
Chapter 73 - Obun’s Origins

"But whilst that is true to some certain degree, it also served as a perfect opportunity for the Imperials to commit the most heinous crimes you could ever think of…"

"Genocide?" The burly guy spoke once again;

"That would have been better; at least those people would have died…"

"Slaughter them for sport?" The other guy added;

"That is bad, but doesn\'t come near to what I am talking about…"

"Then what is it?" Dara asked…

"They turn us all into these monsters you people hate so much…"



"No way!?"

The trio were absolutely bamboozled when they heard this;

"Yes way; and as a matter of fact, there are still more of us being made in that prison…" The First Elder continued;

"According to what I know and have found out; this all started from the palace of the Imperials of the Kingdom of Shangri La…"

"There was lack of cultivation resources within the kingdom, and it was already beginning to affect the Imperials themselves, and as a result, there was an absolute need to source out for alternative means to obtain Qi…"

"As a result of this new problem, they called out to all the top experts and wise men within the kingdom to come to the Imperial Palace and give a solution or at least an insight into any kind of solution that can save the kingdom from internal collapse…"

"Furthermore, because of the desperate situation the kingdom was in, and the fact that the Imperials knew that anybody who stumbles on any abundant source of Qi had the capability to take away power from them, the King actually allowed both orthodox and unorthodox experts to come into the palace back then…"

"Then from one side, someone suggested that the flow of cultivation resources be regulated with stricter conditions, but the Kingdom of Shangri La was too big to be able to efficiently do so; after all, even the Imperials have been unable to efficiently do so within their palace, not to talk of an entire Kingdom, and as a result, the notion was rejected…"

"Furthermore, the Imperial were looking for new sources of cultivation resources, and not to regulate the ones that was already thinning out within the kingdom…"

"Then another, person suggested that, only strong and talented people should be given cultivation resources, and that others should remain mortal and take on menial homing occupations with which they could be earning incomes in terms of cultivation resources from these talented people…."

"Won\'t it one day cause massive unrest?" The other guy chipped in;

"It might create a massive riot one day; one that could eventually doom the entire kingdom…" He added;

"…That is nothing but an indirect way of telling the Imperials to delve the Kingdom into slavery…" Dara interrupted with an ugly expression;

"But out of increasing desperation, the Kingdom decided to try it out, and as a result, decrees were issued to every tribe leader within the village..."

"It told them that due to the massively spiking shortage of resources, that less talented people, criminal and anyone who they deem surplus within every clan should be cast away so as to free up more resources for those who were actually talented..."

"This was when the initial chaos began…"

"Tribe leaders started sending people away for any reason, and in some cases no reasons at all…"

"Some have even been plotted against, falsely accused and casted away…"

"But then things were still hard but seeing some level of relief, and when everyone thought life was already hard and there was nothing they could do about it, they accepted their fate as some went to start doing menial works for these cultivators to obtain the little resources they can…"

"Then one day, an abrupt decree came from the Imperials that ten percent of every tribe\'s resources must be donated to the palace every month…"

"This decree came as one to be really enforced and the Imperials moved out their military might to ensure that the citizens comply, and it was then that the real chaos began…"

"Tribe leaders who were now forced to donate ten percent of their monthly income worth of cultivation resources began to find ways to ensure that they comply to the decree and also get enough for themselves, and then their level of shamelessness began to show up one after the other…"

"There were some tribes which their leader and his family simply ran away with all the cultivation resources…"

"There were some who put impossible cultivation criteria on their tribe members, causing some parents to lose their children and some children to separate from the parents on that day…"

"There was even a certain tribe that took every female in their tribe, both married, unmarried, old, young and even children, and began a prostitution business, but the tribe families were exempted…"

"These tribe members were only allowed to see their females an hour a day, and most of the time, their beloved females would either have been beaten black and blue by the abusive people who frequent this place, some would have been used to exhaustion that they wouldn\'t even be able to spare their loved ones a single minutes before collapsing out of exhaustion…"

