
Chapter 30 - Welcome To Hell!

"Alright, Alpha team, bring in the chopper…"

"Delta team with me, everyone else secure the area and be at full alert…"

"Anything other than a verified personnel or us comes out this building, I want you to take them down…"

"Alive if most preferably but not mandatory!"

Special agent Skywalker snapped orders at his team as one of them brought out a radioactive detecting device, as they went to the back of the firm and tried to find the path which those mercenaries had taken into the building earlier; and thus the recovery mission began!

Tim and Kiki moved immediately as they went down the scary tunnel and before long, they had reached the hole, and the moment Kiki saw the dead Asian, she nearly tripped to a fall;

"Was he here before or after-"

Kiki didn\'t complete her statement, but Tim knew what she wanted to say;

"You are the doctor, what do you think?"

But just as they were discussing, they heard the walkie-talkie began to make some scrambled sounds;


Then what followed was the voice of Special agent Skywalker;

"Down here!"

"We are right here!"

Kiki and Tim began to scream like their lives depended on it, and before long, the tunnel they were currently in was filled with over thirty war veterans who were dressed like they were about to go invade a Taliban base;

"Alright you guys will be safe here, but we can\'t allow you leave now because we would still need your help catching these sons of bitches…"

Special agent Skywalker cursed in pure fury as some of his guys began to resuscitate Jim…

His job till date had been the best in the world; their group were only required to take action when there is a very dangerous situation threatening the existence of the firm, and for the past ten years, they have been getting paid without having to do any work…

But to then have themselves put to work when they could be enjoying themselves like they regularly did made Special Agent Skywalker extremely incensed…

"Sons of bitches?" Tim was surprised;

"Sure, there is no way he was acting alone, thus, we will need to capture him for more information…" Special Agent Skywalker revealed their true intentions;

"Okay, so how do we help?" Tim and Kiki gave their undivided attention to the mission;

"Good… First we will need to shut down the electrical power of this building-"

"No, no… That\'s not possible…" Tim interrupted;

"Why\'s that?"

"The firm runs on four different power source, the wind turbine, solar power, hydro power and nuclear power, and they have all been programmed to run expressly and simultaneously, so that in case one of them fails, the rest would continue supplying power ensuring that the power doesn\'t even blink for a second…" Tim explained;

"So, you are saying there is no way we shut them down?"

"Well there are two ways and they are both dangerous and might take a long time…"

"We have got nothing but time, spit it out!"

"The first way is to manually turn them off, but there is a risk of dropping from the 100th floor easily where the wind turbine is, and falling to one\'s death…"

"The Solar panels are too many to be able to turn off, the nuclear power is in a safe and secured vault which must have gone on emergency lockdown since every door except the service doors have been locked within the building..."

"As for the hydroelectricity, it is not plausible, because unless the underwater turbine is turned off, anyone who goes down there will be sucked in and shredded to pieces…" Tim analyzed;

"Well what about the second option?"

Special agent Skywalker asked after understanding how dangerous and time wasting the first option is;

"Well that will involve me hacking into the Chief Of Security\'s A.I – Orchid…"

"But the problem is, it is even more sophisticated than the firm\'s A.I, and was created in case the Firm\'s A.I; Tulips, got hacked or bugged…"

"So?" Special agent Skywalker was now getting impatient;

"What he is trying to say is that, he has less than 20 percent chance of successfully hacking that A.I, and on top of that, it would taking him a while…"

Kiki spoke up for Tim who seemed to be carrying all the grimness and solemnness of this recovery mission on his shoulders, and the attention these thirty army veterans were giving him weren\'t helping either…

Thus, she stepped u and helped him out, and it did work because Tim heaved a huge sigh of relief as a drop of sweat ran down his forehead to his cheek, causing him a slight itch;

"Alright, how do we get you what you need?"

"Well, firstly, I would need to get to my workstation on the 20th floor…"

"Didn\'t you say all doors were on emergency lockdown?"

"Yes, except service doors, and out workstations were luckily enough made from them…"

"Alright, Agent Guilty Cameo… take two men and escort them to their work stations, and ensure that they shut of all elevators and turn off the power…"

"We will move in when that happens…" Instantly Agent Guilty took charge of the other two;

"Alright, trident formation… Shoot first ask questions later... got it!"

"On me!"

Agent Guilty Cameo moved ahead as they moved through the tunnels with their night googles and before long, they got to the door where the lady was still laying with her eyes wide open staring at them, as agent Skywalker used two fingers to shut her eyes before moving on…

Tim and Kiki carried Jim on their shoulders, as he later woke up after they had climbed up to the eight floor…

"I can\'t believe he would do that…" Jim said the moment he woke up;

"Oh, apparently he is not working alone…" Tim replied;

"I am still not sure if he is truly doing this… what if he was being made to do it?"

Kiki whispered as they picked up speed, since they didn\'t need to carry Jim anymore;

"You are too trusting, Kiki… I hope it doesn\'t cost you greatly in the future…"

Jim shook his head as he began to regain subconscious control over his limbs which had been idle for almost the last thirty minutes…

"Well, anyhow it is, he still has to be arrested, and then we can find out what is truly happening…"

Tim spoke out and was lauded by Agent Guilty Cameo who called him \'shrewd and smart\'…

About ten minutes later, they were already within their workstation as they each took to their post and began some work…

"Wait!" Agent Guilty Cameo spoke;

"Rather than hacking this sophisticated A.I of yours, doesn\'t it have a self-destruct button?"

The moment he said it, the three nerds felt like killing themselves with a blob of tofu…

Anytime there is a problem, they always try to tackle it technically and professionally, forgetting that;

\'The one true way is the old school way…\'

"Kiki, make them sleep…" Tim said;

"Finally, I have always fantasized about doing this…"

Kiki gave a wicked and mischievous grin as she attacked her keyboard, and before long every single room within the firm from the ground floor to just below the penthouse began to spray out some sort of gas…

"~Sleep~ ~Sleep~"

Kiki began to speak like a witch chanting a spell of some sort…


At the penthouse…

"Damn, this door would take about another hour before we can gain access into it, and I just received word that the WTF are here, and about to regain control of the building…"

"So, we are moving to plan B…" The leader of the mercenary group spoke to his men;


One of the men blurted as the others also gave a sigh of relief;

"WE have been getting bored stiff here, and we crave some action!"

The man who the group thought was horror crazy spoke as the rest of the group nodded their head in confirmation;

"Well, we can give these WTF a very loud welcome on our way out!"

"Hell yeah!"

Then they all tilted the chemical containers as the liquid acidic content within it poured on the ground releasing some toxic and choking smoke…

Then the chemicals being liquid were able to seep through the door into the penthouse garden itself, and the moment these mercenaries confirmed that it had reached the other side of the door, their leader stepped forward with a lighter;

"Welcome to hell!"

He said as he tossed the lighter into the chemical which was instantly set ablaze, as the flames quickly transferred through the liquid chemical on the ground and into the penthouse garden, setting the plants and trees there ablaze…

Now, the garden which was a source of calm, happiness and serenity have now become a vital recipe for horror, death and absolute disaster…

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