
Chapter 63 - Strong Temptations



The arrow moved with blinding speed which was the reason why Dara had made them so thin and light, and without Aunt Lin even looking to see if it hit or not, the arrow landed right at the center of the target, and Dara couldn\'t help but nod mentally in commendation of her efforts…

One had to know that these arrows had no feather\'s to aid their flight or trajectory as the tail itself was wooden and one with the entire arrow, thus, being able to retain such accuracy despite the inadequacy of the weapon was a truly incredible feat, and Dara was impressed by it…

"I was hoping to come get you once she was done with her target practice…" Uncle Min said when he saw Dara…

Aunt Lin who was about to fire her second shot saw Dara and abruptly released the arrow in her fingers causing it to miss the entire pole;

Dara at this point had grown about three inches taller, and whilst Uncle Min couldn\'t notice it, she discovered it the moment she laid her eyes on him…

His muscles had toned up a little, his skin were actually brightening unlike theirs which seemed to darken as the days pass…

His skin looked supple and fresh like that of a new born and his hair were now becoming lush black and longer, falling over his face, and all that appearance accompanied with his kind, innocent and smart nature was becoming too much for the young Aunt Lin to ignore…

Her dilated eyes finally refocused and she noticed that Dara was looking back at her with a brilliant smile on the his face, she shook her head rigorously and turned to face her target pole, but despite her bow being pulled taut, she noticed she couldn\'t focus nor could she aim the target perfectly;

She kept thinking about the little boy and despite knowing it was unorthodox or at least shameful, she found herself unable to get rid of him from her thoughts, and the more she tried, the more her thoughts about him became stronger and stronger until she could no longer take it…

She dropped her bow and rushed into their apartment, before going straight into her room where she slumped to the floor with her back to the wall…

She was heaving and her heartbeat was rapid;

"Oh no, I would end up causing problems for myself if this goes on…"

She muttered to herself as she placed her arm between her bent thighs and locked it tightly with her laps, and after about five minutes of shivering, she steadied herself stood up and noticed her skirt were wet…

Whilst she was chiding herself for losing control to her immoral desires, she heard Uncle Min and Dara entered the dining area, and if they simply looked to the side from their current position, they would be able to see her and the skirt she was wearing which had been soiled by her nether regions...

In realization of that, she dashed to the corner of the room where she quickly swapped her skirts for a clean one before stepping outside…

She tried her best not to make eye contact with Dara as she sat beside her husband grabbing his hand;

"Your plan is simple and precise and I believe it would work…"

Uncle Min continued the conversation he and Dara were having outside whilst Aunt Lin was inside earlier;

"Alright, I will leave you to it then…" Dara responded as he stood up;

"Good, I will go gather some beast carcass then…" Uncle Min added as he also stood up;

"What? You\'re leaving?" Aunt Lin blurted frantically when she heard the last statement;

"Eh?" Uncle Min was puzzled by the young lady\'s sudden surge of anxiety;

"Yeah, I need to gather some carcasses for Dara\'s plans to be effective…" he explained;

"You changed?"

Uncle Min added when he noticed his wife had changed from her long free skirt into a much shorter one that was higher than her knee, but equally as free;


"Y-yeah, I um, I was finding it hard to move freely in the previous one so I had to change it…"

She lied to her husband for the first time since they had known each other;

"Oh, cool… I like it…"

Uncle Min complimented and she was about to sigh in relief when Dara added;

"You look ravishing, Aunt Lin…"

The oblivious Dara meant it as a compliment and Aunt Lin knew it, but her mind simply played tricks on her causing her to think he was being teasing, naughty and dirty, especially when she saw his innocent smile, but her mind translated it to a mischievous one…

She didn\'t know when but she noticed that she was beginning to sweat, and she could have attributed it to the time which was noon, but it was currently winter, and there was no sun in sight, except for the little to no reflection of light it casted upon the land;

"I will leave Dara in your care… He will also discuss our plan with you…"


Aunt Lin almost choked in hear when she heard that not only would she be left alone with Dara, but she would have to stay close to him and have to listen to a battle tactic;

"Dara, you don\'t mind do you?"

