
Chapter 77 - The Boy Named Ji

For the Obun\'s, their share of the beast was served to them raw with blood, whilst the rest had theirs cooked and swerved…

Everyone had their fills, and luckily, the tribesmen were able to find some funny bunch amongst themselves who started telling stories and making jokes, something that helped the rest of their kin settle well a bit into their new lives, and when Ji Wang and Ji Chen saw this from afar, they were pleased…

Dawn the next day, Ji Wang didn\'t even wait for Dara or anyone to come calling before putting all the tribesmen to work;

This was a massive project, and they needed to tackle it with real intent…

The First Elder also didn\'t rest on his laurels, and as if he was trying to prove the worth of the Obun\'s to Dara just so his people can be the more favored ones between the groups…

He gathered his 200 man strong Obun troop and headed over to where the development was going on about 5 acres from their current spot; Uncle Min also decided to move over to the site to dissolve any probable conflict that might arise from having two people with opposite culture work together…

Aunt Lin on the other hand was stuck with 100 kids between 4 and 12 years of age, and after finding the slightly mature ones amongst them, she took the rest towards the direction where the development was ongoing and began to gather edible fruits and herbs...

They also gathered the ones that were used for healing whilst identifying the poisonous ones also, and in this manner, she taught the kids about herbs and spices…

Dara was also up and was already racking his brain on what to do about the military aspect of the people, especially when it came to cultivation...

But whilst he could modify the meridian opening technique his father gave him and try to merge it with the one he obtained from the Dark Soul to ensure the people could unlock perfect sets of meridians, they would still need a source of energy to do so…

Moreover, even though he might be able to cultivate the Dark Qi in this lands, he wasn\'t going to allow the little innocent kids that were around to do the same as not all of them might be able to handle the corrosion like he does;

Thus, they had to source for an external, unnatural source of Qi, and he had a daring and suicidal idea in mind, thus he went to look for Ji Chen…


Dara greeted when he found Ji Chen at the development site and just as expected, he was with Ji Wang which to Dara was even better;

"Morning Ji…"

The duo responded as they decided to call Dara by the name of their ancestor [The Man Named Ji] since he had done the same thing Dara was doing back in his own time…

Dara was also surprised by the manner of address, because he had also heard of the valiant tale of the man that came from the Land of Light to come and give life to the dying people of the Dark Lands…

Then Dara went on to remind them about the situation of the cultivation of the people;

"It\'s a shame that we don\'t know where the Village Chief stored that meridian opening technique…"

"Yeah, Uncle Min has shown us everything he found on them, and other than some nice weapon, piece of clothing and few treasures, there was nothing else on his person…" Ji Wang and Ji Chen voiced out;

"Oh… About the meridian opening technique, I might be able to help, but we still lack resources and need a source of Qi for cultivation…"

"So, what do you have in mind, Ji?"

Ji Wang seems to understand people a lot faster, and could suspect that, if this boy called Ji could have great ambitions such as this in mind at such a tender age, then he would have obviously planned how to gather enough resources to support his ambition…

"Well, I was thinking about those farms the First Leader was telling us about that day…"

Dara didn\'t finish his statement, but the duo in front of him already knew the destination of his words;

"Don\'t you think that\'s too dangerous?" Ji Chen finally added;

"I know, but you will have to listen to my plan first…"

Then Dara began to explain everything he had in mind to the duo, and the more he spoke, the more amazed the duo in front of him became…

They were finding it hard to believe that a kid that is only ten years of age might be having these sort of grand plans and schemes, but whilst everything looked scary but plausible to Ji Wang, Ji Chen on the other hand had his blood boiling in excitement and anticipation;

"But first, all five of us must return to the village and try to find some more resources we could gather along when we were coming…"

"We will also ransack the houses of the village chief and the elders for some secret compartments and resource stashes they might have…" Dara continued;

"So, when do we begin?" Ji Chen who could barely contain his excitement blurted;

"Well, all five of us that are going are the strongest within our group, thus, we must first ensure the absolute safety of those we would be leaving behind…"

Dara replied and they both understood what he meant, and as a result, Ji Wang went back to work to hasten the work rate…

The Obuns were the one doing the brawns of the work whilst the teenage humans were the ones doing the brain part of the work; for instance, the human teens would cut down a massive tree and the Obuns would be the ones to carry it where needed...

Or, the human teens would dig a one foot deep ditch just to reveal the outline of what they wanted, whilst the Obuns would be the ones to dig 25 meters into the ground following the outlines the human teens have created…

Moreover, whilst the Obuns were proving themselves in terms of strength and ridiculing the weak looking human teens, the human teens were also proving themselves in terms of intelligence and smartness whilst also ridiculing the Obuns for being one-thought beings…

As a result of all these, a competitive spirit was sparked up between the two groups and whenever the Obuns showed their strength, the teenagers would also show their level of intelligence, just to cement their spot as the superior people in the group...

Butwhilst this might look like a problem to those who don\'t know any better, it was the perfect recipe Dara and the others needed to ensure that the development goes on efficiently and perfectly…

It took them a month to completely dig the first ditch around the entire settlement; it was 25 meters deep and wide and they were going to be filled with spikes and beast blood [Combination of both the Ring of Fire and Ring of Death]…

After that, they dug 10 meters deep holes into the ground, only a meter from one another and began to plant the trunks of the massive trees they had cut down, creating a wall of trees around the village…

The soils that were accumulated when digging out the trench were gathered at the settlement, just outside the existing fence, and they were used for constructing houses for living…

Now the new settlement was about seven acres wide from the plateau in all direction with a wall of trees which would grow into a forest in the future…

Then, if one successfully invaded past the trees, they would be met with another 25 meter wide and deep ditch once again which was also filled with wooden spikes, sharp rocks and beast blood before they would be able to finally enter the new settlement…

When one passed this second \'Ring of Death\', then they would find themselves on the Land of the Obuns; this was a 2 acres ring of land dedicated only to the Obuns, and after that, there was another massive wall of trees, about three times smaller than the one making up the giant wall at the outskirts of the area…

Then if one moved past these barrier, they would then enter the land of the humans which was another 2 acre ring of land, and then another demarcation of an even smaller sized trees, before one would then enter the Farm which in itself was a one acre ring of land…

In summary, the former residence was dedicated to Min Hong, Aunt Lin, Uncle Min, Ji Wang, Ji Chen, and the two Obun Elders; it was kept the way it was, with the only difference being that, after one leaves the fence of the old residence, they would find themselves within a vast farmland, and after that, was the land of the humans, and then the Land of the Obuns…

The water spilling from the spring moved through a gully which was the only way one could move in and out these rings, and it had a massive gate which was managed by both the Obuns and the teenagers to enable movement and coexistence between both parties…

About 100 dome houses were built within both the Obun area and human area…

Several tree houses were also built very high into the foliage of the massive trees that formed a wall around this new residence; each of these tree houses were manned by two Obuns each who would serve as sentinel [Watch] that would alert the entire group in the case of any invasion or trouble, and this was done all around the entire settlement… 

Then after shelter and security had been provided, the people were then able to safely focus on developing the internal area of the settlement; creating pools which were warm all year long to battle the harsh frigid atmosphere of the Grey and Dark Lands…

Training areas were also erected, where everyone from the Dara\'s age and above were made to learn combat skills which would help them survive…

Though most of them hadn\'t unlocked their meridians, but they were still given many physical exercises; like lifting, sprinting, and falling from heights, which would serve to increase their physical durability and mental fortitude, and all of this took about another month before it was all completed…

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