
Chapter 22 - 50 Billion

"Apparently, the government space industry were also aware when the collision happened, and believed that there was no way, something like that would have happened without leaving something behind…"

"…and that is the reason why you are being targeted..." Sam knew where the conversation was heading;

"Why didn\'t you just give it to them, or are you implying that this thing is more important than the lives of your wife and daughter?" Sam interrogated with a slight frown on his face…

"You don\'t understand…" Roy said with a sigh;

"Then make me understand!" Sam said with a tone that ensured that he was truly looking to help…

"Well, I guess there is no harm in telling you, but it is something you must keep as a close guarded secret…" Roy urged;

"Sure, not like anyone would ask me about what they don\'t even know…" Sam assured;

"The reason why our company has survived this long was because we always have something powerful in our secret possession, and the government knows that, and that is the reason why they have been unable to scheme or assault our company…"

"Each of these possessions are hidden with their location a closely guarded secret that only specific trusted people know about…"

"Furthermore, these things are not passed down, which means these are mine to keep and the ones before that are for James\'s father to keep and I know nothing about them either…"

"Thus, if this company should survive for another generation then the next head would also have his and will never know that these three artifacts exist…" Roy explained;

"They tried to get their hands on the one with James Snr. but couldn\'t…"

"After all, not only was he a powerful business man who influenced and had some extent of control over the government, he was also a master at scheming…"

"But I am none of that… I am just a devoted scientist who wants to make the world bearable for the least privileged inhabitants of this planet…"

"Handing this over to the government would not only increase the amount of secrets with which they controlled this country; making their rich friends richer and causing their poor citizens to become poorer…"

"If the level of wealth on this planet would be balanced, then the poor must also begin to have secrets of their own that creates wealth for them…"

"I have mine, and that is why this company is as huge and wealth as it is today…" Roy continued;

"The government has gone two generations with us having multiple secrets of theirs in hand and also objects like these which could very much cripple their control over the citizens, whilst they on the other hand have nothing to show for…"

"Thus, I can say, our firm has enough power to control at least 50% of the total citizens of this country, and the fact that we are also helping other countries which amounts to over twenty of them means that we have more international allies than they do…"

"Thus, if we go into politics for the next tenure, our company has over 75% tendency to win at every level of governance, and that is a level of influence and power the government doesn\'t want any other person to wield apart from them, hence the reason why I am being targeted…" Roy sighed;

"And all these are asides the new technological, infrastructural and medical advances we have made which put our firm at the top of the global index in these three fields of study…"

"They suspect we have advanced weaponry which could change the tide of the world power as we know it, and they want to get their hands on it…" Roy broadened;

"Do you have such technology?" Sam asked, personally curious;

"We built that SUV we gave you in just two weeks… What do you think we would have created in 50 years since we were established?"

Roy gave Sam the answer, but Sam has got to answer Roy\'s question to get the answer to his own question…

It didn\'t take Sam too long to figure it out, and though, he didn\'t know what the device might be, but just the fact that they were able to create such an SUV in two weeks, he wouldn\'t be too surprised if these guys have developed a crazily and abnormally modified UFO…

"My goal is to level the playing field of wealth and power, and having these objects fall into the hands of the government would be as good as handing the keys of your home to an assassin sent to kill you…" Roy ended with a sigh, as he gestured Sam that it was time to leave…

Sam was still quietly deep in thought when they exited this secret storage room;

"Do you have any suspicions about the people you are working with?" Sam finally asked;

"I know there are several spies of the government within this building, but they are doing a hell of a job covering their tracks…" Roy sighed;

"This is a lot… We have to find a way to fish out these guys, or at least identify them, then we can find a way to set up a better secret security protocol…"

Sam was absentminded in thought as he spoke, whilst Roy simply kept quiet and allowed him to do the thinking…

After about thirty solid minutes, Sam\'s eyes lit up;

"I have an idea, but it would cost you a bit of money…" Sam looked to Roy as he spoke;

"Like how much are we looking at?" Roy asked attentively;

"About 20 billion…"

Sam spoke stiffly sensing that the price he just called was a bit too much for a plan he had just devised on the spot and was not even sure would fish out all these spies;

"Haha ha ha ha… What!?" Roy laughed hysterically;

"20 billion!?" He asked with a scoff;

"I am sorry, scrap that… I should have thought of a more realistic idea…" Sam apologized;

"No way! What are you saying?" Roy tapped Sam on the shoulder as he walked past him;

"20 billion is not worth shit, it is basically the amount of budget we spend on the smallest innovative idea we come up with…" Roy laughed when he saw Sam\'s stunned face;

"Our last security innovation cost us about 150 billion, and if yours can fish out spies with a budget as little as 20 billion, then I would really count us lucky, but the security team might think your idea is below par…" Roy said as he tapped his watch twice;

"Transfer 50 billion to Sam\'s account!" Roy said to his watch before smiling at Sam;

"You can come for more should you find yourself a little short on cash…"

"*Clears throat* Alright then…"

Sam manage to speak through his parched throat, as he saw his bank account be credited with 50 billion…

\'This is not a drill!\'

He thought to himself as the watch on his hand which was displaying his bank balance seemed to become heavy in his mind…

He had never come across this sort of money; not in his sweetest fantasy or most terrific nightmares…

The highest amount of money he had ever come across was around four hundred million; and it wasn\'t cash but a certain amount of mined gold, his unit was ordered to escort into the country at one time…

"Alright, I should get started then…"

"I might be working late, so I might need to rent an apartment close-by…" Sam said;


"After everything I have shown you and told you, you still think we will allow you live in a crappy 5 Star hotel or neighborhood?"

"No way! I have told Jim to open up the apartment beneath this floor to you…"

"It has never been opened, so even I have no idea how it looks, but I am sure it would be manageable…" Roy laughed as he began to ascend the stairs…

\'Anything manageable to you will probably cost the president a huge chunk of his fortune…\'

Sam thought to himself as he left the place with a smile… He got to the elevator and spoke;

"20th floor please!"

Then the elevator just like before descended in its unique manner, but this time Sam was prepared, so he simply shifted all his weight to his feet, which ensured that, though he was still floating, it was only inches of the ground…


Sam entered the tech office and sought after the three little nerds;

"Tim, Jim, Kiki… Join me in the conference room…"

Sam\'s voice reverberated across the entire floor as Tim, Jim and Kiki left their work station and hurriedly joined him within the conference room…


Sam\'s fist rested on the table as he looked to the trio who were slightly shocked by his serious and solemn expression, as well as his smoldering gaze;

"We have work to do, and I am about to ask you three to do something quite impossible…" Sam spoke;

"There is nothing we three can\'t do…"

"But, If it proves to be too difficult, we will simply seek our three division head and we are 100 percent sure that we will get it done"

Jim grinned proudly, as Kiki and Tim also grinned confidently at Sam…

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