
Chapter 464 Warm Welcome

Chapter 464 Warm Welcome

Almost one entire season had passed since Zero and Truen left Rocket Mountain in search of gnomes on Dorgon’s request. Almost half a year had gone by since Zero had seen the giants at Magnus Hilda. He didn’t think anyone would remember him apart from Dorgon and maybe Princess Dorothy at Rocket Mountain. Zero wrote ahead to inform Dorgon of his arrival to turn in his quests and let the guild master know that he has a gnome technician with him.

Zero decided to go on foot and arrived at Little Stone Town where he rented a horse carriage so that he could ride comfortably all the way to the city. Dorgon replied via quick mail that he would arrange a party to welcome him at the city gates. All Zero had to do was show his guild stone and identification card to enter the city. Zero explained his current predicament at losing all his mana from a terrible accident that he hasn’t recovered from and was unable to retain his normal appearance to which Dorgon replied it was alright.

"Get ready," Zero told Bob and Thomas inside the carriage. "I see the city gates."

Zero took some time to update Truen about his progress via the i-communicator and Truen was quick to wish him luck. The doctor put on his mask that Dorgon sent him and took deep breaths to calm himself. With this mask, it should be easy for the gate guards to identify him.

"Halt!" the guard stopped Zero’s wagon when they approached. "State your name and business!"

Zero didn’t say anything and showed them his guild card. The mask he wore made the guards freeze and almost at once, the dwarves hammered on the metal drums above the tall city walls.

Zero was startled by the reaction and Bob curled protectively around Zero’s neck. In the wagon, Thomas held tightly onto the sides in fear at the ruckus going on outside. Were they in trouble?

"Welcome the healer!" someone shouted and Zero blinked. Whatever welcome Dorgon was talking about in his letter, Zero didn’t imagine it to be such a grand treatment.

Trumpets and drums sounded while fireworks were launched. Zero stared at the warm welcome party with his jaw slackened behind the mask. After the gates were fully opened, the guards rolled out a red carpet and at the end of the red carpet was Zero’s student surrounded by the chancellor and her royal subjects. Princess Dorothy looked more regal than she did when Zero left Rocket Mountain. Beside her, Zero didn’t recognise the man but if he had to guess, that handsome and ethereal man should be Fae King Vivian.

Behind them, Zero spotted Zenobia and Schaf with a little difficulty. The goat trader was rather short and Zero’s current height wasn’t very tall either. The people that Dorgon said would welcome him were not the ones Zero had been expecting but they were the ones Zero wanted to see. There was a nostalgic feeling of coming home to a family he didn’t think he had when Dorothy flashed him a smile.

"Welcome back, teacher!" she smiled charmingly and introduced Zero to Fae King Vivian who had somehow become her fiancé.

"Congratulations," he smiled at Dorothy who was now slightly taller than his current vessel. Zero was somewhat surprised that nobody questioned his new height or appearance. Even his gender was different but nobody mentioned it.

"It’s good to see you return alive," Dorgon pushed past the crowd who was eager to see the healer.

Zero smiled at Dorgon and quickly introduced Thomas to the guild master who blinked. Thomas was nervous in front of royalty but did his best not to stammer. Dorgon laughed when Thomas appeared nervous about the welcome party and gave Motley a look. The chancellor took Dorgon’s hint and ushered Princess Dorothy away. King Darius was also led away by Zenobia and Schaf who seem to have made themselves home with the royal family.

Dwarves cheered for Zero all the way until the palace gates closed. Even so, Zero could still hear the cheering outside. Rocket Mountain seemed to be in a festive mood and Zero wondered why there was such a huge welcoming party. He never thought that he would be on the receiving end of such treatment and it felt a tad uncomfortable.

Zero and Thomas were shown to their rooms in the castle. Princess Dorothy treated them with hospitality befitting royalty and Dorgon told Zero to rest for today. Everything else could be discussed tomorrow and finally, Zero couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer.

"Why such a grand welcoming treatment? I didn’t do anything special."

Dorgon blinked. "My lad or lady, have you lost it after crossing the desert? Nothing special? Don’t lie to me! I’m old but not senile yet. Your brother sent me a letter ahead of time reporting everything that you did for documentation purposes with the guild. Discovering Gnaway and the secrets of the Desert Poppy is considered two S-class quests. You might not be an S-class adventurer but your records are certainly not C-rank. You can’t escape the VVIP treatment after completing two S-class quests in just six months. Besides, the plague that almost killed Magnus Hilda can be considered an S-class quest too."

Zero blinked. "Can you not include that in my records? Truen submitted the report, he should take the credit."

Dorgon shook his head and clicked his tongue. "If Truen was here, that might be possible. However, seeing as he isn’t present, you’d have to take responsibility. Besides, he submitted them under your name. I’m just following instructions and procedures."

Not believing his ears, Zero tried to process the information even after Dorgon left him alone in his room. Bob transformed into his human hybrid form and looked at his master. Zero’s face alternated between white and red so much that he feared the worst for Zero’s health.

From two floors below, the maids and servants running about heard a terrible yell but everyone ignored it. Motley had been right. Zero did have quite the temper and Truen was quite the brother he had. The siblings were powerful but weird. Nobody minded Zero’s temper tantrums at being made to accept S-class treatment. They simply made sure to prepare more food according to the recipe Zero taught them before he left for his adventure. Hopefully, this will make Zero’s mood better. The poor lady also had to change bodies with a male after the accident so they would do their best to not bring it up. Hormones and puberty can be tricky after all.

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