"But whilst the tribe made lots in their time, it ended up dying because there was one day, an eight year old little girl was gangbanged by twelve fully grown men, which eventually resulted in her gruesome death…"

"Her father had cried for months on end before he planned out revenge one day, but not on his killers, but the entire business because he felt sooner or later, others would start having their only kin taken from them just like they did to him, and thus, he took up a job at the whorehouse…"

"Then on one day, he poisoned all the wine and water within the whorehouse before stepping outside to carry the barrel of beast blood he had arranged earlier, and then poured it all around the inn, and set it on fire…"

"That day, hundreds of people died, and with them was one of the Imperials; the wayward and lecherous son of the current King, and one can only imagine how the King reacted to this…"

"He wiped out, not only the tribe, but three others within the vicinity and looted all their cultivation resources…"

"But after seeing the rate at which the population decreased and what the fate of the kingdom would eventually be, the King was forced to look for unorthodox means…"

"Like the one he had been using wasn\'t unorthodox!"

Dara was already getting angrier and angrier by everything he was hearing;

"The unorthodox expert then came up with a secret plan; there was lots of cultivation resources and abundant Qi within the Dark Lands, and the only difference was that, they were all poisoned by death aura…"

"Thus, they decided to begin to find ways on how to tap into this endless reserve of energy…"

"The king asked if it was possible, then one certain tribe brought out a humanoid monster…"

"This monster was so brutal that the King was forced to name it an Obun which in itself was coined from two different meanings;"

"One which is simply; a sensitive, inspirational and idealistic person who has a certain unique fascination with mystery and the supernatural…"

"The other meaning however was a stark contrast, and was simply a festival for the dead!" The First Elder continued;

"These men then fed a beast to this so-called Obun, and after cannibalizing the animal right in front of the King and drinking all of its blood, the Obun receded into its true form; a human…"


Though they had predicted what was coming next, the Dara trio still couldn\'t believe it would actually be real;

"Then from there, they placed a certain rock on the human\'s head, and all the Qi in his body was sucked into it, and thus, the Qi Gu was born; a certain type of Gu which sucks out all the Qi in a human..."

"When they die, they transform into rocks which could then be used to cultivate through the same mouth with which they sucked out the QI in the first place…"

"Then to cap this all up, the expert didn\'t die, and was then used once again to harvest Qi, and after getting the second Qi stone from the same expert, the greedy King had already endorsed this new wicked and dark method of harvesting cultivation resources…"

"Thus after about three months of harvesting QI from him, the expert was eventually killed after the fifth Qi stone was created, because his body could no longer withstand the process…"

"Just five Qi stone for a human life, how evil!" The other guy blurted in disgust;

"Each Qi stone has its tiers and it depends on the cultivation of the Obun they get it from, which means if a Bridge Qi Sea stage expert was used, the Qi Stone gotten from him would contain enough Qi to take an ordinary mortal to the Peak of Qi Sea stage…"

The moment the First Elder made this statement, the Dara trio who were abolishing these experts before turned mute as they were absolutely stunned by the results of this groundbreaking innovation…

Though, it was sinister, the feat of having the entire Qi of a Peak Qi Sea stage expert within a stone was too big of a deal to go unnoticed…

"Thus, they started these experiment and began to expand it until a factory of Qi stone was created…"

"If there is a factory of Qi stone, why hasn\'t the citizens demanded that some of it be circulated within the Kingdom?" Dara asked;

"That is because it is hidden within these Dark Lands, and is a secret that no one must ever know…"

"They have numerous farms within the Dark Lands where Qi stones are being harvested from..."

"The one I came from, has over 2000 humans there; and there is a supposed 300 Qi Sea and 200 Qi Creation farms all over the Dark Lands..."

"They are called the Tier 1 and 2 Qi Farms; all filled with innocent adults and children" The First Elder revealed…

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