
Chapter 185 Agent Zero 4

Chapter 185 Agent Zero 4

Chitta wasn’t expecting any guests so early in the morning. The assassin was immediately on guard. Even if this intruder was good at concealing his level of strength and aura, he wasn’t very good at stealth. Chitta could easily take him out with some solid combat skills and weakening magic.

She lay in wait for the ignorant fool to enter her field of vision with the practised patience of a hunter. However, what the succubus hadn’t been expecting was a clumsy and awestruck teenager who looked as weak as a human to come bumbling into her sanctuary. The student was obviously new, she did not recognise his face. The way he spoke to himself and pointed at the exotic plants only made Chitta think that he was slightly touched in the head.

Deciding that he wasn’t a real threat, the succubus decided to observe the new specimen for a little longer as she remained hidden in the foliage of the grand Elder tree.

"Is this edible?" Zero asked and pointed to an orange fruit from one of the bushes.

Chitta raised a brow. It was common knowledge that Poxie fruits were poisonous. The only reason why they were grown in this greenhouse was because of their leaves. They made great tea and it was a tea that Chitta actually enjoyed from time to time.

The assassin wasn’t quite expecting for Zero to pluck the fruit and pop it in his mouth all at one go. Her eyes widened instantly. The succubus swooped down from her branch to slam chop the brunet’s nape and had him spit that out immediately.

"What do you think you’re doing, idiot!"

Zero wasn’t quite expecting to be attacked and the insult missed its intended purpose. He was only slightly disappointed at the waste of food. Still, he was pleasantly surprised that his hunch had been accurate. He didn’t think that Chitta would so readily show herself even though she had been in the area. Zero had already achieved his motive of marking her on his map but it would be a waste to just leave the greenhouse without first exploring. Who knew that the target would choose to show herself before he made his move?

"Why did you do that? It hurts!"

Chitta couldn’t believe it. She just saved this brat and he was complaining about getting hurt. The assassin gave him a glare. No matter how dumb a demon was, everybody should know what is deadly and what isn’t? Did he not grow up in the abyss or something? How could he not tell apart poisonous from edible food? Besides, Poxie fruits grew in every domain. Has this kid been living under a rock or something?

"That was poisonous, idiot."

Zero blinked. He knew that already. Why was she telling him that? He was only pretending to eat it. What he really wanted to do was absorb it and analyse if it contains any unique medicinal properties. One other thing Zero noticed was how her words and tone contradicted her intention. Maybe Chitta really was just a misunderstood person.

"Thanks, you’re really nice. My name is Zero, would you like to be my friend?"

The assassin blinked at the random introduction. Zero? What kind of name was that? Also, she hadn’t heard about any transfer student. In the Academy, she had the widest information network. How wasn’t she aware that there would be a new student? A dumb one at that but that wasn’t the point.

"Did you take the entrance exams to get accepted?"

Zero shook his head. "No, Lucifer sent me an invitation to experience what school life is for a week. It might be a short time but I would like to try and make a few friends before I have to leave the abyss."

Chitta blinked. "Leave the abyss? Are you going on your first mission?"

Zero blinked. First mission? Did she know about the secret mission he was assigned? This was bad... his cover might be blown before he could get any action! Baal had specifically told him to run and avoid trouble at all cost. What was he going to do against her? She was a trained assassin who knew the Academy better than him. There really was no way to run.

"Hey! Dumb doctor! Where are you?"

Chitta was startled by the yell from the greenhouse entrance and took that opportunity to slip away. Zero was startled. Not many people knew he aspired to be a doctor. In fact, he didn’t think that would be common knowledge in the Academy. Baal would never call him such mean things, who was it shouting for him?

"Dumb doctor!"

"I’m not dumb!" Zero shouted back at the unknown person, not willing to be insulted further. He wasn’t the best doctor yet but he was working on it. They had absolutely no right to judge him for it. He hasn’t even completed his training with Hua Tuo!

"There you are," the familiar voice said and Zero turned around quickly.


"Don’t call me that," the Demon Lord scowled. "What do you think you’re doing here? Also, what’s with that fruit? Don’t tell me you tried to eat it..."

Zero blinked at the fallen orange fruit on the ground.

"I was... but a girl suddenly fell out of a tree and smacked me from behind making me spit it out. She disappeared because you were shouting. Also, I am not dumb."

Beelzebub raised a brow and looked at Zero for a few seconds before snorting. "Says the one who tried to eat Poxie fruit. You don’t have poison resistance or special abilities, do you?"

Zero blinked. Apart from absorption, nothing really. "I guess not?"

Beelzebub rolled his eyes. "You should be thanking her. No ordinary demon survives the poison of a Poxie fruit. The poison spreads within three minutes. No matter how good of a doctor you are, you wouldn’t be able to make it. The only way to cure Poxie fruit poisoning is to drink blessed water but for demons, it’s either death by poison or death by allergy reactions to the holy attribute."

Zero blinked. Now he was more curious about it. In fact, the greenhouse was becoming one of the places he wanted to explore in the Academy apart from the library.

To spite Zero, Beelzebub plucked a fruit from the same bush and popped it into his mouth. Zero looked confused so the Demon Lord smirked. "It’s the unique ability of the Lord of Gluttony to be able to eat anything. Sucks to be you."

