
Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Song Deren still has some weight in the eyes of Meizhen people. Uncle De is a typical intellectual. He has been the mayor of Meizhen for a long time. He is upright, hot tempered and can\'t rub a little sand in his eyes. In Tang Dynasty, he thought Meizhen mayor was still him, but he was replaced by GE Nanlin.

All the townspeople he knew or didn\'t know gathered around the Tang Dynasty. YanXu protected the Tang Dynasty as well as Duzi. He was afraid that these townspeople would secretly stab Tang Dynasty with a knife. He was scared. Tang Dynasty always got hurt, which made him angry, guilty and self reproachful. He blamed himself for not protecting him.

In Tang Dynasty, however, they didn\'t care. They let the townspeople hold his hand and joked excitedly. In front of the tomb, they quickly divided into two groups. On one side, the townspeople were simple and unpretentious, and on the other side, the awakeners led by GE Nanlin. Ge Nanlin never thought that things would turn out like this.

The strong man looked at the situation in front of him, but his head was not bright. He said angrily, "what\'s the matter with you?"?! He\'s a grave robber! He planed your ancient tombs. Are you all crazy?! What are you doing with him? "

The noisy townspeople suddenly quieted down. They gave the strong man a strange look in their eyes, which was more disgusting than eating excrement.

Seeing the reaction of the townspeople, Ge Nanlin immediately thought of a possibility. His expression softened and he said gently, "I don\'t know who this is? Is it really the exiled people of Mei town? "

Someone answered: "Tang Tang is not a townsman. He is Mr. Mei\'s grandson, the real Mei family!"

In a daze, Ge Nanlin secretly squeezed his fist, and then came forward with a smile, "it\'s really a flood that has washed the Dragon King temple. My family doesn\'t know my family. It turns out that he is Mr. Mei\'s grandson. It\'s impolite."

Tang Shi said coldly, "I gave you a chance, granlin."

When Tang Dynasty finished this sentence, he took a look at Yan Xu. Yan Xu realized that he had materialized his weapon card ice fire magic heart sword and killed general Ge Nanlin!

Song Deren just recovered from his recent blunder. If Mr. Mei\'s family education is not good, there will be no good in the whole Mei town. It\'s just that when he was a child in the Tang Dynasty, he was too skinny. If it wasn\'t for Mr. Mei, most people would not be able to calm him. Then he said, "what\'s the matter? How did you start? "

"Uncle De, villagers, do you believe me?" In the Tang Dynasty, it was said in a loud voice.

"If we don\'t believe what you said, who can not believe you? Mr. Mei is no longer here. You are the backbone of Meizhen. As long as you say it, we believe it. "

"Well, I\'ll tell the villagers about this dog thing that granlin did!"

In the Tang Dynasty, people who took refuge outside the town were not allowed to enter the town. They had to pay "decent prey" to enter the town. They colluded with Ge Nanlin and Fang Shen to dig the ancestral grave of Mei family and massacre the victims outside the town and the old man of Mei town. They were shocked to hear that they obviously knew nothing.

Tang Dynasty learned from their words that, as he guessed, Ge Nanlin concentrated the townspeople in Dongzhen on the ground of protecting their safety, and delivered food on time, but he didn\'t starve them. At the beginning, many of them were anxious to get out of the town, but they didn\'t get together with the old people until a few days later. The answer given by the mayor is: the elderly are too old to be crowded with them, and there are special medical staff to take care of them in another place.

The townspeople are right when they think about it. After all, Mayor Ge has taken good care of them so far, and he has no malice. Of course, people will not suspect him. It\'s just that he never thought that they killed the old man cruelly!!

many families who lost their old people cried loudly, grabbed the shovel, hoe and wooden stick, and rushed towards the group of gnanlin, all of them struggling to stand up.

Ge Nanlin couldn\'t resist Yan Xu. He pulled the awakened one nearby as a human shield. As he retreated, he made a final struggle. "Folks! Don\'t listen to his nonsense! That kind of madness is not the work of Ge. It\'s all the work of that gentry Fang. It has nothing to do with me! "

"If it doesn\'t matter, why do you want to house arrest the townspeople, but leave the old people out of the town and let them live and die on their own, and send people to fight and kick and kill them, and you still say that you didn\'t do it!" Tang Dynasty wanted to live to cut this disaster, but he had no weapon at present, and it was not convenient to take out the sickle of the dead, so he had to let YanXu fight alone.

