
Chapter 382 K

Hearing the question, however, Hu Yuexin had this absurd sensation of being studied and analyzed by him, which to be truthful, shook her heart to its very core.

Nonetheless, she didn’t hesitate to reply, "No. I don’t need your or anyone else’s help for saving my son. I’ll do that myself." Having rejected the offer, she ended the conversation next, "Goodbye then."

Watching her vanishing back, finally shaking his head, Virus no longer called or tried stopping her.

"Aizen... what was that light just now?" Still full of disbelief and incredulity, Amara asked while gazing at the direction where Hu Yuexin had disappeared to.

"Hmm, well, I suppose it was some type of trait or something." Responded Virus at once, however, deducing from his tone, it was clear that even he himself hardly believed that. In fact, if he had to choose between ’trait’ or ’something’, even he would pick ’something’.

"That’s impossible! How can a trait bring someone back from the dead?" Extremely perplexed, she denied the possibility.

"Well, there’s a trait which allowed a girl to sneak a peek into the possible future, so who is to say that particular trait can’t exist either." Was Virus’ only response before he ended the conversation, "Let’s go now, we need to return."

Next, entering the car, the trio finally realized there was another person who had seen the entire heaven-defying performance other than them. It was the driver who was sitting within the car shocked-silly.

"If you utter a word about what happened today to anyone. No, in fact, even if you don’t say anything but someone gets the wind of it, that’ll be the last day of your life. Alright?" Sitting inside the car, in a tone that was as if he was simply explaining the relationship between cause and effect, Virus notified the driver regarding the consequences of the possible revelation of today’s matter.

This instantly sent an intense shiver down to the driver’s spine as he promptly recalled the scene of Virus pointing a gun at his temple. He was confident this customer of his was someone very dangerous as he had this particular gut feeling that Virus will definitely do what he had warned him with. "Y-yes, sir. I’m not a busybody, sir. I swear on my son’s life I won’t reveal a word of what happened today. In fact, I don’t even know what you’re talking about, sir."

"Drive, then. Our jet is waiting for us." And with that, he no longer bothered himself with him. This was all he would do for the current Hu Yuexin.

Of course, if instead of Hu Yuexin, the same thing had happened to the golden beauty, unquestionably, Virus would not have hesitated in getting rid of the driver right there and then. Since only the dead was sure not to talk.


Simultaneously, in various parts of the world, in many countries such as America, France, South Korea, etc. similar phenomena to Shanghai were taking place.



Currently, two gigantic ants had been just released from a rift as they had rather effortlessly gotten rid of the three dispatched guardians as they were now wreaking havoc everywhere.

Of course, it didn’t take long before a new batch of guardians arrived at the scene.

"God... do you think we can get rid of those monsters, guild leader K?" One of the five guardians present at the scene uttered.

Meanwhile, instead of answering the question, the person who was addressed as K simply turned around and asked a question of his own, "Kiddo, do you think you can disorient them?"

"Uncle, I told you to stop calling me kiddo! Call me Dizzy, you old man!" Immediately, a frown took shape on Dizzy’s forehead as he mouthed in annoyance.

"Haha... and it’s been years since I’m telling you to stop calling me ’old man’ or ’uncle’, but do you ever listen? Anyway, can you do it?" K phrased with a chuckle.

"Hmm, let me try." Subsequently, Dizzy raised both his arms as he tried muddling the two massive ants.

Regrettably, however, the instant he focused his trait on the two, he came to realize that disorienting the two simultaneously was an impossible thing to do for the current him at least. Even dazing one of them was a rather difficult thing to achieve, "Um, uncle, I can only daze one of them... and that’s for a very short time... perhaps a minute."

Furrowing his brows in return, helplessly, K could only command, "Do it then, meanwhile, the rest of you try holding the other ant back while we handle the other one as quickly as we can before joining you three."

"Yes, sir!" Heeding the order, the three charged at the other ant without hesitation.

After confirming the three were gone and the first ant had been dazed successfully, raising a single hand, K sent a large number of various sizes of bombs and rockets toward the disoriented ant.


Following that, dust covered the area.

"Is it dead?" K murmured while intently focusing his gaze into the cloud of dust.

Unfortunately, after the dust cleared away a few seconds later, K was faced with a scene that dumbfounded even him.

In fact, what made him dumbstruck was the sight of the nearly unscathed ant who had been snapped out of his dazed state as a consequence of his bombing.

"I-It’s fine?" Even K himself was feeling rather unnerved at this point. "T-that’s impossible! No monster was ever able to survive that..."

"U-uncle, I can’t... I can’t disorient it anymore... i-it’s resisting it!"

Just as K was about to respond to that in absolute confoundment, sounds of scream reverberated the surrounding area, drawing K and Dizzy’s attention to itself.


Turning their heads around that very instant, Dizzy and K were faced with a horrifying scene they doubted they were ever going to forget.

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