
Chapter 116 Village Life 3

Chapter 116 Village Life 3

Hua Tuo frowned. Zero was back early. Lovina and Cleo stopped talking and watched as the werewolf let Zero down gently. They couldn’t hear what was said but judging from Zero’s worried expressions, they could guess what happened.

Wordlessly, they made their way down to meet the brunet.

"Ah, you’re here. That’s great. Could I leave Zero in your care for a bit? I have to return to help."

"Sure, no problem. How would you like some tea, Zero?" Lovina asked.

Reluctantly, Zero cast one last worried look at Gweshr before he was pushed along by Lovina who left Cleo and Hua Tuo behind to get details from the scout.

"What happened?" Cleo asked, beating Hua Tuo to it.

"Zero used detection magic and shared it with us for the hunt. He spotted some strange movements with it to the northwest. Vrald and Gerald went ahead to check the numbers and strength. The others should be there by now. I’ll return to see what they need help with."

Hua Tuo frowned. "Are the humans still bothering this village?"

Cleo grimaced. "Humans can be a rather generic term. Most humans wouldn’t set foot into the cursed forest or Endow Hill. They know better than to do that. However, there’s a newly instated Count who wants to gain the favour of the King. He’s been going on about bringing down the beasts living in the cursed forest to gain recognition and more wealth. Carrabas is his name. It’s not the first time he’s attempted to attack us."

Hua Tuo sighed. This Count of Carrabas sounded like a real piece of work and the Sage God wished he didn’t have to step in. He didn’t want to take sides or be involved with any conflict. Zenobia and Half Moon village knew this very well. However, the doctor’s main concern was Zero. His charge was still very ignorant and naive. There’s no telling what Zero would do.

"Understood. We won’t delay you any further, please keep us updated."

Gweshr did a half bow and ran off towards the forest once more. Cleo and Hua Tuo shared a look before heading back.

Meanwhile, Lovina was very skilful at getting Zero comfortable. If Hua Tuo didn’t know better, he would’ve thought of her as a charming lady. The witch gave the doctor a sly wink when Zero was not looking and Cleo looked at the cup of herbal tea. She shook her head gently and decided to get to work. Hua Tuo didn’t say anything as the half Dryad left. As the protectors of the forest, Dryads had extensive control over plants. There was no better informant than a Dryad in a forest. If Carrabas had any men planted in the forest, Cleo would sniff them out in no time.

"Zero, I think the kids are up already. How about a game of tag before lunch with them?"

Lovina worked her magic and Zero didn’t suspect a thing, happily agreeing and bouncing off to find the children. The physician watched his apprentice go with a troubled heart. The discussion earlier prematurely. Although they now had some sort of idea about how to test it, they had no means to do so. Testing it on Grandma Moppo was out of the question. They needed to be sure that it would work before risking the use of the new healing magic on anyone.

"I feel so bad for influencing his emotions," Lovina groaned when Zero was out of earshot.

Hua Tuo chuckled. "You have no idea how useful it is sometimes. Knowing Zero, he wouldn’t leave it. That child would find loopholes to get what he wants. If I said no reading in the kitchen and no food in the room, he would sit in the centre of two spaces to read in the room and eat in the kitchen boundary. That’s the kind of apprentice I’m dealing with so don’t feel guilty."

Lovina wasn’t too sure about it but agreed anyway. "I suppose it’s a good thing they detected the threat before it got too late. The last attack, we got away with some casualties. Carrabas wouldn’t let it end here. He’s sure to bring in bigger cavalry and I heard from Coux that rumours have spread in towns about his recruitment for beast hunts. Many mercenaries have signed up and they’re not the amicable kind."

Hua Tuo sighed. "I just hope that he doesn’t get any ideas."

Lovina giggled. "We’ll just have to keep a close eye on him then. I’m sure nothing will happen to him if we keep him busy. Is he interested in stories? I’m sure some of our warriors can entertain him with stories of their valiant battles. I’m guessing Mitchnew has taken a liking to him from how he talked about her. That elf never smiles."

Hua Tuo’s eyes were wide with surprise. "Mitchnew? Smile?"

Lovina nodded with mirth. There was hardly anything that could faze the immortal. His apprentice was surely something. Hua Tuo massaged his temples.

"I think Gerald and Vrald would be better candidates than Mitchnew. I don’t want Zero to hear about the darker side of life. Zero treasures life as a doctor. He wouldn’t be pleased to know that there are jobs out there taking away the lives he’s trying to save."

