
Chapter 142 - Reward

Chapter 142: Reward

Ling Pingan clicked on the ‘Watch Command Execution Video’ option. The screen of his phone turned black, and he was sent to a new interface at once.

The white clouds in the sky floated past one after another, and a bird’s-eye view appeared.

A huge meandering mountain range towered into the clouds.

In the canyons and woodlands between the high mountains, messy and dirty simple villages appeared one after another.

The angle of view kept lowering until they finally arrived at a camp at the foot of the mountain.

The ground was dirty and muddy.

A green skin carrying a hammer stood on the high platform.

“Brutal Brother What wants us to develop brutally!”

“So, let’s smash the brains of those who refuse to submit!”

“Cunning Brother Hell wants us to develop cunningly, so let’s not provoke those little bean sprouts for the time being!”


Following this angry roar, all the green skin in the camp cheered, “WAAAGH!”

Ling Pingan watched and instantly showed an extremely interesting facial expression.

“Is that what they freaking understood?”

He meant to farm, alright?

To farm honestly, climb the technology tree, and have more children.

But these guys understood it as war!

“Alright!” Ling Pingan said, “That is also logical!”

War was indeed a way to develop and grow, and it was also a shortcut!

The only problem was that if one went all out in war, there would usually only be one outcome: They would fall as abruptly and rapidly as they rise!

The history of the Federal Empire had long proved this point.

However, this was just a game.

Therefore, Ling Pingan watched the battles of these green skin little guys with great enthusiasm.

It was really simple and brutal!

They would do it the moment they met!

They raised their fists, picked up rocks, and waved them at the brains on the other side.

As they fought, the scale grew larger and larger.

Green skin from all around constantly rushed over from all directions.

That race seemed to be born this way.

Wherever there was a war, they would go there!

Ling Pingan watched with relish.

“The server of this game is awesome!” Ling Pingan thought, “Such a big scene, but there’s no pause…”

As the scale of the battle continued to expand, time continued to pass.

The battle started from a small-scale conflict of a few hundred green skins and turned into a chaotic battle of tens of thousands of green skins!

The battle ended under the fierce assault of hundreds of green skins led by Gangba. They killed the leader of the enemy, a green skin who was so fat that he couldn’t even walk but was extremely ferocious.

Stepping on the head of the green skin.

Gangba crazily waved his big hammer.

At this moment, a magical scene appeared.

All the green skin in the battle stopped.

They looked at Gangba, who was swinging his hammer and stepping on the leader of the enemy all at once.

Then, all the green skin shouted in unison, “Gangba! Gangba! Brother What and brother Hell’s favorite!”

“Gangba! Gangba! Gangba! Gangba, the Big Belly!”

As they shouted, Gangba’s stomach began to expand bit by bit, and its fangs and face became even more ferocious.

“WAAAGH!” He roared.

“WAAAGH!” All the green skin roared.

These green skins, who had been fighting each other until blood flowed like a river turned into their people in a second.

Ling Pingan was dumbfounded. “They can operate even like this?”

“If that’s the case, fighting is indeed the best way for these green skins to develop!”

The winner takes all, and it was not a loss even if they lost. They could immediately join the winner happily and automatically become the winner.

If that were the case, only a fool would want to farm!

“The game official’s thought is bizarre!” Ling Pingan could not help but give a thumbs up.

The following videos were the same.

In the beginning, it was the same. Gangba took its tribe and went up.

The other party also roared and rushed over.

After a chaotic battle, Gangba stepped on the head of the enemy leader and took over everything.

Gangba tribe was like a snowball, rapidly expanding its territory and territory towards the entire mountain range.

Within a few days, they had occupied more than half of the mountain range.

Tens of thousands of little green skins surrounded Gangba, carrying his hammer as they walked towards the new battlefield.

The video ended there.

After Ling Pingan finished watching, he smacked his lips and said. “Not bad!”

At this moment, a pop-up window popped up on his phone screen. “Dear player, you can now rate the performance of your clan tribe and give them rewards or punishments.”.

Then, a rating box that was similar to takeout and online stores appeared.

The highest rating was five stars, and the lowest was one star.

Ling Pingan thought for a moment and gave this video a five-star rating.

That was also his habit.

Whether it was takeout or online shopping, as long as there were no problems, it was rated with five stars.

If it was convenient for others and was also convenient for himself.

Besides, even though the Gangba tribe was chaotic during the war, it was very realistic.

Fist to fist, flesh, and blood flew everywhere. It was much more exciting than many self-proclaimed blockbuster war movies!

After Ling Pingan gave the highest rating of five stars.

Fireworks started to appear on the phone screen.

A pop-up window appeared: Dear player, you have a five-star rating for your clan tribe, Gangba tribe!

Because this is the first five-star ratings you have given!

Therefore, your clan tribe, the Gangba tribe, will receive the honorary title of God-chosen tribe!

From now on, your beloved clan, the Gangba tribe, will receive your response and blessing through a grand sacrifice to you.

You can receive the Gangba tribe’s sacrifice request through the nightmare clan tribe command and decide whether to give a response or blessing.

Note: As long as the Gangba tribe’s sacrifice meets the requirements, your response and blessing will not consume any command.

Ling Pingan looked at the pop-up window and nodded, “Not bad! Not Bad!”

He was getting more and more interested in the way the Clan Tribe Command device was played.

That was because it was no longer a single-player game.