"Not at all, Uncle Min… I have unlocked all my Principal Meridians already so I have enough time left..."

"Good… If you don\'t mind, you could help her with her archery, she seems to have almost grasped the intricacies of the featherless arrows and I believe all she needs is a little nudge from behind and she would be able to achieve mastery…"

"I will try my best Uncle Min…"

Dara responded as Uncle Min finally left to grab his gears… In less than ten minute, Uncle Min could be seen leaving through the secret entrance that was camouflaged with the fence around the settlement…

Dara had purposely set traps around the fence should anyone go through the wrong part of the fence, then they would become skewed meat before they could even enter the cleared grounds within the fence…

"Where would you like us to begin, Aunt Lin…"

Dara walked around and sat just beside Aunt Lin who pulled herself away from his path out of instinct, but that action exactly caused the opposite to happen as her skin grazed past Dara\'s skin and just the sheer smoothness and tenderness made her shiver from within;

This was basic unadulterated temptation, and it was one she didn\'t want to face…

But Dara simply began to narrate his plans;

"They don\'t know we know they are coming for us, thus, they would think they still have the element of surprise, and with that in mind, we must play along with their thoughts…" He began;

"We would have Uncle Min act as the bait, and he would simply be moving around between the ring of fire and ring of death, and act oblivious to their arrival…"

"The goal is to get as much of them as possible to enter our grounds, and then we shut the entrance and rain hell on those who have entered…"

"The amount of men we can kill on their side from our initial contact would determine how the entire day would go down, thus, it is very paramount that your archery on that day is at peak, because our very lives would be in your hands…"

Dara\'s plan was truly precise and simple; bait the enemy, lure them in, trap them and rain hell on them…

"If there is anything you don\'t understand about the plan, you can tell me now, so I can make it simpler?"

Dara sked but Aunt Lin who had been lost in thought whilst her eyes feasted all over his body had long lost interest in whatever it was that he was saying;


"Um, yeah… can you summarize it once again, I didn\'t seem to get it completely…"

She stuttered when she realized she had spaced out and had been most likely caught in the act;

"Nevermind… Whenever I give the order, just kill as much enemy as you can, the more the better…" Dara explained;

"But what would the sign be?"

"A whisper?"

"Or would you be close by when that happens?"

Aunt Lin fired rapid questions at Dara;

"Don\'t worry, it is not subtle at all, and you will know it when you see it…" Dara replied;

"Alright, since you are going to be our support through archery, then I suggest we get started on your target practice…"

Dara spoke as Aunt Lin who had spaced out once again like a celibate who had been sex starved for 700 years came back to reality and followed him out to the shooting area…

She picked up her bow and aimed at the target whilst Dara told her to pause, he wanted to be sure she was doing everything right; it was going to be dusk anytime soon and based on the ominous feeling he was getting, Dara knew they would arrive in about 5 to 7 hours trying to use the cover of darkness and wide trees to mask their approach…

He stood behind Aunt Lin very close that though their bodies weren\'t touching, she could still feel his presence ever so close, and Dara did that because he wanted to accurately see what she was seeing, so as to better show her how to aim…

After about two minutes of calibrating himself to a similar field of vision as hers, Dara looked into the sky and stretched out his arm, he felt the wind speed and the direction it was coming from just by simply sensing the way the hairs of his body moved and the direction with which they flowing through, and after getting all those parameters, he began his teaching…

He placed his hands on Aunt Lin\'s shoulders and pressed her back at a certain angle, then he raised her elbows and told her to stand in that pose without moving for ten minutes…

He wanted her body to get accustomed to that pose, and after ten minutes he said one word;



The arrow went as fast as lightning, almost twice as fast as Aunt Lin\'s best shot and hit the bull\'s eye…

"To make an arrow fly faster, you have to ensure that it does no other job other than to hit its target…

Gravity can be overcome by simply knowing the weight of your arrow and shooting it in a specific path in air that would have little to no effect on gravity, and that is by using the wind to power its flight…"

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