Lovina grimaced. She didn’t think about that. "I guess not... Being an assassin isn’t something most children would aspire to be. Yes, Gerald and Vrald would be better storytellers, especially Vrald."

Hua Tuo wasn’t too sure about it. And Lovina tutted at the dubious look he was giving her.

"Don’t be so judgemental! Give him a chance... he’s not as bad once you get to know him. If you ignore the part about him that lacked intellect, he’s a good boy."

Hua Tuo cringed. "Idiocy is infectious. I don’t want Zero anywhere near that walking muscle head."

Lovina sighed. "Gerald will be there so don’t worry too much alright?"

Hua Tuo gave in reluctantly as Lovina started pulling out dusty books after dusty books. "Let’s get started, shall we? I’m sure we can catch some fishes from the river to try it out. I’ll have Douglas catch some for us. That lad hardly does anything around here anyway."

Hua Tuo agreed and they continued their earlier discussion on a more serious note.


"Oh gosh, Zero! How are you so good at this?" Leon groaned and flopped to the grass, panting. Jacqueline was visibly tired as well and only Rima appeared fine.

"I didn’t do much. You guys gave it away too easily."

Leon sulked and Jacqueline frowned.

"But how? I was so careful too..."

Zero grinned. He didn’t use the map because Mii was with Zenobia and the hunters. Tag was easier than he thought. Using magic perception boosted by meditation, he was able to sense any life forms including spirits. It was startling to be able to sense where Zoe was but Zero got over the initial shock easily. It was tricky to identify which life pulse belonged to who. The brunet would initially run to a location where there was magic only to find that he was chasing a bird. It took trial and error to know how to differentiate and identify each and every villager’s unique magic in the effective radius. Zero tried to sense further than the limit but found himself suffering from a massive headache so he stopped. He wanted to know what Zenobia and the rest were doing but they were too far.

Before Zero could tell them the secret behind his skills, they heard Qin Yun calling out to them. Leon leapt to his feet immediately and Jacqueline chased after him despite being fatigued only a moment before. Zero was puzzled when Rima took off like a comet, leaving Zero in the dust.

"Last to reach won’t get to choose the meat!" the werecat hybrid yelled and that got Zero running too.

"Wait for me! I helped with the hunt, please reserve some for me!"


Lunch was scrumptious. Zoe and Qin Yun worked hard in the kitchen all morning and Zero was grateful. After a game of tag, he was starving. What’s better was how all the ingredients used were fresh. Zero saw the tomatoes, carrots, cabbage and potatoes they harvested that morning in the soup. The meat was roasted and Zero recognised the fire pheasant from earlier.

Mii returned with the warriors with a huge haul and was taking her share of meat from Zero’s plate. The brunet didn’t mind sharing some of the meat he had with the strawcherry fairy. However, he had to slap Leon’s straying hands away. Zoe didn’t look pleased when she caught Leon trying to steal meat from Zero’s plate and punished him by giving him dishes duty. Leon groaned and complained but Zero didn’t pity him at all. Jacqueline constantly made faces at Leon, rubbing salt into the wound metaphorically that got her a chiding look from the Zashikiwarashi. Rima was smart and ate her food in complete silence, blending into the background while Qin Yun dumped a second helping onto Zero’s plate in secret when she walked by.

In a nutshell, it was chaotic.

It got worse when the warriors dined and Zero lost count how many time Mitchnew had to be stopped from throwing her knife at somebody’s head over lunch. Gerald and Vrald came up to Zero and started some small talk which led to Vrald bragging about his days of glory.

"And then I told him, "You won’t best me with that tiny horns of yours!" as I charged straight up to the minotaur."

Zero’s eyes sparkled. So absorbed into the story, he didn’t notice how the crowd lessened. Zoe took the children away, dragging Leon by the ear to enlist them into helping with the dishes. The warriors silently slipped away, leaving Gerald and Vrald behind. Hua Tuo, Lovina and Cleo excused themselves in haste and the feast cave soon became quiet. Gerald watched all these happen without comment and sat beside his airheaded friend.

"What happened next? Did you win?"

Vrald snorted. "Of course I did! Although it was only by a slight margin, a win is still a win."

Zero rolled his eyes. "I bet you got kicked before you killed the monster."

Gerald chuckled. "He got more than a kick from that cow. In fact, I had to save him."

"You did not!"

"Did so."

"Did not! I killed it fair and square by slashing from its shoulder to hip, it was a clean strike."

