
Chapter 257: The Bludshard Elves and the Deep Vital Pool

Chapter 257: The Bludshard Elves and the Deep Vital Pool

It was going to take them to the far north of the Elven Expanse, a community that was apparently one of the coldest places on the continent. Not only was the qi perfectly suited to her new plan, it wasn\'t far from where the unicorn hunt was supposed to begin.

The only problem was that Ceryyn didn\'t have strong political influence there. She could get them to the right place, and Zae Zin Nim\'s boon was supposed to allow them access, but the rest was up to them. So they had no choice but to hope that they could navigate the new politics involved.

"Everyone ready?" Omilaena was waiting at the departure point, wearing a fur cloak that would have looked warm except that it didn\'t cover her cleavage or thighs. Kai had no idea if she was being provocative or if his head was just in the wrong space. No, focus.

"Got our supplies." He raised the hand with their spatial ring, already packed with everything they might need and even a teleportation totem to take them back to Sandflower City. "I didn\'t buy any cold weather gear, is it that cold there?"

"A big hairy guy like you should be fine."

Zae Zin Nim had been working on getting her own cloak wrapped around her, then nodded seriously. "I\'m ready. Is there anything we should know about getting on the right side of this faction of elves?"

"I\'ve never been this far north or met the Bludshard faction. But they should be expecting you, and we can camp out again if necessary. The important thing is that you finish cultivating and break through properly."

"Then we\'re ready to go."

Ceryyn hadn\'t come to see them off this time, so they just had to wait on the teleporter elves to take them. It was a small group that seemed uninterested in them and just wanted to get them from one point to another. On the other side, the teleportation winds were swept away by a freezing cold gust that practically slapped him in the face.

Their next goal was called the Deep Vital Pool, so Kai had been expecting another oasis of some sort. Instead they stood on an icy waste, not snowy but with frost covering the hardy plants. The area looked strikingly flat except for a rocky hill that must be their destination. Far north as they allegedly were, he couldn\'t see anything more than a possible hint of ocean against the horizon. As they walked, Kai kept expecting elves to jump out to meet them, but no one appeared. An ambush instead?

The Cryswind faction had never been exactly welcoming, but they\'d gotten used to the strange humans on their borders. After competing with enough of them at the balance trials, Kai thought he\'d earned grudging respect if not any friendship. Now they were going to have to start all over with a new faction - he wished that Zae Zin Nim could finish soon, but apparently her new cultivation plan would take longer.

No one stopped them until they got to the rocky hill, where they found a carved entrance to what appeared to be a cave. Just inside it, an elf sat balanced on the hind legs of a chair with a floppy blue hat over his face. A skinny man even for an elf, covered in loose patched robes that hung on his skeleton. When they approached he seemed to wake up and pulled the hat away.

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"Aww shit, was that today?" The man waved vaguely in their direction. "Welcome or whatever."

All three stared at him. "Is this the Deep Vital Pool?" Zae Zin Nim asked carefully.

"It\'s the right place, if that\'s what you\'re asking. These are just the Bludshard tunnels, the pool is way deeper. But you\'re the one that made the Council happy, right? Feel free to cultivate down there so long as you don\'t bother anyone."

"Can we come too?" Kai asked at the entrance.

"Why not?" The elf stared at him, then shrugged. "Not a lot of humans here, but everybody will get over it. Why so uptight?"

"Uh... some of the other factions have been a bit hostile toward humans."

"Naw, Bludshards don\'t care about that. Come along now, I shouldn\'t be away from my post or they\'ll yell at me. I mean, not too much, but it\'s better to take these things seriously and it can be a real hassle."

They headed deeper into the tunnels and Kai remained tense despite himself. Along the way they saw a few other elves, who looked much the same as the others he\'d met except for their relaxed postures and expressions. Most were better-dressed than the patched guard, though largely in loose robes and scarves. Despite what he said about hurrying, the guard stopped to talk with one of them for a couple minutes as if they had all the time in the world.

Could it really be that easy?




Apparently it was actually that easy.

Ordinarily Zae Zin Nim might have been insulted by how apathetic the elves seemed, but after enduring the arrogant attitudes of some of the Cryswind elites, the laid-back atmosphere in the Bludshard tunnels was a relief. It seemed like nothing would stop them from reaching their destination, barring sudden treachery.

As they walked lower in the brightly lit tunnels she saw more security, which was no surprise: the Deep Vital Pool was a powerful source of qi, so they couldn\'t treat it carelessly. Some of the elves seemed to scan her, checking for anything harmful, then they allowed her in. She stepped into a chamber with a perfect dome for a ceiling and immediately breathed in the qi.

The name must come from the pooled qi, because she didn\'t see a physical pool. Instead the center of the chamber was covered in delicate white flowers that emanated exactly the power she\'d sampled when making her decision. This peaceful qi was compatible with all her cultivation so far, but it would also boost the chakra growing within her and prepare her for future steps. Even the minimal mana felt compatible with the icy flames of her Coldfire Corona, so she couldn\'t imagine a more perfect location for her advancement.

"This will do." Zae Zin Nim turned back to her allies and bowed to them before she could distract herself. "Please wait for me."

They realized she wanted to be alone, so they headed out without any long farewells. The elves left too, barely even offering any rules, so she was entirely alone with her cultivation.

And her thoughts, but Zae Zin Nim did her best to suppress those. She had no time to behave like a mindless junior and squeal over her emotions. What mattered was that Kai had expressed his commitment and would wait for her. Once she had restored herself, then she could think about the future. Her emotions weren\'t as clear as she had hoped... no, no more of those. Only cultivation.

She began by examining her own soul in hard numbers.

Name: Zae Zin Nim

Total Power: 482

Cultivation: Nascent Foundation 89% (273)

Coldfire Corona: 49 (59)

Blackblood Physique Level: E-7 (101)

Soul Level: 7 (49)

Yin Chakra: 20 (0)


She had advanced a little since coming to Rosemount, if not as much as the others. Most of her time had been spent on her cultivation, which only granted a little more power but would soon take a significant leap. Her Physique had grown throughout their trials and her Coldfire Corona continued to steadily support her. Seeing it reminded her why it was worth it to delay her advancement a little if it meant achieving something greater.

Her new Yin Chakra fit perfectly alongside her cultivation, even if it didn\'t contribute anything to her power. In theory once she advanced, it would begin to join with her and open up new possibilities. Then she would be an Earth Soul stronger than any of her father\'s minions, and perhaps one day she could even stand up to him herself...

But there was no time for negative emotions, either. Zae Zin Nim set them aside and became a pure cultivator.

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