
Chapter 127 - The Element Of Surprise

Dara looked over all of them and addressed them, telling them about their mission which was to mine more Qi Stone, but also reminding them of the high possibilities of them having to do battle because they were already in the Season of War…

Then after charging them, the crowd roared in motivation before Dara pointed his fingers towards the Tribe Gate and the entire troop began to march out, heading for the Qi Stone mine, oblivious to the fact that an entire troop of Royal Guards as well as several other overpowered experts were marching towards the same destination…

Dara put on his mask as Elder Long brought the male beast which they just bred with four different females over to Dara to use as mount, and unlike what Dara thought would happen, the beast didn\'t rebel or become aggressive but instead allowed Dara to mount it comfortably…

The two Obun Elders stood on either sides of Dara whilst Elder Long Walked in front of the beast…

"Scout team move out!"

Elder Long ordered as 100 experts [80 Obuns and 20 tribesmen] broke out of the troop and ran ahead before spreading out in every forward direction in pairs, scouting for problems or ambushes before the troop arrived…

"Soldiers, defense formation 1!"

Elder Long bellowed again as the remaining 400 soldiers formed a protective square around Dara; 100 on each sides as well as the front and the rear, as they all began to march out of the tribe in that formation…

These soldiers were all equipped with battle amours, swords, spears, bows and quivers made out of steel and several ore dusts with the exclusion of the Qi Stone dusts, making Dara the only person wielding battle equipment made out of Qi Stone dusts…

The gates of the tribe was slammed shut as per Dara\'s request as all the watch guards manned their turrets with bows and quivers as well as spears and staffs at their disposal, should they need to repel any invasion whatsoever…

The troop moved very fast as almost all of them were already familiar with the route, and in just about an hour, they were already a few kilometers off the Qi Stone mine, and as they marched onwards with extreme caution, the sound of something rapidly rushing over from the dense bush up ahead floated into the ears of the alert troops;



Shing!  Schweein!

The moment the figure bolted out of the dense foliage, the entire troop marched to a halt with a single step before drawing their weapons in the direction of the approaching figure, but Dara quickly rose his hand into the hair and the entire troop halted but still kept their weapons pointed at the invader…

Dara had spotted the figure from about thirty meters away, and it was one of the tribesmen who went out as part of the scout team who had come bearing a report…

The figure finally came into view and when the troop realized it was one of them, they sheathed their weapons but remained utterly alert of their environments, and whilst the scout was giving his reports the rest of the troops scanned the area they were protecting for any movements;

"Just as I feared…" Elder Long who was stopped the scout and received the reports muttered to himself as he walked over to Dara and relayed everything he heard from the scout;

"There is no reason to be scared… Not only is the situation unavoidable, but we also outnumber them…" Dara eased Elder Long\'s worries as he looked up ahead with a smirk;

"But, what about those five figures?" Elder Long asked;

"What about them?"

"One of them has been identified as King Tian of the Land of Light, as well as the general commander of the Royal Guards with his 100 man strong Peak Qi Creation cultivation and outstanding battle experience and techniques…"

Elder Long voiced his worries as he felt they should retreat, perhaps out of fear of the fact that, the three mysterious figured looked like shady people who gave him creeps just by their description alone;

Or perhaps it might be due to the mental trauma they had made him experience when he was captured and throughout the time he was enslaved at the Qi Stone Farm…

But Dara had utmost confidence in victory;

"Firstly, even though they have more battle experience than us as well as better techniques, we have the Obuns who almost do not feel pain, and we also outnumber them by about five to one…"

"Secondly, the quicker we deal with this the better it is for us to gauge their strength should we have to fall back and fight this battle another day…"

"Then lastly, there is also the strong possibilities of getting a cultivation technique and outstanding martial arts from these guys, and if we can achieve victory and also take back as much Qi Stones as we can carry, not only would we be killing two birds with one stone, but this would by far be our most successful mission, ever…"

Dara spoke and the excitement in his tone was apparent as he felt the need to motivate Elder Long;

"Moreover, don\'t you want to get revenge for what they did to you?"

Dara manipulated Elder Long\'s emotions and used it to motivate him as Elder Long\'s face instantly became disgusted and solemn before nodding his head at Dara who then told them to approach as quietly as possible…

Then when they were just about ten meters from the Qi Stone Mine, they could finally see the troops the scouts had reported about, and everything was exactly as the scout had reported, the troops from the Royal Court were currently standing in front of the cave entrance looking straight into it with King Tian also watching on, as well as the three mysterious figures…

Then a figure ran out of the cave whilst sweating and panting heavily with almost all of his body bright red from being in close proximity with the immense heat that was within the cave;

"It is as we have heard, your highness… Someone really did set fire to the cave…"

The general commander spoke as King Tian felt three pairs of murderous gaze lock onto him from behind as he broke out in cold sweat…

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