Gerald rolled his eyes. "Yes, after I blocked a charge from it. You struck it from the back while I was distracting it."

Zero laughed when he saw them bicker. Adventurers were truly amazing and Zero wondered if he would meet some on his adventure."

"Why the sudden interest in adventure stories?" Gerald asked. From what he heard, the brunet wanted to become a travelling doctor. That was something completely different from adventuring.

Zero blinked. "I just like hearing stories of brave battles."

Vrald waggled his eyebrows and nudged Zero before giving him a sly look. "I see somebody also wants to become a hero huh? Are you interested in gaining the recognition of the King or slaying the Demon Lord and winning the hearts of girls?"

Zero blinked. Why would anyone want to slay Baal? That’s terrible! Also, girls scared him so badly! Qin Yun and Coux were terrifying women. If possible, Zero wanted to have nothing to do with them. Mitchnew and Zenobia were in their own league and as much as the brunet admired them on the battlefield, their other aspects leave much to be desired. The second helping of meat that Qin Yun snuck him was the only exception but he digressed.

"Sorry but I don’t think becoming an adventurer is something for me. I’m better of travelling as a doctor like how my master did before. I’d love to record down new illnesses, new herbs and experiment new kinds of treatments or medicine. There are many people out there who are in need of treatment but cannot afford it. I want to be able to make a difference for them so I must decline."

Gerald looked at the young boy before him and smiled. "That’s a very noble dream, Zero."

Zero blushed and fumbled for words. Vrald sulked. "Being an adventurer is so cool though... being a doctor sounds difficult. You know, not everybody can be saved even if you become a doctor. There will be some who you won’t be able to save."

Gerald elbowed his friend harshly and glared at him. Zero only shook his head. "No, I understand. Still, it’s good enough if I could save that one person or reduce their suffering. I can’t save everyone, not even Gods could do that. But I could save someone if I tried. If I could save the people I care about, that’s enough for me."

Zero’s maturity surprised both dragon descendants. Vrald was the first to speak. With a gentle smile, he asked, "Will you save us if we’re dying?"

Without a shred of hesitation, the small boy looked at them with determined eyes. "Yes."

Gerald swallowed hard. He clenched his gloved hands into fists. That resolution in Zero’s eyes was something he would never forget. As dragon descendants, they were both blessed and cursed with bloodline gifts. Some were stronger like in Gerald’s case and some were weaker like in Vrald’s case. However, the lives of dragon descendants were never easy. It could only be filled with carnage and bloodshed.

The golden-haired warrior looked at his gloved hands. He always wore white gloves because he hated to see them sullied and went to great lengths to keep them clean. Gerald hated the life he had. As a strong person, everyone depended on him to protect them but when he needed a place to rest, it didn’t exist. Before he came to Half Moon village, he wandered around as an adventurer taking quests, slaying monsters and lived on the road. These dragon claws hidden by his white gloves made him both revered and feared by humans. He didn’t have a place to belong.

It wasn’t until he met Vrald, a distant brother of sorts that Gerald felt a sense of comfort. However, the void in his heart still existed. Vrald was able to use Draconian magic to a small extent thanks to the curse of his dragon bloodline. Other than that, he could easily blend in as an excellent swordsman. Gerald always envied his airheaded companion for that. On the other hand, the way Vrald never left his sword more than an arm’s length away from him even in sleep told a different story. Contrary to how people perceived Vrald, the sword master wasn’t such an easy-going person. Seeing someone much younger and weaker claim that he would save them with more determination than stronger and bigger men they’ve seen warmed their stone cold hearts. Gerald and Vrald were shown hope that they never knew existed and even though neither of them was in need of saving physically, they knew now that there was somebody who could heal the wounds in their hearts.

"What a small doctor, are you sure?" Vrald teased.

Zero huffed and the air made his fringe bounce a little. "I’ll be bigger in no time! Just you wait, I’ll become a great doctor just like my teacher!"

Gerald laughed heartily. "That’s some mighty claim there, big boy. Make sure to eat a lot, we’ll be waiting."

Before Zero could retort, the sound of something exploding rumbled and the cave shook. Zero lost his balance and fell right into Vrald’s lap.


Gerald sighed and Vrald clicked his tongue.

"What a way to ruin the moment. I bet Raj and company messed up again. We should probably check it out."

Zero agreed and they made their way over via the dimly lit underground passageway. Zero had been eager to meet Raj the inventor of the pulley system used. Now, he wasn’t too sure.

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