
Volume 2 - 85 What Did Just Happen?

They were just discussing some things when her underling’s face suddenly went pale as he immediately grabbed one of the swords in the room as he cut off his own left arm.

The electric arcs around herself didn’t surprise her in the least because those were like a self-defense mechanism that activated whenever something came to a specific distance of her, it was like a shield that was always around her and activated when things like bugs tried to come close to her, it was so sensitive that even while she was sleep no mosquitos could come near her.

So she was not alarmed at all by the small electric arcs that suddenly appeared around her body.

What she was shocked and alarmed about was her left-hand man who suddenly cut his own left hand with no rhyme or reason!

Her left-hand man seemed to be in a lot of pain as sweat was pouring down his pale face, and Electro thought that was the reason as to why he wasn’t replying to her.

But she was wrong, the pain of losing one hand didn’t bother him much. Currently, Viper was lost in thought because that feeling he felt in his hand a moment ago was still terrifying him.

He was sure if he had been just a moment later, he would’ve been already dead.

The feeling he suddenly started having in his left-hand all of a sudden was unlike anything he had ever felt and it horrified him, what was even more horrifying to him was that his body couldn’t withstand it.

This occurrence was stupefying to him because every poison or things similar he had come across until now had never affected him in the least as his body had been poison resistant since the day he remembered.

But now, there was something which his body was completely defenseless against and this honestly terrified him.

"Viper! I said why did you cut off your arm?!" Electro once again yelled at his left handless left-hand man, but this time louder, which immediately brought Viper out of his stupor.

Looking at his leader, Viper stated, "...Leader, I don’t know what happened just now.... but it was terrifying... really terrifying."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Electro questioned as she was very confused, just as lost as Skin was currently.

She didn’t understand what had just happened, but she was sure it must’ve been something serious because otherwise, Viper wouldn’t have reacted like this, this was the first time Electro had even seen this kind of expression on Viper’s face.

After being lost for a little while longer, Viper started talking again, "Just now, I felt something terrifying appear in my body out of nowhere, I don’t know if it was poison or something else, but if it was poison, that was the scariest poison I’ve ever felt in my whole life!"

Electro and Skin were listening very attentively to his words at the moment, as Viper continued, "And my body was completely powerless against it! And I’m only alive right now because first of all, I could sense it inside my body the moment it appeared and secondly, because I didn’t hesitate to cut off my left hand before it spread to the rest of my body!"

Listening to his words both of them were stunned, because, before today, they assumed no poison in this world would ever be able to harm Viper as he was like the master of poisonous things in the world.

But here he was now, stating with his own mouth that he was powerless against a poison, this somehow felt even more stunning to them than him cutting off his own hand all of a sudden.

Thinking about this situation in more depth, both Electro and Skin started sweating bullets, fearing the possibility of them being poisoned too, so Electro immediately uttered with a little shaky tone due to her anxiousness, "Viper, what if we’re already poisoned too?"

"... No, you aren’t, because if you were poisoned, both of you would already be dead as a doornail, I assume it takes around a minute for it to kill anyone who is poisoned." Viper spoke shaking his head.

They were relieved hearing Viper’s words, but they also realized the poison was even scarier than they had imagined.

"So, what do you think is the cause of that poison, how were you infected with it?" Electro asked.

"I don’t know... I didn’t feel anything before I was poisoned, maybe I was poisoned in the past and now certain requirements activated it, or maybe I was poisoned right now... I have no idea..., maybe the tea in my cup was poisoned, we need to investigate this more in-depth to find an exact answer." Viper started explaining any guesses he had, then he also added as he was a suspicious person by nature, "Oh, by the way, why did your electric arcs activate just now?"

Listening to this, Electro started thinking about her electric arcs activating by themselves, then she started searching the floor trying to find the cause of the activation of his self-defense mechanism, and around a minute later he finally found the cause.

There was a fly that was burned to a crisp on the floor, putting it on the desk she stated, "It was this small fly, why? Do you think it was this fly that poisoned you?"

"... I’m not sure, maybe... but we can’t be sure anymore, as you can see it’s completely burnt." Viper replied looking at the burnt fly.

Now that the fly was destroyed by the electricity arcs, they could not experiment on it at all to see if it was the fly which was the cause of the poisoning.

But not giving up, Electro uttered further, "Think as hard as you can and try remembering anything you might’ve missed which might be the cause of your poisoning, being poisoned by a fly sounds almost ridiculous, so it’s unlikely that you were poisoned by it."

Listening to his leader, Viper started thinking of the things he had done today or even yesterday, but he could not remember any details that might be helpful, as everything seemed normal.

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