"You are not as good as a pig or a dog! Thank you for believing in you before. You have the highest strength to protect the villagers and give up the position of mayor to you. I didn\'t expect you How can you... " Song Deren, who has always been hot tempered, was so angry that he couldn\'t stand. He almost didn\'t take a breath. He said angrily, "folks! Kill the beast that is inferior to pig and dog

The Fengshui current turns into a group of people named Ge Nanlin and a group of street mice. Everyone shouts and fights, and the angry townspeople are afraid of the awakened people. They all fight around. Even if the hoe can\'t dig people, they have to kick and punch from the crack. Ge Nanlin is just a little Luo, which is not worth mentioning compared with Fang Shen. Yan Xu hates what he has done That\'s great. One shot took care of him. Turn around and look at GE Nanlin\'s running dogs. One by one, they are beaten to the head of a pig. Even the card creatures can\'t move on the ground. If they can be beaten like this by ordinary people, it only shows that their level is too low. In the face of so many people\'s fierce anger, they are absolutely unable to resist.When Tang Dynasty saw that YanXu was over, he yelled to song Deren, "Uncle De, I\'ll go after Fang Shen. I\'ll give it to you!"

Song Deren was very angry, but he still told him, "be careful! Those animals can do anything

"I see!" Tang said that people had already run away.

Yan Xu ran forward with the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty never stopped chasing after the outside of the town.

After chasing a section of Lu YanXu, he asked strangely, "do you know where he is?"

"I gave him a tracking card."

When Fang Shen escaped from the tomb, Tang Shixia put a tracking card on Fang Shen. The card was picked up from Sun Li in Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly, it came in great use. Tracking card, as the name suggests, is mainly used for tracking. As long as the tracking card is placed on the tracking target, he can\'t run away. No matter where he escapes, he will know.

The tracking card is also a rare card. Fang Shen not only slaughtered the old man in Meizhen, but also dug the ancestral grave of the Mei family. He was even seriously injured in the Tang Dynasty. When the Tang Dynasty didn\'t know that he had robbed the burial goods, he had already made up his mind to kill him. Otherwise, he would not waste a tracking card on him. He didn\'t expect that it would really come into use.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Fang had a premeditated plan. As soon as he succeeded, he left immediately. Fang Shen\'s strength is not low. Now there are few people who can hurt him in Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that Fang Shen is very powerful, especially he has a cheating weapon - stealth card! And his weapon level is not low, so sharp, not ordinary goods!

What kind of organization can attract such powerful awakeners as Fang Shen? What do they do when they rob the burial objects in the tomb of meijiazu? In the Tang Dynasty, I racked my brains and couldn\'t understand these things!

There was a long way between YanXu and Tang Dynasty. They ran closer and closer. In the end, YanXu ran shoulder to shoulder with Tang Dynasty and followed the Druids.

"How is your injury?" YanXu is still worried about the injury in Tang Dynasty.

"All right." In the Tang Dynasty, I patted my chest to prove it.

Yan Xu was silent for a while, and then said, "what\'s wrong with other people\'s strawberry fields?"

Tang Dynasty\'s two-part sneer and three-part sneer froze for a moment. He looked at Yan Xu awkwardly and decided not to tell him. At that dog\'s age, who didn\'t do stupid things, but he did more stupid things when he was a child than others. For example, after stealing aunt De\'s house and eating unripe strawberries, aunt de caught him and told his grandfather, Tang Shi was inevitably punished. In order to revenge, he secretly took a flashlight one night and buried all the green strawberries in the soil behind aunt De\'s house. When Aunt de found out, all the strawberries were rotten in the soil. Such as these bad things, he did not do less when he was a child, even if his grandfather was strict with him, he was not afraid. In his heart, because he loved him most, he dared to act recklessly.

Yan Xu hums to smile a, "you don\'t say I also know, absolutely by your disaster of a don\'t leave."

"Well, I said, can you say I\'m better? Am I so hurt? " Although this is a fact, the Tang Dynasty still felt that it should be refuted.

"It\'s not enough for you to roll on the ground even in military training." Yan Xu said firmly.

"Fart!" Tang also wanted to quibble, but he first "puffed" out with a smile, "I don\'t believe you didn\'t do anything when you were a child to climb a tree on a wall, drag a dog\'s tail and dig out a bird\'s nest."

Yan Xu said, "I haven\'t done it yet."

Tang Shiyi looked at him incredulously, "what did you do when you were a child?"

YanXu thought for a moment. When he was a child, he learned all kinds of fighting skills besides going to school in a regular way. He either read books on weapons Expo or military strategy in his spare time. In a word, almost everything in his family was related to military affairs, so he had no choice. Moreover, in such a strict and disciplined home, YanXu had no choice Xu has nothing to do and no children of the same age can compare with him. He always thinks that other people\'s children are the same as him.

Tang Shi looked at him sympathetically, "you are so miserable. Did you call that childhood? No wonder he always turns his elbow to the military. It turned out that he had been trained since childhood Oh, no, it should be said that it is the military talent cultivated from the birth. "

They had already run far away from Meizhen. Tang Shi felt that the other side was still moving fast, so they had to follow. In Tang Dynasty, he regretted that he didn\'t get a car out. It\'s not wise to chase people with two legs in such a hurry. No matter how good his physical fitness is, after all, it\'s still * * FanTai. Fang Shen\'s moving speed may be due to the use of transportation.

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