
Chapter 8 - The Division Heads


"Yeah, they are in school now…"

"Alright, you both know what to do…"

"Don\'t mess this up, guys!"

"Sure thing boss!"

Then the guys began to dress up in a PPE overall, and after opening a small briefcase in front of them, two loaded pistols with spare cartridges could be seen, and so they began their operation…

"So, how long have you been working here?"

"Oh, me?"

"Haha, we are the only ones here, right?" Sam replied when the elevator reached the 19th floor…

"Oh, my Grand Pa and his father founded this organization…"



Sam couldn\'t believe that the grandfather of his junior or \'subject in battle\' would be the co-owner of the organization that was employing him…

[How the rivers of fate flow…]

"How come the grandson of a business mogul is in the military?"

Well, my grandfather taught my father that doing anything asides from being in the business industry is not fulfilling, thus I set out to prove two generations of belief wrong…

"I wanted to show them that, one can be whoever they wanted to be, and still succeed, and I did…"

"Fantastic, you are a hero and a mentor!" Sam couldn\'t help but compliment his junior….

Apparently, it seems the person he considers his junior had become more successful in one aspect of life than himself…

"Alright we are here… How do I look?" Third asked when they reached the 20th floor…

"You look so sexy, I wanna punch you in the face…" Sam complimented like a bro…

"How do I look?" Sam asked;

"You are a superhero; Super Sam… it doesn\'t matter what you wear…"

"Fuck you!"

Sam muffled because the elevator door had opened and he didn\'t want to alert people that he was saying a curse word…

"Front yard or back yard?" Third asked;


"Haha, that joke doesn\'t get old with you…" Third joked;

"Definitely… We are bros… Bros don\'t say such to their bros… it becomes awkward…"

Sam fell into Third\'s joke pit…

"Alright… You\'ve got this."

"I have got this…"

"We have both got this…"

The two friends reassured themselves before they stepped into the conference room…

"You are late!"

An old man who looked like those business tycoons who uses money to wipe their asses commented;

"We ran into the cleaner…" Third blurted a lie…

"So!?" Another old man with similar vibe interrogated…

That short statement stunned Third who had not prepared a counter-lie, speechless;

"In our field, we believe they would be the people who would have the most detailed map of this place in their head…" Sam gave a premature-truth…

The reason why this happened was because he gave that explanation to the man as a lie, but the honesty in his spirit ensured that he said the truth…

Thus, what he said was a logical lie that can be backed by fact…


The three old men who have never been plunged into that level of street-smarts, like Sam, bought his logical lie that could be backed by fact…

"Alright… May we begin?"


"This meeting is going to be split in two parts, with this being the first, and the meeting with our CEO being the second…"

"Mind you, if we are not impressed by what you have to offer in this meeting, you might not get a chance to meet with the CEO at all…" The third old man added…

"So, let\'s start with the introduction;"

"I am Mr. Kent, the head of the technology division of these firm…"

The first old man revealed as he folded his sleeves to reveal a prosthetic military grade combat level arm;

"I lost my arm when I was working in a quartz mine, back when I was a youth…"

"I am Dr. Tony, the head of the biological division of this firm…"

The second old man who seemed to be a man of few words included;

"I am Professor Bruce, I am the head of the infrastructural division, and you can also say I designed the structure of this building…"

The third old man added with a sip of the coffee that had just been served to them by a small robotic coffee dispenser within the conference room…

Third and Sam noted the mental inclination and tendencies of these three old men, and found something a little bit skeptical about this meeting…

Sam introduced himself but he still felt there was something wrong about the arrangement of this meeting, because the firm was supposed to pick a single representative that will discuss the details of the Firm\'s security protocols and test a little bit of his knowledge about it, and not these three old men who were the heads of the several divisions of this sect themselves…

If the CEO was looking to have them familiarize or get to know each other better, then there was no point in setting this meeting up in this manner, and from the vibes he was getting, these guys weren\'t her to discuss what they do, but actually interview him;

which was strange because people in their positions shouldn\'t be the ones doing the interview… Except…

Except whatever they were doing here was very vital, important and secretive that these guys couldn\'t entrust anyone else with the security and protective details of their work…

And what better person could it be other than a valiant and righteous soldier who knows none of them, has no prior ties with the company in any way and was very unbiased…

"So this is why I am here… To come and validate the trust issues between people…"

"And here I was thinking I have landed a politics-free job…"

"Whereas I was already plunged into the political shenanigans of these immoral, powerful and wealthy animals..."

Sam thought to himself as he profiled these division heads… He was beginning to evaluate the level of aggression, pride and tactics this meeting was going to demand from him…

"Very aggressive but subtle… Very respectful but demanding…"

Sam reminded himself mentally as the meeting began…

After about thirty minutes of about thirty minutes of them trying to belittle Sam so as to appear like they were trying to help his life more than they needed an expert on security profiling, these three old men finally brought an end to their meeting…

Then after about ten minutes of further discussing amongst themselves with hushed tones, the three old men finally walked up to Sam and shook his hands;

"We have evaluated your responses and are very happy to tell you that you have the qualities we seek for this job…"

Dr. Tony \'the man of few words\' congratulated as Professor Bruce added;

"You will meet the Head of the Business Division, who also happens to be the CEO of this firm in a bit…"

"We are ecstatic to begin working with you, and I would also wish that our collaboration works impeccably for years to come…"

Mr. Kent said with a genuine smile before handing over a new set of bracelets to Sam and Third…

This bracelet was much more technologically advanced than the one with Third, because this bracelet seemed to have a mind of its own as it automatically adjusted itself to Sam\'s wrist size…

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