
Chapter 899 - The Story of Ling and Heng (162)

Looking at Feng Ling’s face and her lips in such a short distance... such a kissing angle...

Some strange images suddenly flashed in his mind.

Those images weren’t like scenes experienced in dreams, but like what happened in reality. When did he push her down on this bed? When did he kiss her on this bed?

But the scene that popped up in his mind made him stare at Feng Ling’s face deeply.

Since coming to the Rogers Pass, although he had not concealed his feelings for Feng Ling, he had never made any harassment or other actions that she didn’t like.

After all, after he kissed her at the base that night, she pointed a gun at him the next day. He was not so horny as to do something that she resisted.

But those images couldn’t come from anywhere.

He kept looking at Feng Ling’s face and tried hard to recall, but he could only recall the images of him pressing her on the bed and kissing her, and he was not sure whether it was a dream or not.

In order to recall more clearly, Li Nanheng kissed her on the lips. Her lips were so soft that he just wanted to go deeper and deeper. He restrained the impulse and felt that the images in his mind were looming.

Making sure that Feng Ling’s nightmare had ended, Li Nanheng let go of her, let her lie down on the bed, sat up and gazed at her, and then he turned to look at the small table beside the bed.

There was no wine bottle on the small table, but when he glanced at it, he remembered the few empty bottles place on it on the day he just woke up.

Did it have anything to do with the wine that Fattie fed him that night?


The next day, it was Fattie ‘s turn to patrol. When Fattie was about to go down the mountain, he suddenly discovered that Boss Li was also here.

The two went down the mountain, and Fattie looked flattered. “Boss, are you going to patrol with me?”

Li Nanheng glanced at the snow and ice and said coldly: “I’d like to ask you something.”

“Oh, boss, what do you want to ask?”

“Did anything else happen on the night that you fed me wine when I had a high fever?”

Fattie tried to remember. “No, When Feng Ling heard that I fed you wine, she was very mad at me and drove me out, but that night Dabin did the patrols and the vigil. If something happened, he would tell us. That night, Feng Ling stayed in the tent and took care of you. She took care of you sleeplessly for days and nights. What could happen?”

“Was Feng Ling mad at you?”

“Yeah, like everyone else, when the brothers heard that I fed you alcohol, they all scolded me, so did Feng Ling. In fact, I should have taken care of you that night. I asked her to take a good rest, and I would take care of you, but she was worried about you and insisted on staying there, taking care of you. Feng Ling insisted, so I left so as not to piss her off.”

“Just that?”


“Nothing else happened?”

“No, I was in the other tent and didn’t fall asleep, because I regretted feeding you wine and sat in bed thinking for quite a while.”

“You didn’t hear anything at that time?”

“No, it was quiet.”

“How long did you sit on the bed thinking after going back to the tent?”

“About five minutes!”

Li Nanheng: “......”

“Hey, hey, Boss, why are you leaving? Won’t you patrol with me? Don’t you have any other questions to ask me? Don’t leave, Boss...”


Everyone had thought that they would stay at least three months at Rogers Pass, but they didn’t expect to receive an emergency notice from the base when they were going to stay here for a month.

Some big shots of the United Nations and the US military were going to XI Base for inspection. They were very curious about the current situation of the sniper team, so they wanted to come and see for themselves.

The training process of the sniper team was suspended for a month because Feng Ling was out on a mission. Now she had to return and resume training immediately. Otherwise, when the big shots came, if the five people in the sniper team were still undertrained, the US military would take this opportunity to discredit XI Base and withdraw the rights assigned to the base.

If Feng Ling went back, the other people should also go back. After all, they came here together. For fairness, if someone needed to be stationed here, the base should send some other people over.

Li Nanheng intended to send over a few elites of the base, and the mission on the Rogers Pass was ended two months in advance.


It was autumn in Los Angeles. In the base, it was at least seven or eight degrees colder than a month ago.

Moreover, after returning to the base, they could no longer idle around every day as they did at the Rogers Pass, so they instantly got busy.

In the sniper team, the training schedule was speeded up. The training time was usually about seven or eight hours a day, and now it was increased to ten hours, plus two hours of training at night. The special training for sniper shooting was also added. Li Nanheng was in charge of the sniper team temporarily, giving the five of them intensive training with Qiao Fei.

At nine in the evening, the intensive training was over, and Feng Ling returned to her residence.

Everyone became busy again after returning to the base. Li Nanheng didn’t go to the meeting room of the base today. When Feng Ling walked back to her residence, he happened to go downstairs, and the two went upstairs together.

Feng Ling walked upstairs without looking back, not saying anything or greeting him. Li Nanheng looked at her cold back, and when they arrived at the floor where she lived, he wanted to talk to her about the base’s recent plan for the sniper team.

After reaching her room, however, Feng Ling directly opened the door and slammed it shut after she entered the room, even not giving him a chance to speak.

Standing in the aisle lit by the automatic lamp and looking at the closed door, Li Nanheng frowned.

Just when he was about to walk over, his phone suddenly rang.

Li Nanheng answered the phone, and after hearing what was said by the other side of the line, he frowned, cast a meaningful glance at the closed door, and turned to go straight out.

When he arrived at the base’s canteen, two members of Team Three hurriedly came up and handed him a sanitary napkin, saying, “Boss, this is what we found under this seat just now. Isn’t this women’s stuff? There are no women in our base, and Dr. Wen ‘s sister hasn’t been in the base recently. How could there be such a thing?... I remember Feng Ling was sitting on this seat just now...”

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