
Chapter 204

Chapter 204: Chapter 204


In a small cafe in front of the Awakeners Authority, Bak Yun-gyu was waiting for Su-hyeun, who just arrived.

“Oh, Hello. Mr. Su-hyeun.”

“Please, sit down. Don’t get up for me. That’s too much.”

Su-hyeun stopped Bak Yun-gyu, who was about to stand up and salute. He stopped in the middle of standing but didn’t sit back down until Su-hyeun sat down.

<<He’s still a real soldier after all.>>

Su-hyeun knew Bak Yun-gyu’s personality. So, he sighed a little and hurriedly sat in the chair. The cafe was filled with a soft coffee smell and gentle music. It was a place where Su-hyeun came whenever he visited the Authority.

“You really like these kinds of places,” Bak Yun-gyu said.

“Yea? Do you think it doesn’t suit me?”

“There’s a saying that a hero likes to drink, and I thought you would, too.”

Su-hyeun smiled at Bak Yun-gyu’s words. Soon, the waitress brought coffee for him. He breathed the scent of coffee.

“I don’t like alcohol much. I didn’t drink it well before I became an awakener.”

Su-hyeun lifted his coffee cup. He liked coffee, but he couldn’t enjoy it often. So, whenever he had to meet someone, he insisted on meeting in a cafe. He wanted to drink a cup of coffee, at least during the meeting.

“Is that so?”

“My face turned red after just one drink. Well. After I became an awakener, no matter how many times I drink, it just tastes like bitter water.”

“It seems like everyone feels different about the taste of alcohol. Some drink because of the mood, some drink for the flavor, some drink to be drunk.”

“Well, coffee is the same. Some people don’t like it because of the bitter flavor. But I like it, though.”

“I like something sweet like this smoothie, though I’ve been glugging it,” Bak Yun-gyu said, shaking a plastic cup that was almost empty.

Su-hyeun took a sip of coffee and moved on to the main subject. “So, Geneva wanted to see me?”

“Yes. He’s probably on his way by now.”

“He’s late.”

“He’s probably never waited for anyone before. You know about Geneva’s position these days,” Bak Yun-gyu said.

Su-hyeun put his cup down on the table and asked, “Do you think my position is different?”


Bak Yun-gyu read Su-hyeun’s face, not saying anything. He had been dealing with people for a long time and had good sense, too. So, he could tell Su-hyeun’s feelings were a little hurt.

<<No wonder.>>

Geneva was the one who wanted to see him, but now he was late. He was treating Su-hyeun like a subordinate or something. Moreover, Su-hyeun’s words weren’t wrong. In a comparison of value between Su-hyeun and Geneva, Su-hyeun wasn’t at all below Geneva. Perhaps, in terms of value, Su-hyeun would be far above.

<<There’s no way Geneva doesn’t know that.>>

Bak Yun-gyu, who was only here as an intermediary, became agonized. They talked about this and that for about 30 minutes, and finally, someone entered the cafe. There were two western men: a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his late forties, and a young, tall, muscular man.

“I’m late. A sudden appointment with the director came up.”

The middle-aged man was American with a hooked nose, thick brows, sharp, point eyes. He had a wide body and thick forearms. He was Geneva.

“Nice to meet you, Su-hyeun. I heard you are fluent in English. Would you mind if I just speak English, then?”

“You are quite late,” Su-hyeun said Geneva, looking at him as he sat down.

Su-hyeun’s words were sharp, with no greeting for Geneva. Geneva burst into laughter without a hint of embarrassment, as if he knew it was going to happen.

“Ha-ha. I’m so sorry. As I said before, the appointment with the director was booked all of a—”

“And I was pushed back. And you were apparently too busy to call.”

At Su-hyeun’s words, Geneva still stayed calm. He sat across from Su-hyeun, whom Park Yoon-gyu gave way, without losing his smile at his mouth.

“Oh, I guess I’ve upset you. That’s why I prepared this.”

Geneva made an eye gesture and the attendant who followed him brought out a long wooden box and handed it to Su-hyeun.

“This is a sword I made. I don’t know if you ever heard of it, but it’s one of my top hundred masterpieces. So, please take it. I hope it can soothe your pride.”

“Geneva’s top hundred masterpieces?” Bak Yun-gyu, who was listening to their conversation next to them, opened his eyes wide.

They were the best items that Geneva had ever made and were known for being very rare and priceless items.

“I made this sword recently. It’s been a while since I made a rarity like this. Oh, don’t feel too sorry to accept it. I’m just giving it to you as an apology, and I don’t have any other meaning. Ha-ha.”

Geneva laughed broadly and pushed the sword to Su-hyeun once more. Su-hyeun looked at the sword in the box.

<< Does he think I’ll just overlook what he did if he gives me a gift?>>

Su-hyeun understood somewhat the reason why Geneva had been late. It probably was true that he had a sudden urgent meeting in the middle. Su-hyeun had no idea how important the meeting was, to delay the meeting with himself, but he could guess Geneva had hidden intentions.

