
Chapter 87 - He Takes It On All By Himself (3)


Jeremy jumped back lightly to avoid the savage wolf pouncing at him from the left side.

Thus, the wolf had missed its target with only a tiny margin of distance, whereas it was still in mid-air, causing it to be such a good target for a wolf skewer...



The wolf\'s right side was pierced hazardously by Jeremy\'s spear blade as its feet hadn\'t even landed on the ground yet...

It suddenly became a sky-wolf skewer...


Jeremy lightly pulled the spear back in preparation for the following attacks from the remaining six wolves.

As for the skewered wolf, when it finally dropped to the ground, there was already a deep, gaping wound on its right side with blood oozing out incessantly.

If a person looked carefully at the bloody wound, they would even see the internal organs and ribcages.

Not long after that, it stopped breathing...

\'There are six left... Hmm...?\'

When Jeremy was thinking casually, he suddenly felt a dangerous premonition coming from the passageway\'s direction.

Subsequently, he slightly sidestepped to the left...


A long object flew past his right ear alarmingly...

A long object which happened to be an arrow...


Upon seeing its arrow had missed the target, the goblin let out a screeching voice in dissatisfaction before nocking another arrow on the bow, preparing to shot another arrow at the human again.

When Jeremy saw the sight, he could only let the green creature be for now as he still had six wolves to deal with first...

At this time, the five wolves that came later than their companions had finally arrived in front of Jeremy.




With those signals, the ferocious wolves rushed towards Jeremy altogether, intending to use numbers to take him down.

When Jeremy saw the sight of six wolves coming straight at him simultaneously, he prepared for a broad horizontal swing by extending the spear to his right side.



Jeremy swung the spear horizontally towards the incoming wolves...



The two wolves on Jeremy\'s right side weren\'t lucky enough as their necks were sliced through like butter, while the wolf in the middle had jumped in time, but instead of the neck, its front legs were met with the sharp spear blade instead...



The unlucky wolf\'s two forelegs dropped to the ground while its body was still in mid-air, with fresh blood splashing everywhere...

After that, the amputated wolf\'s body also dropped to the ground like its forelegs with its whimpering sounds resounded out pitifully.

At this time, the spear slash\'s momentum had significantly diminished, causing the other three wolves able to dodge in time by jumping up high from the hard ground like the amputated wolf earlier.

Upon seeing the sight of three jumping wolves coming at him together from mid-air, Jeremy swiftly jumped to the right side where there was no wolf\'s presence...

Suddenly, when Jeremy was still in the air...

The same dangerous premonition came once again, so Jeremy promptly twisted his entire body, trying to avoid the approaching danger.


The arrow missed and went past Jeremy\'s left side alarmingly with a whooshing sound...

Thanks to his quick reflex and good senses that Jeremy could avoid the arrow in time, but his black cloak was not so lucky, for it was penetrated through and now had a small hole on the fabric.

"Fuck. I have only prepared five of them, and this is my second one already. Damn you."

Jeremy cursed the goblin archer stood at the distance after finally landing back on the ground safely.


Unfortunately, Jeremy had no time to dawdle so leisurely, for a bloodthirsty wolf was quickly approaching him.

\'Insolent animal...\'

Having thought so, Jeremy turned his entire body to the left to face the wolf head-on...

After that, he retracted his right hand, holding the spear behind him, preparing for a quick thrust.




The so-called insolent wolf didn\'t have time to respond to the approaching spear blade at all as the spearhead went directly inside its wide-open mouth, penetrating every organ along the way.

After it dropped to the ground, fresh blood and organ pieces came out of its mouth in mixed clumps...

Just like that, another wolf died painfully...

"Kaka Giii!!"

Jeremy, who was going to look at the surrounding area for a bit, promptly heard the annoying, small sounds from above.

Without any need to look over at all, he knew it was an imp\'s voice.

Then Jeremy suddenly plunged the steel spear in his right hand towards the source of the sound where the little imp should be without a second thought whatsoever...

It was based purely on instinct...



The imp\'s tiny body was penetrated through like butter as its pink blood oozing and sprinkling out like a drizzle of rain scattering to the surrounding area.

Then as if having thought of something, Jeremy swiftly brought the spear blade, which had the small imp impaled there, pointing towards the passageway\'s direction...



The dead imp was instantly penetrated again with an arrow, whereas it was clearly a friendly fire by a goblin archer in the distance.

The already-dead imp was now even deader than before...

After seeing the remaining two wolves keeping a certain distance away from him, not daring to approach any closer, Jeremy swung the spear, which had the deceased imp skewered on the spear blade, lightly at the wolves\' direction...


Followed by the plushing sound, the little imp on the spear blade was flung towards the cowardly wolves.


The two wolves got a bit perplexed at the sudden throw.

But shortly after, when they had finally recognized a delicious-looking pink \'snack\' dropping right in front of them. The two ignorant, hungry wolves soon feasted upon the imp\'s corpse sumptuously.

\'Alright, the third round...\'

Jeremy thought casually after seeing many goblins and dozens of skeleton soldiers came towards him in tight formation.

Then the black-cloaked Jeremy rushed directly towards the group of outlanders without any fear...

The bloody battle had only just begun, after all...

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