
Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

Unlike the way the clerk had described, traveling through the Warp Gate was nothing like taking a nap. When the champion opened his eyes after what felt like a brief second, he found himself in the Japanese Warp Gate terminal.

Following the friendly guidance of the Japenese clerk, Min Sung walked out of the building and saw a luxurious sedan and a chauffeur awaiting him. Thinking that he’d spend some time in a hot springs after the meal, Min Sung made a phone call to Ho Sung.

“Sir! How was the trip?” Ho Sung asked.

“Good. Look into a restaurant and a hot springs nearby.”

“Right away, sir.”

After hanging up, Min Sung got in the car. Upon receiving a text from Ho Sung almost at the same time, which included the address to a certain restaurant that was also a hot springs, the champion showed the phone to the driver, who responded with a friendly smile and started driving. As the car took the champion away, the Japenese clerks bowed toward the car at a ninety-degree angle.

On the car ride to the restaurant, Min Sung rolled the window down. The breeze came rushing into the car, blowing against the champion’s hair. At that moment, Bowl crawled out of Min Sung’s pocket and peeked out the window as if it wanted to see the view.

The sky was getting cloudier and darker, making it seems like it would start raining within the next few hours. While Min Sung and Bowl were looking out the window, enjoying the scenery of Japan, the driver informed them that they were getting close to the destination. When the car came to a stop and Min Sung got out of it, he found himself in front of a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn. After getting himself a room, Min Sung headed for it. The room came with tatami flooring, and it gave off a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.

‘Time to relax.’

After requesting a meal and the preparation of the hot spring, Min Sung changed into a yukata, a traditional bathrobe provided by the inn, while Bowl crawled into a blanket to rest. Then, when he opened the sliding door to the outside of his room, a serene garden came into view. It was filled with trees, and water trickled into a pond from a bamboo pipe. While he was staring at the mesmerizing view, a clerk came by to inform the champion that dinner was about to start.

Upon arriving in the dining area, which almost resembled a bar, the clerk said to the champion in a warm, friendly tone of voice, “This is our VIP dining room. Enjoy your meal, sir.”

After greeting the chef, who greeted the champion with a bright smile, Min Sung took a seat. Shortly after, a woman in a kimono started setting up the table in a gentle, polite manner. Watching the table getting filled by an array of dishes he had yet to try filled the champion’s heart with excitement.

‘I wonder what they’re like?’

With a look of anticipation on his face, Min Sung prepared to eat.

First, Min Sung started off with corn soup. The sweetness and nuttiness of the corn created an exquisite harmony, an experience similar to that of listening to a yodel singer in Switzerland. While familiar, the experience felt new and refreshing.

‘We’re off to a good start.’

Next, Min Sung moved on to the smoked roast beef, which practically melted in his mouth. Then, following up with grilled eggplant with housemade miso, with which he fell in love, the champion was filled with a sense of deep comfort. The experience was comparable to sleeping on a bed after having slept on dirt for a century.

‘This is mind-bogglingly good,’ he thought.

With that, Min Sung went for the Caesar salad with black pig bacon. The fresh crunch of the vegetables brought about a refreshing sensation, followed by the rich, complex flavor of the bacon that warmed his stomach.

‘So, this is what Japanese cuisine is like,’ Min Sung thought, deeply satisfied. At that moment, the main dish made its way to the table: steak. The pink, perfectly cooked meat glistened under the light like a piece of art. To his surprise, Min Sung realized that the dish came with a bowl of white rice.

‘I guess people eat their steaks with rice here,’ he thought, placing a slice of the steak on the bed of white rice. A piece of rare steak resting on the glistening surface of the rice made for a breathtaking image.

‘They say you eat with your eyes for a reason,’ Min Sung thought, scooping a spoonful of rice up with the piece of steak on it and bringing it up to his mouth. The soft, subtly sweet rice combined with the juicy, perfectly cooked piece of steak was truly a festive experience.

‘This is life,’ Min Sung said to himself, completely engrossed by the ryokan dining experience. Should anyone find the meal unsatisfying, there would definitely be something wrong with them. Contemplating ordering more food, Min Sung picked up the menu. However, being illiterate in Japanese and feeling sufficiently satisfied, Min Sung chose not to proceed.

After the meal, Min Sung ordered a can of beer to drink while in the hot spring. With the can of beer in hand, Min Sung made his way outside. Despite it being summer, the shadows cast by the trees kept the place at a pleasantly cool temperate. Walking into the hot water, Min Sung sat there, savoring the intense yet refreshing heat warming his body. With that, he opened the can of beer and started gulping away.

