
Volume 2 - 23 ORIGIN

At a time our civilization believed an energy far above all, which is the source of everything, the origin of everything, includong Qi, Mana, Ki, etc. exists, something beyond worlds.

And after countless years and even more years of trying to sense and gather this energy, disappointedly our civilization gave up on it and thought this energy was only a fairytale, a myth, and a fiction they had created themselves wanting to believe something higher existed, so they stopped believing such an energy existed at all.

Some believed even if it truly exists it would still be beyond impossible to gather or sense.

But listen carefully as I will tell you this! I believe they were all wrong! Because at my last journey as I was roaming different worlds I was suddenly tossed to the void, intentional or unintentional I have no idea but at that time I believe I was tossed to the place I think was the nihility, the emptiness, and nothingness.

There was nothing but absolute darkness and there I saw only absolute darkness, I couldn’t even teleport away as something seemed to be holding me back and preventing me from teleporting away, so like that I was stuck there for innumerable and countless years and eons.

At that place I went completely mad because of the absolute darkness and loneliness, staying there for a second was a torture while I stayed there for countless years.

At that limitless place in my madness I started searching everywhere in the limitless darkness and finally after what seemed like eternity, one night (as it was always night) I saw light in the endless dark, a light so bright that gave me the feeling at the first glance like it was the origin of everything, even the limitless darkness around it, as it seemed extremely subservient and even fearful to it, as the dark seemed to have even distanced itself from the shining object like touching it would be a great offense to the shining object.

Even though looking at it send shivers to my very existence and essence, still completely mad, without a care of what it actually was, in my madness just too happy I found light in this endless dark, even if it would lead to my complete annihilation I just went ahead and grabbed it, I felt like a load of something like information went inside me for a second, I don’t know what it was, maybe it was probing me to see if I was worthy, but it left as soon as it came pouring, of which I could remember nothing but only one word: "Origin".

Everything else had left me like it didn’t exist there in the first place, like it saw me absolutely unworthy and not deserving of it, but in the process it had at least cleared my mad mind.

With that one word after I had came out of my daze and being stunned, I knew almost instinctively that was probably the thing our civilization had been looking for, for countless years in the past but was disappointed in the end, the "Origin" of everything.

After I came to myself completely, I saw the light had disappeared into my palm and I could no longer feel it.

After that I could teleport again like the restriction that was holding me back and was not allowing me to leave was no longer there, just knowing I could leave this damned place was enough for me and without a care about anything including the thing that had sunk into my palm, just happy I could get out of this hell, without any hesitation I started teleporting to different places trying to find my way back and after another hell of a countless years with hope alive inside me I finally started finding different worlds and finally my own world!

But all these had taken too much time and even the cycle of an Immortal like me was at it’s endings.

Finding my world I wanted to go to my home planet and I did, but after going there I saw my civilization was no more, it was wiped out clean and destroyed.

With my cycle at it’s end as I had no more time to search for the person or group who annihilated my civilization and even if I could I probably won’t be his or their opponent as that person or group could destroy my whole civilization, so unwillingly I put the matter of revenge aside.

Now back to that shining object that had sank into my palm, I believe it still exists inside me and after my death it will wait for the person destined for it, as I believe that was why it decided to leave with me in the first place even though I wasn’t the person it was looking for.

If you have found this scroll then you might be the destined person or even if you’re not, you’re probably the person who will bring it to the destined person as I have placed it in an extremely desolate place of my planet, somewhere no one will ever even think to go or even bother to go unless by some coincidence.

So go and take the object from inside my corpse in my grave, who knows maybe you’re truly the destined one, my graves exact coordinates are in this cave exactly here, you just need to dig: XXXX, XXX, XXXXX, XX.

I also want to ask you something, it’s the only thing I ask of you for telling all these information to you (if you are the destined person then the next message is for you but if you’re not... please just hand over the scroll to the chosen one): If you ever find and saw the person, entity, civilization, or whatever that has slaughtered and destroyed my civilization... please... please avenge them, that was all, I was known as the Immortal Saint Long by my civilization by the way, good luck!"

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