
Chapter 763 - The Story of Ling and Heng

Chapter 763: The Story of Ling and Heng (26)

Feng Ling found that these days whenever she was training, people kept looking at her.

This situation had started since she wore the new clothes Han Jin brought her.

She had never studied the differences between these uniforms, and they didn’t look any different at all, so why did these people keep looking at her?

The point was that when these people looked at her, their eyes were shining as if they had a special liking for the clothes on her.

She was puzzled. After the training, she asked Han Jin about these uniforms, but Han Jin simply said, “Ah, maybe these uniforms are new and look newer than theirs.”

That was it?

Wasn’t the uniform provided free of charge? As far as she knew, once your uniform was worn out, you could get another one easily.

She was going to apply for a new set before getting these uniforms, but there wasn’t her size, so she had to wait for a few days. Then Han Jin suddenly brought her a few sets. She thought that these were customized for her according to her size and were not different from other uniforms.

But K told her in private that the uniforms she wore were of the same quality as Boss Li’s, in which there was a protective layer that ordinary knives and guns couldn’t easily penetrate, although they didn’t look different. However, those who were close to Boss could tell the difference.

He also said that this type of clothing could only be worn by the members on dangerous missions, and newbies and common members were not qualified to wear it.

This time, Feng Ling didn’t go to ask Han Jin about it. She vaguely felt that it was not up to Han Jin who was only an assistant drillmaster of Team One to decide whether to issue her this kind of clothes.

It would do no good asking too much. It didn’t look any different on her body anyway, although she found that these uniforms were much stronger than the previous one indeed.

At least after half a month of continuous training, these uniforms weren’t worn or scratched at all.

The quality was really exceptionally good.

In the evening, Feng Ling held a cell phone in her hand that Han Jin newly bought for her. Of course, the money to buy it was the prize she earned for gaining first place in the previous special training assessments. There were about 30,000 yuan. She gave 3,000 yuan of it to Han Jin and asked him to go out of the base to help her buy a cell phone, because like other newbies, she was not allowed to leave the base at will.

She fiddled with her phone while looking at the number that Han Jinshun had stored on it.

She didn’t know why Han Jin saved Li Nanheng ‘s number in her cell phone’s address book.

But after thinking about it, she still clicked on the message menu. She didn’t know how to use a cell phone and K taught her how. Now she had learned how to send a text message, but she never expected that the first text message of her life was issued to Li Nanheng.

Feng Ling: [Boss, are my uniforms tailored to my size? Were the charges paid by the base or you? How much is it, I’ll give it back to you. ]

She thought that she still had more than 20,000 yuan in her hand, and it should be enough to pay him back.

Five minutes later, the phone received a reply.

Nanheng: [? ]

A very cold question mark.

He should be able to guess this message was from her according to these words, but he sent her a question mark.

For the sake of these uniforms and the fact that Boss Li hadn’t kicked her out of the base and gave her a chance to earn a bonus, Feng Ling patiently sent him another message. [I am Feng Ling. ]

Then she immediately received a message: [Are you getting complacent for getting a bonus? Did you buy a new phone? Get out and do physical training. If I find that you don’t sleep at night but keep sending text messages around, I’ll have Han Jin confiscate all your bonuses temporarily. ]

Feng Ling: “...”

Boss Li, are you a devil?

She just wanted to thank him, and he replied to her like this?

Feng Ling simply didn’t reply anymore. She threw her phone on the bed, put on her clothes, and got out. When she opened the door, she saw Han Jin waiting for her outside.

This was the regular special training for her every night and she never missed it.

She could guess who issued this order before leaving. Otherwise, why did Han Jin who had been tired after a day’s work still train her at night?

Feng Ling turned her wrist and said, “Let’s go, is it physical endurance and shooting training today?”

Han Jin raised an eyebrow. ” How do you like the phone?”

“Not bad.”

Looking at the calm and indifferent boy, Han Jin turned quietly and walked out.

As he walked, he remembered that Boss Li made a special phone call during the day and told him to buy Feng Ling a cell phone easier to use.

He looked back at Feng Ling who seemed to have no idea about it at all.

Alas, Boss really cared about Feng Ling.

If Feng Ling knew that he was now a piece of fat targeted in Boss’s eyes, he would probably escape from the base overnight.


In the Li family’s villa.

Nanheng waited for more than ten minutes but did not receive any reply from Feng Ling.

He glanced at the phone, and again at the message box.

He waited a little longer, but still, there was no reply.

He stared darkly at the cell phone and his fingers pressed heavily on the phone screen. One digit after another, he saved Feng Ling’s phone number in his phone.


The Li family was built by several brothers of the Li family and was one of the most important families in the United States.

The Li family had always been led by men. Now it was managed by Li Nanheng ‘s grandfather and his three brothers and cousins. The four grandfathers of the Li family were equally important and each of them controlled a certain power.

In the Li family’s villa, these grandfathers barely talked about business but drank tea and discussed Li Nanheng’s marriage, the future development of XI Base, and the future orientation of the Li family.

They had recommended some suitable young ladies to Li Nanheng, but he coldly and seriously refused to meet them.

The grandfathers weren’t quite angry at his refusal. Now they laughed and talked about how Li Nanheng’s face immediately turned dark at that moment, the type of woman today’s young men liked, and the days when they were still young.

“Nanheng hasn’t been in the base recently. Isn’t Feng assigned to temporarily manage the base? Is there any news from Feng? Is the new blood in the base better than the old members we had when we created the base? ”

“Now the newbies don’t experience the war decades ago, and they will never experience any killings without participating in an actual battle. It cannot be said that there is no one outstanding, but there are very few.”

“Feng said there is a newbie called Feng Ling. When he attacks, people almost can’t see his movements clearly. This guy has great potential.”

“Yes, I’ve also heard of him. He is young but it’s said that he ranked the first in the latest special training assessment. I’ve seen the live video of the assessment. His single attack works better than four or even five attacks of other newbies. He’s also got good marksmanship. If he is trained properly, he will achieve a lot.”

“Feng? Not many Chinese in the US use this surname. What a coincidence...”

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