‘Gluck, gluck! Gluck!’

The slight burning sensation of the ice-cold beer passing down his throat was incredibly refreshing. Having guzzled down half of the can in a single breath, the champion let out a long, satisfied sigh and scrubbed his face with the spring water. After that, he leaned back and closed his eyes.


Noticing Bowl dragging a tub several times its size outside, filling it with spring water using black magic and enjoying itself a bath, Min Sung chuckled. Then, his phone started to ring nearby. The caller ID showed Ji Yoo Kim, the Great Lord of the Central Institute. Rejecting the call, Min Sung put the phone down and let out another satisfied sigh.


The steaming hot water brought about a soothing, relaxing sensation. At that moment, his phone rang yet again, that time, indicating it had received a new text message. Furrowing his brow, Min Sung checked the text.

‘Don’t make me go there. I know you’re in Japan.’

Breathing a small sigh, Min Sung gave Ji Yoo a call.

“What?” Min Sung said into the receiver of his phone irritably.

“How was your first Warp Gate experience?” Ji Yoo asked in a bright voice, contrary to the seemingly threatening text she had just sent him.

“Not bad.”

“Like I promised, you’re free to use the Warp Gate whenever and as often as you want. The Institute will cover the fees, so you don’t have to pay a dime.”

“Surely, you’re not calling to remind me of that.”

“Sigh... OK, fine. It’s just... there’s gonna be a global-scale war when the whole thing with the demons and the Tower of Demons happens. Assuming what you said is true, that is.”


“Once that happens, all of the hunters that exist on Earth will make their way to the Tower of Demons. Do you think they’ll have a chance if they work together?”

“Who knows?”

“Well, I can’t blame you. You don’t much care about other hunters from other countries. Tell you what? I’m gonna send you a video. Call me back after you watch it.”

With that, the call came to an end, and Min Sung received a video clip just as promised. From the look of it, it had to be classified data.

The video showed a team of hunters hunting a white dragon as a group. Then, when the team of hunters defeated the dragon after long, spectacular combat, the video ended. At which point, Min Sung called Ji Yoo without delay.

“So, what did you think?” she asked. There was anticipation in her voice.

“It’s child’s play.”

With the champion’s disappointing response, Ji Yoo was at a loss for words.

“They won’t last ten minutes against a single demon.”

“Ten minutes?!”

The team of hunters in the video was called the Raid Unit, which consisted of some of the most well-renowned hunters in the world. Needless to say, the champion’s analysis that such a team would be wiped out within ten minutes by one single demon was more than enough to shock the Great Lord.

“... I would like to know more about these demons in detail.”

“No, thanks,” Min Sung said irritably.

“Please, Mr. Kang... This isn’t just about Korea anymore. The entirety of humanity is in danger.”

“Even if I were to tell you, it wouldn’t change anything,” Min Sung said, pulling the battery out of his phone, tossing it over his head and submerging himself up to his chin. As the steam wafted past the champion’s face, he wet his face again and let out a long sigh. It felt like he was getting a massage.

‘Japan was a great choice.’

With her hand on her forehead, which was burning hot, Ji Yoo looked out the window, stunned by what the champion had told her. The news that a team of top, world-class hunters wouldn’t last ten minutes against a single demon also meant that humanity would be completely wiped out by the demons. Biting down on her lower lip, Ji Yoo clenched her hand into a tight fist.

“How can he say something that scary while sitting in a hot spring!?”

While infuriated on one hand, she was also able to understand the champion’s confidence on the other. Her fluctuating emotions made her feel like she was on a roller-coaster ride. Besides, she couldn’t criticize the champion when the demons, let alone their tower, were yet to even appear. It was looking more and more likely that the future of humanity would depend on the man named Min Sung Kang. However, taking a hands-off approach didn’t exactly seem like the best solution either.

‘Even if I were to tell you, it wouldn’t change anything.’

The champion’s voice echoed in Ji Yoo’s head.

‘I can’t just rely on Min Sung Kang. The Institute needs to be prepared, prepared to fight against the calamity that’s about to befall humanity.’

Currently, working with Korea was the last thing on the US’ agenda, as they were outraged by Korea’s seeming betrayal. Needless to say, talking with them was going to be anything but easy. Nevertheless, there was a desperate need for a plan for the incoming catastrophe. At that moment, the door to Ji Yoo’s office opened, and her secretary walked in.

“Ma’am. We have the Great Lord of the American Institute on the line.”

Taking her silver-framed glasses off, Ji Yoo took the jacket hanging from the coathanger, put it on, and said, “Patch me through.”

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