At least there was interaction.

The interaction between the players and the game characters was remarkably interesting.

Ling Pingan was now looking forward to what kind of sacrifice these clan tribe members would make to curry favor with their master?

What kind of response or reward would they want?

Closing the pop-up window, Ling Pingan excitedly looked at the reward and punishment options on the screen.

He first clicked on the punishment option on his HP.

A row of options popped up on the screen.

Thus, Ling Pingan discovered that he needed to pay nightmare points to buy the punishment.

Moreover, the price was not cheap!

The first-ranked punishment was called ‘Eternal Exile’, and it required 50,000 nightmare points.

The description was: Exile these foolish green skins to an uninhabited desert forever! It wouldn’t die there, but it wouldn’t encounter any other creatures either! They could meet and communicate with each other, but they would never be able to touch each other physically!

The cheapest was called lightning punishment, and it only required 500 nightmare points.

Description: Summon a bolt of lightning to punish the leader of the Clan tribe!

Looking at the description, Ling Pingan was tempted to try the feeling of his clan tribe in the game being struck by lightning.

But after thinking for a while, he gave up.

After all, he was not a violent maniac!

Then, Ling Pingan started to check the rewards.

Just like the punishment, the reward also required nightmare points to purchase, but at the same time, it also required an equal amount of clan tribe points.

As for the reward that ranked first, it required the payment of 10,000,000 nightmare points and 10,000,000 clan tribe points!

Of course, this reward was a little too over exaggerating!

Green skin flagship: Bestow a green skin flagship to your clan tribe and infuse relevant technology and experience into the brain of your clan tribe, allowing them to gain control over and control all the abilities of this powerful battleship!

You can choose one of the three death spreaders, Bang Bang bombers, and Avenger ships to bestow.

Note: The Green Skin flagship is the green skin’s ultimate weapon. Their appearance could change the entire world!

Ling Pingan tried to tap on the flagship option and obtained the specific data of the three flagship ships that could be bestowed.

Then, he was speechless.

The death announcer alone was five thousand meters long and more than a thousand meters wide.

It carried weapons such as photon spears, planetary cannons, heavy space torpedoes, heavy space carrier aircraft, and new star cannons.

“Is this going to war or the end of the world?” Ling Pingan muttered to himself.


How could such a space battleship, which was sci-fi, ending up in a fantasy game world?

“So…” Ling Pingan speculated, “This is the future version of the game?”

On second thought, it seemed quite reasonable.

After all, most games had to explore the sea of stars at the end.


It was too expensive!

Otherwise, Ling Pingan wanted to buy one and destroy the game balance.

He kept scrolling down, and each reward was frighteningly expensive.

They were either 3,000,000 or 5,000,000…

Ling Pingan had no choice but to pull down without even looking. Only then did he finally find a reward that he could consume now.

Blood of Rage: Bestow upon your clan tribe leader the blood of rage, greatly increasing its strength and HP.

Requires 2,000 clan points and 5,000 nightmare points.

Remarks: Blood of Rage will make your clan tribe leader become more aggressive and easily lose his or her mind in battle.

Ling Pingan thought about it and decided to buy it.

After all, he had to take care of his followers himself.

… … ..

Gangba looked at the goblin shaman, who had been following him and claimed to be sent by Brother What and Brother Hell to assist him.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

It was not just because of the goblin shaman named Sourbelly’s stench.

It was also because Gangba felt that this goblin was following him with ill intentions.


After seeing Sourbelly, the other green skin kids all admitted that Sourbelly was the messenger sent by Brother What and brother Hell.

That made Gangba very uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do!

He couldn’t even secretly press this goblin into a corner and kill it!

That was because that extremely wretched goblin had already gained the approval of the other shamans in the tribe in a short period.

Gangba was in distress.

He suddenly raised his head.

In the sky, the shadows of Brother What and brother Hell appeared.

Brutal Brother What lowered his head, and cunning brother What also lowered his head.

“WAAAGH!” All the green skin kids and goblins were excited and shouted.

Gangba could not help but shout, “WAAAGH!”

“You have developed very well!” Brother Gao said, “Very brutal!”

“You have developed very well!” Brother Hell said, “Very cunning!”

“So, we will reward you!”

Brother What pulled out one of his teeth, and brother Hell also pulled out one of his teeth.

Brother What and brother Hell threw down their teeth.

“Take our tokens!” The two gods said, “You have received our recognition!”

“From now on, you can take the initiative to hold a sacrificial ceremony to contact us!”

“WAAAGH!” Brother What shouted.

“WAAAGH!” Brother Hell also shouted.

Gangba excitedly shouted, “WAAAGH!”

“Oh!” Brother What’s eyes lit up from the clouds.

“Oh…” Brother Hell’s eyes also lit up.

“It’s Gangba!” They said, “Our brave boy!”

“We want to reward you!”

Brother What said, “I reward you, let your strength be stronger, let you be more brutal!”

Brother Hell said, “I reward you, let your life be longer, let you be more cunning!”

Brother What and brother Hell each dropped a drop of blood.

The drop of blood landed on Gangba’s body, making it bigger and sturdier. Its muscles hardened, making it even taller!

“WAAAGH!” Gangba said excitedly, “I must launch an unprecedented big WAAAGH!”

For the green skin, launching an unprecedented big WAAAGH was the best way to please their gods, and it was also the only way!

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