

Su-hyeun was a newly-appeared rank S Awakener.

If she didn’t know what kind of a person he was, then fine, but as she did know, she was unable to deny that part anymore.

The social status the workforce called ‘Awakeners’ enjoyed – and arguably, there was practically nothing in this world that the greatest among all of the Awakeners, rank S, couldn’t do.

“Will you.... really help us?”

“Yes, I will.”

“Without wanting anything in return? I don’t know if you were aware of this, but we don’t have much money.”

“I’m aware.”

“But then, why....”

Yun-seon asking him soon realized that she was simply repeating the same question now.

If she continued on, then Su-hyeun’s reply would be similar to what he said moments ago.

“....Thank you.”


Teardrops fell from Yun-seon’s eyes.

She teared up for a long time but eventually, her lips began parting slowly.

The truth of the relationship between Jung Dong-yeong and Hak-joon that began a while ago came out from her mouth next.

Act 7

Step-, step-

Su-hyeun’s steps taking him outside the cafe was slow. Whenever he had a lot to think about, he walked slowly while organizing his chain of thoughts.

<< Now I know why... that event happened. >>

Allegedly, Jung Dong-yeong started off as a gangster.

After becoming an Awakener, he turned over a new leaf and started a new life. Although many sought to criticize him, his abilities were still acknowledged and he managed to create a fairly decent Guild on his own.

An Awakener with dark past, starts a brand new life and contributes to society! Now that was a pretty image, indeed.

People didn’t really believed him, but at least they thought he had shaken off the mold of a criminal and started making big bucks the legal way, from the look of things.

But this...

“Indeed, you still can’t re-use a cleaned trash, it seems.”


Su-hyeun’s steps came to an abrupt halt.

He could sense a particular pair of gazes near the studio flat building, that’s why.

They belonged to the fools that had to vacate their spots for a little while. More correctly, it was Su-hyeun who made them vacate their spots.

All thanks to Lee Ju-ho’s help, of course.


His annoyance level began rising up quickly.

No, rather than annoyance, it was anger.

He didn’t think the matter would be this difficult. However, it turned out to be messier than he bargained for, and it was also of a really atrocious nature, too. He now began to understand why Hak-joon grew to hate the world and went down the wrong path.

Su-hyeun figured out why the Ares Guild was wiped off the face of this planet by Hak-joon’s hands.

He pulled his phone out from the pocket and called someone.


The ringtone went on for a couple of times before the other side answered the phone.

Oh, you called sooner than I thought. Did something happen?

A lively voice greeted him.

It was the Awakener Kim Do-ui, the right-hand man of the director and the man in charge of all the administrative matters of the organization.

He gave this number to Su-hyeun, saying that he should give him a call if he needed something, but even he didn’t expect to get that call so soon like this.

“Can I ask you for a favor?”

A favor? That’s rather unexpected, you requesting us for a favor and all.

“What’s the matter, didn’t you tell me to contact you if I needed something?”

Well, I said that half out of courtesy, you see.

“If it’s too difficult for you, then it can’t be helped....”

-Courtesy shouldn’t be forgotten between people, you know. Alright, then. What is this favor all about?

“It’s not being courteous, but more like debt, instead. Well, fine. Let’s just say I’ll owe you one.”

A loud, manly laugh came out from the phone after Su-hyeun said those words. It seemed that Kim Do-ui was impressed by him not trying to beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Right after the laughter died down, Su-hyeun continued on. “I’d like you to protect someone for me. I’m about to start something, and things might get a bit noisy around here, you see.”

-Something noisy? What are you planning to do this time?

“Well, that is....”

When Su-hyeun explained it, Kim Do-ui asked back in a startled voice.

Isn’t that illegal? Even if that’s all true, it hasn’t been investigated yet, so...

“To me, this whole situation is just too obvious not to make my move. Not certainly after learning more about the matter, anyhow. It already produced a victim, too. I’d like to entrust you with the investigation afterwards, as well.”

Even then, it’s not right to make a move so soon.

“Even if it’s the wrong timing, I’ll still do it regardless. If my conduct is going to be a problem, then I’ll consider it at a later stage. Because, I’m....” Su-hyeun gritted his teeth and finished his words. “...A little bit pissed off at the moment, you see.”

Step, step-

Hak-joon kitted out in a set of smart business suit and pointed loafers was walking on a long corridor.

This was the Guild House of the Ares Guild.

The Guild had rented out a high-rise building located in the Gangnam district in its entirety, and as for the amount of revenue they earned, it certainly didn’t lose out to what a regular large Guild made.

He felt slightly weirded out while walking on this wide, flashily decorated corridor.

It was simply too different from the norm.

<< A bodyguard, is it.... >>

Up until a few moments ago, he was wallowing in the sewers, but now, he was told to go to a high-class party to perform the role of a bodyguard to a scion of an elite family.

His innards were churning from this sense of discord. Especially more so when he thought about the person he was going to meet right now.

<< I mean, there should be a limit to treating you like a slave. >>

Trying to smooth out his crumpled expression turned out to be a lot harder than he thought.

Apparently, it’s a trend to have Awakeners act as bodyguards these days. So, put your best suit on and come to the Guild House. Let’s smile when we meet later.

<< So this was why he spared my face during the beatdown. >>

It seemed that the bastard didn’t hit him in the face because a job requiring it was in the pipeline.

<< In any case, him and his love of money.... >>


Hak-joon gritted his teeth and inwardly muttered the same pledge as always.

<< One of these day, I’ll definitely.... >>

He closed his eyes, and controlled his breathing.

From hereon, it was crucial to control his expressions.

Just as the text message ‘Let’s smile when we meet later’ implied, Jung Dong-yeong probably was planning to greet him with a smiling face.

So, Hak-joon’s own expression greeting that face back must be a smile, too. If he slipped a little and displayed just a hint of gloom, then a slap would come flying in.

He had no problem getting slapped a hundred times, but the real problem wasn’t that.

<< I need to endure it. Right. >>

He somehow reined in his boiling anger and opened his eyes again.

And then, he continued down the corridor and turned around the corner.

It was at that point he discovered a familiar face.

“So you finally came.”

“....Brother Su-hyeun?”

It was indeed Su-hyeun.

For a moment there, Hak-joon doubted his own eyes and blinked several times. Su-hyeun couldn’t possibly be here, though.

Hak-joon hurriedly walked over to Su-hyeun and asked him. “Why are you here, bro?”

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