
Chapter 656: The wise and reserved Hecaosi

Chapter 656: The wise and reserved Hecaosi

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

As Hecaosi unfolded his palm, he shockingly produced a spittle of dark red blood; a blood color that shocks the eye and astonishes the heart.

A spittle of blood that Hecaosi violently coughed out!

Sheyan pondered pensively as he witnessed this sight.

Because prior to this, Hecaosi seemingly hadn’t made a single move, merely confining himself to spectating by the side. Even when he did, he only delivered long-range assaults. Without even being harmed in close combat, why was he heavily wounded to the point of coughing blood?

Yet upon closer inspection of his blood, one could tell it was exceedingly peculiar. Instead of flowing away, the blood coagulated into water beads of metallic glossiness, resembling that of the liquid secreted by the ‘Stairway of the Sun’.

"This is truly strange, could it be……" Sheyan muttered to himself in disbelieve. "He is hiddenly powerful?"

As Hecaosi faced the zenith of Ndipaya formidability, Guarba, he didn’t display a single expression of fear or cowardice. Instead, he gently declared.

"Many thanks for killing that old fogey Thiago, and thus creating this opportunity today! He is the only one that can suppress me, the only stumbling block in my way! The glory of the Ndipaya Tribe will indeed illuminate the earth once again, however, it will be under my sovereignty! Moreover, hehe, I won’t be offering you the pleasure of following me."

Upon issuing this statement, an abnormality emerged on Hecaosi’s left arm!

The blood vessels connecting his shoulder blade to his torso suddenly fissured. Then, it extended downwards like tentacles before coiling around his entire left arm. Instantly, that arm started swelling and elongated, as he emitted out coarse gasping groans. It was as though a tremendous pain was condensing onto him!

Feeling something fishy, Guarba hastily commanded his gigantic zombie beast to charge towards Hecaosi. Instead, for some unknown reason, the gigantic zombie beast halted 7-8 meters away from Hecaosi. It then begun whiffing around as though it couldn’t determine Hecaosi’s position.

Guarba instantly revealed an appalled countenance, before bellowing out furiously in enlightenment.

"You actually secretly retained ground dust of the sacred artifact?! Only that can interfere with the senses of my child. Ah, it seems you have been scheming against me for a very long time!"

Guarba then raised his golden scepter to manipulate the two enormous serpent-headed statues; attempting to shift them, to utilize their convex mirrors to focus an incinerating sunbeam at Hecaosi.

Despite that, as the two enormous statues shifted, Hecaosi’s heavy groaning simultaneously ceased. With his head high and chest out, he stepped forward.

This previously hunchbacked and feeble old priest, currently appeared with unprecedented vigor and thriving robustness! His bloodshot eyes glared menacingly like a pair of scarlet ferocious beast eyes, carrying a savage desire for carnage.

Right now, his left arm no longer looked like an arm. Instead, it was a wriggling giant blood-red leech, with constant convulsions and churning beneath the skin. Near his shoulder blade, arteries or perhaps veins continued coiling around, swiftly proliferating towards his body like blood red tree roots.

At this instant, the focused sunbeams finally pierced towards Hecaosi.

Suddenly, Hecaosi smashed his giant mutated arm onto the ground; blasting rock fragments away in all directions. Leveraging on the recoiling impact, he rolled and evaded with unparalleled agility.

At this moment, the zombie beast abruptly released a threatening roar as its senses finally felt Hecaosi’s movement.

Meanwhile, Hecaosi’s arm remained consistently evolving, from a disgusting giant leech into a parasitic vile bug. Then, it morphed into an eyeless python with a swollen head and deadly large jaws. Coiling gently in the air, the python adopted a cautious bearing as it eyed the encroaching zombie beast, while concurrently fumigating out cautionary violet mist.

One could vividly notice, dozens of sharp razor-sharp fangs polluted the darkness of the python’s large jaws. They were seemingly rotating slowly and stretched deep into the abstrusity of its throat, and faintly sparkled with beautiful starry violet brilliance.

"This Hecaosi actually is able to grasp the abilities of parasitic mutations, a similar plague to the one that befell the Europeans!!" Sheyan could immediately confirm this. After suffering substantially by the Plaga Hosts, he had developed an additional familiarity with them. With one look, he could observe the differences between Hecaosi’s parasite and Travice’s one.

At this moment, under the control of Guarba, that zombie beast managed to escape the delusion of Hecaosi. Fiercely carrying a gust of fishiness, the beast pounced menacingly at Hecaosi.

Even though Hecaosi appeared extraordinarily bloated and dragged along a giant parasitic python on his left, he still possessed frightening speed. With relative ease, he dodged the zombie beast.