Geneva had been late without any notice and gave a present to Su-hyeun. Many people, including Park Yoon-gyu, knew how valuable Geneva’s top hundred masterpieces were.

And, if Su-hyeun used Geneva’s item, it would cause another sensation. A sword used by the world’s best awakener. Geneva was both a blacksmith and a businessman. He hadn’t come to flatter Su-hyeun and sing his praises. If he had, he wouldn’t have made Su-hyeun wait like this.

<<The world’s best awakener uses Geneva’s equipment. That would be the greatest and the most definite promotion,>> Bak Yun-gyu thought.

He had heard about Geneva’s reputation as a sly fox, and he looked like one. Now that he had actually met him in person and saw how he used his brain, Bak Yun-gyu could tell why people had talked about him like that. He shook his head. If Geneva insisted like that, there was nothing he could say.

“An apology...,” Su-hyeun muttered.

But Su-hyeun didn’t seem to feel better about it. Su-hyeun just stared at the wooden box that held the sword. At his behavior, Geneva’s smile began to shrink. It looked like he hadn’t expected such a reaction.

“Is there something wrong?” Geneva asked.

“Well. I just don’t want to accept an apology that didn’t come from your heart. Also, I don’t need this thing.”Unlike Geneva, Su-hyeun smiled broadly. “I just need your sincere apology. Just take it back, please.”

At Su-hyeun’s words, Geneva’s smile disappeared entirely. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Su-hyeun raised his coffee cup again. “Although you don’t look that sincere.”

“...Well. I am sorry about that. I thought you would really love it.”

“I already have an excellent sword. I don’t need a new one,” Su-hyeun said, tapping the sword that he had put on his knees. It was Kim Dae-ho’s work, named Balmung.

Geneva changed his facial expression. He realized the sword of the world’s best awakener would be different from others somehow.

“May I see your sword?”


Su-hyeun held out Balmung with the scabbard. Geneva drew the sword.


The sword came out with a clear sound. Geneva looked at the sword and admired it. “It’s really a good sword.”

“You can tell just by looking at it?”

“It looks like it has middle or higher than middle-grade Ether stones in it. I can sense a slight flow of magic. I guess it has some sort of magical device.”

The flow of magic meant Blamung’s principal cutting force. Surely, he was the world’s most famous blacksmith. He quickly recognized Balmung’s value. Of course, not all of his answers were correct.

<<I guess he doesn’t know it has highest-grade Ether stones and adamantium.>>

Those two were Balmung’s core metals. Of course, it was almost impossible to see it at a glance and guess that. It would be the same for Kim Dae-ho, not just Geneva.

<<Well. He guessed pretty well.>> Su-hyeun acknowledged Geneva’s ability. But that was about it. <<Unless he brought the best of the best of his hundred masterpieces collection.>>

He had obviously made many great masterpieces. Su-hyeun could admit that. Geneva’s best masterpiece, the Armor of Hades, was considered to be the strongest armor in the world right now. But swords were a different story. There was no reason to even look at it. Moreover, the sword he brought was for a purpose.

“Are you doing all this because of this shabby sword? I mean, it’s certainly a good one. I guess you found this in the tower—”

Not surprisingly, Geneva, who didn’t notice the real value of Balmung, still hadn’t given up his pride in his sword. What Geneva was saying just went in one of Su-hyeun’s ears and out the other. As Geneva kept talking, Su-hyeun became a little annoyed, although he was in the position to accept the gift.

<<God. I already said I wouldn’t accept it.>>

Su-hyeun knew this gift wasn’t because Geneva felt sorry or anything. So, he didn’t want to accept the present. Moreover, if he received this gift right at the moment, Geneva would surely spread it through the media. And then, Kim Dae-ho would know about it as well.

<<He tends to hold grudges. If he finds out that I accepted a sword from another blacksmith... He’d sulk for days.>>

Su-hyeun thought that far and sighed slightly. Geneva was still talking. Su-hyeun raised his hand to stop him.

“Anyway, just tell me why you wanted to see me. Since you showed up pretty late, I don’t have much time left for another appointment.”

“Do you have another appointment right after this?”

“Yes. I have to leave soon.”

Su-hyeun didn’t intend to talk long with Geneva in the first place. Geneva was upset about that and tried to argue, but had nothing to say. He was the one who was a half-hour late, and it was true that time ran out because of that.

“I’m sorry, but could you give us a minute?” Geneva asked Bak Yun-gyu.

Bak Yun-gyu read the situation and got up. Anyway, his role was only to connect the two people. And since the two had met, and they would talk about some secret things, there was no reason for Bak Yun-gyu to stay.

“Then, I’ll see you next time.” Bak Yun-gyu bowed his head slightly to Su-hyeun and left the cafe.

Now, there was only Geneva, his attendant, and Su-hyeun. Su-hyeun waited for Geneva to speak.

“I’ll tell you straight away, you don’t seem to like to mince words, and you don’t have time.”

It was the first thing Geneva had said all day that Su-hyeun liked to hear.

When Su-hyeun nodded, Geneva put his hands on the table and said, “Would you like to do business with me?”

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