The Demon Lord felt a lot better at seeing a flash of hurt in Zero’s eyes. That was payback for trying to kill him. Work together? Beelzebub scoffed. There was no way he was going to cooperate with this fool. Unfortunately, he couldn’t let the poor boy die either. It would leave a bad taste in his mouth. Thanks to Zero’s actions, he was now able to confirm Chitta’s intentions. That was one person of his list of suspects.

Finally, some progress.

Zero watched as Beelzebub walked away. Chitta was also far from the greenhouse on his map. The young doctor had saved Beelzebub’s icon in a different colour for easier identification. Mii reminded Zero that classes would start in two more hours so Zero had to start making preparations. The first class they had was physical education. Zero didn’t know anything about what they did in that class. he was told to change into the special gym clothing provided by Lucifer in the meeting yesterday.

Physical education was only compulsory for those who were not specialised in combat skills. It was also the only class that Class-A and Class-B student shared. However, this also meant that Zero would be unable to catch a glimpse of Rayneld, Chitta or Koblaq.

"Let’s get going," he told Mii. At the very least, Zero would be able to place markers on Kruz and Jeremiah.

Three down, two more to go. However, Zero didn’t think that tracking the last two suspects down would be an easy thing.


"Alright, gather up!" the gym teacher Professor Spiff clapped his gloved hands together.

Zero merely stared. This walking doll was a teacher at Lucifer’s Academy? What’s going on?

The teacher in question wore a full face mask and was covered from head to toe. Everything about him screamed flamboyant and Zero didn’t know how this teacher was in charge of teaching them combat skills. Physical education was a nicer sounding term for combat training. Aristocratic demons were known to be strong enough so having to attend such a class was considered demeaning or beneath their status. The name was changed to spare the pride of these snobs and Zero wanted to roll his eyes. Why did they have to complicate matters so much?

"I see that we have a new face," Mr Spiff commented as his hollow eyes landed on Zero.

"Why don’t you introduce yourself?" the masked teacher asked.

Having no choice, Zero obliged. There was no applause or encouragement. Zero felt the stifling silence and judging stares on him. That made him feel uncomfortable but somehow, he knew how important first impressions were. According to Lilith, demons would respect the strong and scorn the weak. If he wanted to get along with everyone here, he couldn’t play nice.

With a determined glare, he exuded a wave of magical aura he had been suppressing. Ever since the Redemption Event, Zero’s mana reserves had more than tripled. The Demon Lords had advised him to keep it concealed in order not to attract attention so Zero did his best to not let out too much of his aura. It was tricky but it did the trick.

"I’m Zero, let’s get along."

Mr Spiff was stumped silent and so were the other students. Zero used that opportunity to study Jeremiah and Kruz’s expression. They seemed frightened of him much like the other students present apart from Beelzebub who scowled at him. Maybe he overdid it?

"Ahaha..." Mr Spiff chuckled weakly. "I see, it’s a pleasure to know you too. Everyone, please get along with Zero alright? Shall we begin class now?"

Nobody protested although class progressed with some slight tension. Zero didn’t have much to do. It wasn’t till halfway through the class that Zero finally understood what kind of demon Mr Spiff was.

"Good job, you finally figured it out," Beelzebub deadpanned.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" Zero jumped. he hadn’t noticed when Beelzebub had gotten so close. He was too focused on tracking Chitta who wasn’t attending class. Jeremiah and Kruz’s markers were registered so Zero was thinking of a way to mark the last two suspects.

"Everything is written on your face. If you want to survive in this shithole, you better learn how to wear masks like our dear teacher."

Zero frowned. Mr Spiff was transforming to mimic another student. This time, it was Kruz’s turn. Aerial battles were more fun to watch as compared to underwater ones. Zero blinked. Kruz’s movements were fluid and natural but whatever Mr Spiff lacked in physical abilities, he made it up with his experience.

It was no surprise that Kruz lost within the first ten moves they exchanged.

Mr Spiff transformed back to his carnival costume and Zero eyed the small pocket mirror hanging from his neck.

"Good work, Kruz! You have improved in judging your opponent’s movement even without the use of your sight. However, you still need to work on detecting feints."

The bat demon blushed and Zero found that pinkish tone on his bluish skin very contrasting. Mr Spiff’s true body wasn’t in the mask. It was only through several rounds of combat that Zero noticed an irregularity. Despite being able to copy his opponent’s forms and skills, the one thing that didn’t change was the pocket mirror hanging from a chain on his neck.

"Is Mr Spiff a mirror?"

Beelzebub smirked. "You’re getting smarter, I see. Yes. He is a mirror demon even if object classed demons aren’t usually strong, Mr Spiff is an expert in what he does. Nobody can compete against him in a no magic combat battle."

Zero nodded. Mr Spiff could be fairly odd at times but Zero liked him already. School wasn’t as bad as what Baal made it out to be. Zero enjoyed watching the exchanges, it was truly an eyeopener. The only damper on his good mood was Beelzebub who seemed to dislike him for some reason. He didn’t remember what he had done to warrant such dislikes but Zero was determined to amend his wrongs.

He would apologise after lessons. There was no more sincere way to apologise than offer some of Belles and Begonia’s limited offer items. Surely Beelzebub would have no objections against carrot cake. Right?

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