
Chapter 32 - The Chase

"Move it!"

Agent Skywalker bellowed as the 25 plus men bolted through the tunnel, not even sparing the dead lady another glance as they opened the basement door and began to head up the service stairways...


Sam burst open the door to the of the 100th service floor whilst the WTF agents were already up the 40th floor as they hunter and the hunted drew ever so closer to one another, and thus began the chase between a cat and dozens of mice…

Gradually the chasers and the chased were gradually approaching one another until they were about three floors away from each other;


Two doors simultaneously banged open around the 74th floor and the two parties who slammed these doors open clearly heard the loud bang of the door up ahead being opened…

Both parties looked towards the door being opened; one from above and the others from below, as Special Agent Skywalker bellowed;

"Freeze! It\'s the WTF!"

But the Special Agent was only replied by another loud banging sound of the service door as Sam bolted back up the stairs;

"Alpha Team we have him cornered… He is headed towards you!"

Special Agent Skywalker bellowed through his coms as he and his team continued their upward pursuit, catching up to Sam little by little…

Sam slammed open the door of the 76th floor and heard another similar bang coming from up ahead…

He looks up and sees about 7 agents rushing towards him with ferocious intent, and sensing that his two possibly escape routes had been cutoff, Sam cursed;

"Fuck! If these guys catch me, my family is screwed!"

His anxiety level rose and just as he was a second away from making a stupid decision, his military training kicked in as everything around him slowed to a crawl followed by the utter drowning out of sounds…

His emotions also settled, and before the time it took a chicken to take a breath, Sam was now as calm and collected as a ten thousand year old well…

He bolted into a random room followed hot on the heels by about thirty agents…

Three of the agents threw in a smoke grenade as they wore masks on their faces, and the moment Sam saw that, he instantly understood what was coming next…

Shutting his eyes and pressing his palms hard onto his ears, another grenade came rolling into the room;


It was a stun grenade and Sam was slightly affected and the moment the first agent came in with his stun baton, Sam grabbed the agents arm from behind the door and snapped it…

He grabbed the falling stun baton with his free arm and stabbed it into the neck of the agent…

He ripped off the agents mask and wore it to give himself some fresh air, and in that same moment, he moved towards the other two and showed them that achieving the rank of a brigadier in the military is no joke…

He smacked his stun baton on the back of the head of the second and slid on the ground to evade the taser bullet being shot by the fourth…

Then he smacked the baton at the crotch of the third agent sending him clutching and gasping for air as pain wracked all his senses to hell, before rising up to meet the last agent who had shot the stun bullet earlier, and with just two blocks and one punch to the throat, Sam incapacitated the fourth agent…

He tried to rush out of the smoke filled room and saw the remaining three agent who shot their stun bullets at him, as he dodged and dashed back into the room…

He picked up the vest and stun gun of one of the unconscious men, as he darted back into the corridor…

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sam shot the three agents on the head as they fell unconscious whilst he darted towards the end of the corridor…

The moment Sam entered the corridor, Special Agent Skywalker also stepped into the corridor, seeing Sam in such a close range, the special agent chased with renewed vigor and energy…

Bang! Bang!

Click! Click! Click!

Sam squeezed the trigger five times at the special agent, but the last three gave the sound of an empty cartridge!


Sam dropped the stun gun and took out one of the stun grenades in the vest he had just picked up and threw it backwards…

Special Agent Skywalker dodged the grenade as it went off behind him, the twenty plus agent with him all felt their ears ring like they were standing right in front of a ship\'s blaring horn…

The lights from the grenade assaulted their eyes like a deer in headlamps on the darkest of nights Skywalker…

But of all that, what slowed them down the most was the laughing gas that followed…

The moment these agents inhaled it, they began to laugh really hard, they laughed so hard to the extent that all the oxygen in their lungs were pushed out, and by the time they finally get the chance to get in a huge breath, they only seemed to inhale a great amount of more laughing gas, causing the next laugh to be louder and harder than the last, as an endless cycle of joker-like laughter wracked their nerves…

Special Agent Skywalker heard his agents agonizing laughter and his eyes instantly went red in fury as he picked up the pace…

Sam bent through one of the corners and the moment Agent Skywalker appeared around the corner, the strong thick arm of Sam was waiting for him, as he slammed neck first into the steel like arm causing him to tumble head over heels…

Sam instantly grabbed the opportunity;

\'Now the path to the ground floor would be free!\'

Sam thought to himself as he jumped past the laughing agents on the floor who now had about five to six of them unconscious with tears on their eyes as well as a wide smile…

The moment Sam reached the stairs, he saw three specially dressed men chasing him with an insane level of speed…

These guys were only wearing their Kevlar vests and were also in shorts and big boots…

Their muscles looked like stones that were beautifully crafted by a grandmaster sculptor, and with ever move of their hands and legs, there was a certain whooshing sound that accompanied it;

"Orchid, who are these guys?" Sam flashed his watch over his head whilst he was on full throttle as orchid replied;

"These are soldiers from the APB unit…"

"APB as in All-points Bulletin?" Sam asked despite being utterly sure his question was ridiculous;

"Negative… APB as in Advanced Physical Body – unit…"

Orchid replied as Sam slammed open the door to the 75th floor before bolting into its corridor...

The three men chasing him were now only a few feet away from him and Sam could hear the grunting that accompanied their high speed movements; it was like these guys have been injected with 50 gallons of morphine and an additional 50 gallons of steroids…

They ran like cheetahs, heaved like tigers and their steps reverberated like a thousand elephants were marching across the corridor...

Sam knew from these parameters that, should any of these guys grab a hold of him, they would snap him in half with one hand, and that was more than enough morphine and steroid for Sam who took his prosthetic leg into another level of workload, causing it to give out the chinking sounds of metal being bent through immense stress and strain…

Seeing that these guys were already very close, Sam looked to the vest on him and saw that the last five mini-grenades in it were lethal, but after reassuring himself about ten times in one second that the guys coming behind him would definitely make him wish he was dead, Sam threw the three grenades one after the other;

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A frag grenade and two stun grenade erupted one after the other within this corridor and as Sam looked back to see the effects of his latest move, he saw the three APB guys coming after him once again with renewed determination, but he was already lucky enough to have put about 5 meters between himself and them…

There were bleeding cuts all over their body, and some metal shards could still be seen sticking out of their body, making them look like a bloodied monster creeping out of hell...

But when Sam saw the wicked smiles plastered on their faces and their normal teeth which for some reasons looked like dangerous fangs to him, Sam recalculated his situation with fear and utmost urgency…

He quickly calculated how long it would take a smoke grenade to churn out enough smoke to hinder these guys vision, and when he got his estimate, he threw a smoke grenade about a few meters ahead of himself before running into it...

Then just as he had calculated, before the APB guys could reach the grenade, massive plumes of smoke had already covered everywhere, but these guys weren\'t giving up and they seemed intent on breaking some of the few good bones left in his body…

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