
Chapter 115:

Chapter 115: <Chapter 114>

Silje wasn’t surprised to see the car. When it stopped in front of them, Silje calmly opened the door and got in wordlessly.

When she entered the car before he did, Kail’s eyebrows rose. Silje ignored his surprise and remained seated in the passenger seat. She looked ahead blankly, making Kail laughed quietly. When she wouldn’t even look at him or react in any way, his face became rigid again.

He drove his car for twenty minutes and they finally arrived at an unexpected place. They were no longer in the downtown area and Silje’s eyes widened. The place Kail parked was surrounded by tall trees. It seemed like private property and inside was a black marble building. When Silje looked confused, Kail ordered in Norwegian, “Get out.”

So it was finally beginning.

Silje bit her lips and when she was about to open the door, it opened by itself. She quickly realized that Kail was outside, and he was opening it for her. He waited patiently for her to exit, and Silje said to him dryly, “Don’t do things like this for me. It’s not necessary.”

She needed to draw the line. They weren’t on a date and he needed to realize this.

Instead, Kail seemed to get angry.

“You need to know that I will do what I want. If I want to open the door for you, then I will and all you need to do is accept it.”

“So I have no choice in anything?”

A silence fell.

When she glared at him with an obvious hatred, Kail replied mysteriously, “Oh, have you not realized it yet? You are mine, at least in New York.”

He laughed at her and continued, “So all you can do is follow my lead. Don’t make me angrier or you will be sorry, Silje. You will regret it.”

The way he said her name was sexy and terrifying at the same time. He owned her. He had the full control over what happened next.

Silje held her head high and got out of the car. Kail glanced at her briefly before walking away and Silje bit her lips again.

He was right. She had no choice but to follow him.

“Where are we?”

They walked into the building but Silje still couldn’t guess. In fact, her confusion grew even more. The grand building was filled with greeneries, which was shocking considering the fact that they were still in the city. Countless pots of rare and beautiful plants greeted them.

Subtle classical music was playing, and the walls were decorated with masterpieces. A shocking shade of red was used on some walls, making the place look dark and European.

This place looked like... some sort of a secret high society club.

After checking in at the front, Kail continued to walk. Looking back at Silje and smiling mockingly, he replied, “This is the hotel where I am staying at. I guess you can call it a love hotel. People do call it that since they come here to have sex.”

This dark and luxurious place was a love hotel?

When Kail explained crudely, Silje became speechless.

It was a surprise that Kail was staying at a place like this. She expected him to prefer the Palace or Plaza hotels, but this place was... It could be called a boutique hotel, but it was definitely not a five-star place.

Kail walked like he owned the place and stopped in front of the elevator. When it opened, an elderly couple appeared, and they looked at Kail and Silje in surprise.

A tall beautiful but angry-looking man and an Asian woman with her silky black hair.

As they stared at her and Kail, Silje frowned. She didn’t want to be noticed or judged by anyone, and she was sick of people gaping at Kail. It was true that he was a striking man with an unusual look, but there was no need to stare. It was like this in Norway, and it seemed that nothing has changed.

Silje couldn’t take it anymore, so she said to the elderly couple sharply, “Could you get off the elevator now? We need to get upstairs.”

Kail’s cold emotionless face suddenly changed into that of surprise. He turned to look at Silje and burst into a low laugh.

The elderly couple left in shock and they finally entered the elevator. Kail was still laughing and when Silje glared at him, he pushed the button.

As she expected, it was the top floor.

The penthouse.

Silje wanted to sigh, but she stopped herself. Instead, she started to massage her temples, and after watching her for a few seconds, Kail suddenly reached out to grab her hair.

“What are you doing?”

Silje flinched in shock but all he did was kiss her hair.

So it was finally happening.

Their war.

It was easy to guess that violent sex was coming for her. Kail radiated angry desire, and Silje took a deep breath.

When they reached the top floor, her anxiety level reached its maximum as well. The tension between them increased and when Kail finally used his key to open the door, it exploded.

He turned on the light, took off his black suit jacket, and went after her like an animal.


Kail grabbed her white jacket and ripped it open. The buttons flew everywhere and Silje yelped in shock. When her jacket was off, her sexy white slip appeared.

“Oh, finally! Much better. I have been wanting to rip your jacket off since the first time I saw you today.”

“What do you think you’re doing? Stop it!”

Silje became breathless, but Kail replied coolly, “Isn’t this what we agreed on? What were you expecting today? What did you think was going to happen when you walked into my place?”

He crossed his arms and looked at her questioningly, and Silje couldn’t help but feel disordered. She couldn’t get used to him, and it was obvious that he wasn’t going to stop.

When she couldn’t reply, Kail pushed her against the wall and started to kiss her again. There was no way for Silje to escape his arms and Kail started to roughly take her top off. He was panting jaggedly as he tasted her lips, which were closed firmly. He drank her lips in fixatedly and Silje’s eyes widened in shock.

Kail refused to take no for an answer. His body slammed into hers against the wall and he continued to kiss her.


Silje felt like her lips were burning. She moaned as she saw his green eyes looking at her. His eyes said to her that she was his. He owned her body and soul.

His manly scent made her dizzy. His scorching lips felt soft but the way he kissed her was so rough that the contrast was outrageous.

“Open your eyes,” Kail ordered hoarsely.

“Open your eyes and accept me.”

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