
Chapter 110 - Sword Concept Initial Release!

Ka! Ka!

Zoom! Sam!

Bang! Crash!

Tak! Pok!

Different sounds of flesh hitting flesh and wood hitting wood and several other cross sectional sounds rang out from the courtyard, as these people sparred, some Elders and even King Tian was present at this time and they were all watching with creased forehead pouring out buckets of perspiration;

"He is a monster!" One of the Elders around couldn\'t help but mutter...

"True… Whenever he comes around, he doesn\'t even need to use his greatest techniques to dispatch our strongest warriors…"

"I concur; he also never spends more than three minutes before defeating all 30 of them…"

Three of the Elders around muttered amongst themselves whist King Tian looked to the time and realized that it was almost at the three minute mark, and there were still about 5 Royal Guards standing;

"Surpassing the three minute mark alone would count as a massive victory for us…" King Tian also joined in the conversation whilst watching the stage and time simultaneously…

But just as the three minute mark was about to elapse, the aura around this guy suddenly vanished and a new vibe descended all around the area, causing all the elders, King Tian and even the Guards themselves to almost squeal in delight; they knew the guy was about to use another one of his true techniques…

The guy took the stance of a samurai who was about to draw his sword and paused as everything in the area seemed to quiet down around him, except from the ticking from the timer…

Then he abruptly raised his head up and all the Elders subconsciously shifted to the edge of their seats in anticipation whilst the Guards braced for impact;

"Sword Concept – Initial Release!"

Whoosh! Tak! Kraa!

The speed with which the guy move was so fast that everyone watching only saw him here in one moment and there by the time they blinked, but the scary part was that, the sound that came from his attack came after the sound of him sheathing his wooden sword;

Perhaps, the sense of the onlookers were too sluggish and perhaps, his attack was just blitzing, but there was one thing that proved the latter to be true, and that was the fact that the senses of a 7 Star Qi Sea Stage expert [King Tian] was more than 7000 faster, sharper and sensitive than that of mortal…

All the soldiers fell to the ground unconscious as one of the Elders quickly rushed over to check on them;

"Don\'t disturb yourself, they are simply unconscious and should return within the next half an hour…"


The Elder who rushed over was stifled and speechless with how nonchalant and leisurely the guy spoke;

He was like indirectly telling them that he was actually still holding back a lot, and that alone served to further prove that he was indeed simply stronger and faster than King Tian;

"Is this the power of a Dan Formation Stage expert?"

King Tian thought to himself as his eagerness to reach the Dan Formation stage peaked to an all-time high…

He had cultivated to the Peak of Qi Sea Stage years ago, but the first time he ran into these people, this guy who just rendered his guards unconscious was at the 5 Star Qi Sea stage, and back then he mopped the floor with King Tian over and over and over again…

Strangely, not only did his QI last longer than King Tian throughout the duel, his QI also seemed to pack more punch than King Tian\'s and when everyone considered the fact that King Tian was actually 4 Stages stronger than him, they became even more stumped by the result…

It was then that they decided to serve these trio and in return, the trio were to pass down everything they have learnt to them, and the first thing they did was to show King Tian that his cultivation technique was super inadequate, and thus, they told him to begin do away with his cultivation, and actually start from scratch once again, using their top tier cultivation technique…

But despite the difficulty of these technique, King Tian was still able to cultivate it to the 7 Star Qi Sea Stage in six years, and that could have been seven years in reality but he did it in six, and that was the reason why the Left Grand Elder and Elder Yun were stunned when he lost control of his cultivation on their last visit…

King Tian scurried over to the expert to try and coarse him into teaching hi the technique, but as if knowing what he wanted to say;

"I need to cultivate in silence, we will come find you tomorrow at dusk…"

He said stopping King Tian in his tracks before he could even ask the question whilst also insinuating that the King and his Elder\'s should grab their unconscious Guards and show themselves out…

It was blatant, overbearing and somewhat disrespectful, but he had the power and prowess to back it up…

"Tch… Too arrogant, and despising… I can\'t believe he will speak to you that way, your highness…" The stifled and speechless Elder seemed to find his tone as he complained to King Tian;

"What loss is it if he says all that and we get to receive a better technique from him…"

"Even if he wants to step on my face, as long as he is willing to give me more techniques and arts, I have no qualms with it…"

"Everyone always bootlicks someone else no matter how strong, wealthy or powerful they think they are…"

"If I get to rule over the entire planet at the cost of being insulted by a higher power, then it is justifiable…" King Tian replied as the Elders nodded their head, concurring to his logic…

"Alright, send people over to retrieve the unconscious guards…"

"They will begin training tomorrow and show me how he did what he did, or at least tell me the experience they had…"

"Watching up close isn\'t the same thing as suffering it in person, and I want the first man perspective…" King Tian muttered before leaving the experts behind and leaving for his chambers…

"Worm, where have you been all this while keeping me waiting like that!?" The voice of an angry female greeted King Tian the moment he entered his private chambers;

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