Landing onto nothing, the humongous zombie beast furiously spun round. Instead, a short javelin hurled by Hecaosi abruptly impaled its left arm. Following that, Hecaosi darted in ambush into the blind sight of this zombie break.

Concurrently, that giant parasitic python of matchless thickness then speared forward with serpent-like agility, and twined several rounds around the zombie beast’s upper limbs.

After that, the python’s swollen enlarged jaws towered over. With tiny circular grey fangs rotating speedily within, the python rampantly drilled deep into the zombie beast’s body like an electric drill.

Blood and flesh instantly splattered crazily. It was like a sprinkler truck, splashing over the Hecaosi’s entire face. As Hecaosi swallowed with his widened mouth, an endless flow of mangled flesh overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Though he appeared in a frenzied state, Sheyan could tell from his eyes that he actually possessed an indifferent composure, without a single hint of insanity!

The zombie beast roared painfully as it lashed out its incisive bone claws in retaliation. Instead, the parasitic python proceeded to constrict the legs of zombie beast, and pulled it strenuously.

Instantaneously, the zombie beat lost its balance and tumbled to the ground. Naturally, its fury swipes missed the mark. Such was the pristine execution of Hecaosi’s technique to defend by attacking.

Seizing this chance, Hecaosi grabbed another javelin and hurled it out at a lightning pace. It drilled deep into the other eye of this humongous zombie beast!

Noteworthily, Sheyan took particular notice of one detail.

When that javelin pierced into the zombie beast’s eye, it first stabbed in only an inch.

Yet in the next second, clearly already disconnected with Hecaosi’s hurling arm, the javelin astoundingly appeared as though an invisible palm behind had pushed it further in; once again, dripping 2 inches deeper. Blood, eye liquid, and bodily fluids oozed out from the pressurizing javelin and splashed everywhere.

Though Hecaosi’s javelin throwing technique looked rather unremarkable, in truth, it was an excellent advanced grade throwing ability.

After witnessing this sequence of fighting, Sheyan realized that though Hecaosi was also a mutated parasitic user, he was utterly different from the likes of Travice.

Travice had been completely dominated by the parasitic bug, even his consciousness was replaced by the cravings and appetites of the parasites! Although the strongest Travice displayed some autonomy in fighting, it was probably a fraction of retained memory. Furthermore, during the critical moment when his main parasite had sensed a dangerous threat, it turned berserk thereby leading to its self-demise.

However, one could clearly tell the parasite python on Hecaosi’s arm was under his complete control. It was practically the same as his other javelin wielding arm!

Hecaosi was craftily leveraging on the insatiable appetite of the parasitic python to wage combat, while he himself didn’t receive a single backlash; retaining all autonomy over combat awareness, tactics, and techniques!

In no time, the humongous zombie beast suffered exceedingly grave injuries. The impression this brutal monstrosity emanated, was that of a wall on the verge of collapse, while Hecaosi’s parasitic python arm was an unrelenting electric drill; pummeling in a thousand crumbling holes!

At times, Hecaosi’s dodging speed didn’t appear incredibly deft, and Sheyan reckoned that in a sprinting competition, he would surely lose to the zombie beast. Nevertheless, tangled in such a close combat battle, the tremendous size of this cumbersome zombie beast became its fatal flaw.

Still, one had to admit, Hecaosi’s dodging techniques and timing were truly astonishing to behold.

During this battle, it seemed as though Hecaosi was exceptionally familiar with the fighting patterns of this humongous zombie beast. He devastated areas where the beast found it inconvenient to retaliate, like the back of the head, rolling beneath the abdomen and so on. Furthermore, whenever he encountered a deadlock situation, he would forcibly create a blind angle!

In addition, the miserable defense of the zombie beast was akin to paper or paste in the face of the incisive parasitic python. Thus, not too long later, after chunks of flesh were ripped out of the zombie beast, its internal core was exposed to the open air. The core shockingly appeared like an artificial heart, formed by the blood that Guarba had regurgitated earlier.

That heart resembled a circular hedgehog, with a network of blood vessels reaching out everywhere, and constantly pumped like a living heart. At this moment, Hecaosi’s parasitic python widened its jaws and chomped a devastating large hole from the beast core. Then, it swallowed it whole!

Heaving its core fatally wounded, the zombie beast stood rigidly where it was. Then, many of its mangled corpses slid off its body and slumped onto the plaza. Soon after, they decomposed and shriveled, finally blown away like dusty dried corpses.

To Sheyan’s surprise, Guarba only watched as his own creature was slaughtered. His robust face unexpectedly painted a nonchalant smirk, as he folded both arms and glared coldly at Hecaosi.

Right at the moment the zombie beast was killed, Guarba suddenly raised his golden scepter up high.

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