
Chapter 769 - Encounter

Merlin’s Maxim Chains directly shattered the three flame arrows. The arrows disintegrated into tiny sparks and disappeared in mid-air.

The three figures in the sky were surprised, and immediately flew the birds down.

After the three came down, they said something to Merlin and Setoh. However, Merlin and Setoh did not understand their language and remained confused even after they had finished speaking.

Merlin carefully observed the three beings who were around the same height as Spell Casters. However, their skin was slightly red, and in the middle of their foreheads was a marking of a flame, which was very special.

The three birds seemed to have been tamed by the three men. The beast that they were “monitoring” earlier had been killed by Wizard Setoh, which might have caused a dispute.

Merlin did not understand their language but that did not hinder him from communicating with them.

“Who are you?”

Merlin directly projected his Mind Power into the other party’s consciousness. He could speak into his Awareness without using language.

“Huh? You’re not from our Flare Nation, and neither are you from the Flame Nation. You don’t have the flame imprint, so you’re not even from Flare Region. Who are you?”

Hearing Merlin’s “words”, the man looked at Merlin in surprise. However, Merlin already knew what he wanted to say in his mind.

“Matrix, collect their language vocabulary!”

Merlin told the Matrix to collect the language of these men so he could compare it to the Molta language. With Merlin and Setoh’s ability, it would be easy for them to learn the language.

Merlin hesitated for a moment before discussing with Wizard Setoh.

“Wizard Setoh, these men may be the native civilization of this strange world. Judging by those birds they rode on as well as the move they had demonstrated earlier, I’m afraid they aren’t a weak civilization. Why don’t we learn about this world through them?”

Merlin and Setoh stood at the peak of the Void Zone. Although Merlin was not a Lord, he was even more terrifying than a Lord when facing intelligent lifeforms.

Therefore, although this world might have some secrets, unless under great dangerous circumstances, they would not be afraid of anything.

Thus, Wizard Setoh also nodded, and let Merlin talk to them.

“Who we are isn’t important. You’re from the Flare Nation? Why did you attack us earlier?”

Maxim Chains appeared one by one on Merlin’s body, causing the three men to immediately feel nervous. Their attack earlier had been easily neutralized by Merlin’s Maxim Chains. Even now, at close distance, they could feel danger from Merlin and Setoh.

“Yes, we’re children from the Flare Nation royal family. We were hunting in our royal forest when you killed our prey. You should know that no one can enter the royal forest except members of the royal family. I won’t ask how you entered the royal forest. However, the fact that you were able to enter proves that you’re not ordinary. Our Flare Nation is currently recruiting powerful beings. If you follow us and have an audience with His Majesty the King, and obtain his recognition, no matter who you are, this intrusion into the royal forest would be pardoned. What do you think?”

The child of the Flame Nation royal family seemed to have no interest in who Merlin and Setoh were. He simply recommended them to the King of the Flare Nation.

Merlin and Setoh glanced at each other. A strong and special civilization had already developed here. They seemed to be the Flare Nation and the Flame Nation. However, the Flare Nation must have been having trouble recently, so they were recruiting contenders.

This was a good opportunity to understand the Flare Nation. Of course, this was also a very dangerous matter. After all, contenders had surely populated important areas. If this was a powerful civilization, Merlin and Setoh might be in danger.

“I’m just a Maxim avatar, so it doesn’t matter even if I’m lost. However, Wizard Merlin, you must be careful. I’m sure you know that now we’ve left the Spell Caster civilization, a Maxim avatar like me isn’t of much use. Your safety is the most important. If something happens to the Spell Caster civilization, you’d be our final hope...”

Wizard Setoh did not care about danger at all. First, those who would be able to kill his avatar would at least be beings that were the top among Lords. After all, he was an avatar of an ultimate existence.

He did not care about his own safety but it was different for Merlin. The Three Great Arcane Wizards regarded Merlin as having the potential to become the fourth ultimate existence of the Spell Caster civilization. Therefore, taking Merlin away this time was to protect Merlin, just as Merlin had guessed.

Thus, Merlin’s safety was the highest priority for Wizard Setoh.

Merlin smiled and said, “Wizard Setoh, you don’t have to worry about my safety. If we were somewhere without any human habitation, then I might have been in trouble. However, that’s the Flare Nation palace. The more people there are, the safer I am. Isn’t that right?”

Merlin pointed at the three men at the side, and Wizard Setoh also glanced over following his finger. He realized that the three men’s eyes were glazed over. They were clearly under Merlin’s control.

This showed that Merlin’s method of controlling minds was still usable to the intelligent creatures of this world. The more beings there were, and places where there were more contenders, were exactly places where Merlin was safest.

“Yes, I almost forgot that Wizard Merlin is the Legend Glory!”

Wizard Setoh smiled. In a sense, Merlin was the Legend Glory, and his strength was no less powerful than him as a Maxim avatar.

“Alright, we’ll go to the Flare Nation. Let’s see what kind of civilization was nurtured here.”

This strange civilization had several suns in the sky, and the entire world seemed to be a stove. A civilization birthed by such a unique environment would be unique as well.

Merlin agreed to the three men, and they smiled from above the birds’ backs. In their view, they had just recruited two contenders for His Majesty the King. After all, those who were able to neutralize their attack were certainly not simple. They were all prodigies in the imperial city. Otherwise, they would not dare to enter the royal forest either.

Merlin voluntarily initiated conversation with the three men, allowing the Matrix to accumulate enough vocabulary to master the language. With Merlin and Setoh’s capabilities, it was easy to master a language. Before long, they could converse with the three men in their language.

Through conversation, Merlin learned that the three men were children from the Flare Nation royal family. The leader was called Flarong, a prodigy belonging to a branch of the royal family. They decided to come to the imperial city because of the recent crisis the entire kingdom was facing.

“Crisis? Is it the Flame Nation?”

Merlin recalled the Flame Nation that the three men had mentioned multiple times. It seemed that this entire continent was only ruled by these two huge nations.

“I know very well that your origins are unknown. You don’t have to ask me anything else. Just follow me to have an audience with His Majesty the King. Right now, the kingdom is thirsty for talent. As long as you have the ability, it doesn’t matter if you’re a homicidal maniac as all your crimes will be pardoned! Therefore, no matter how unimaginable your origins are, as long as you have the strength, the kingdom would accept you. At that time, you’ll naturally know everything!”

Flarong spoke to Merlin and Setoh with a smile that did not seem like a smile. He naturally knew that their origins were very strange but he did not care. The kingdom was currently recruiting prodigies, and there were more than plenty of suspicious beings. It did not matter if that amount increased by two as long as they had adequate strength.

Merlin did not control their minds to force the three men to say what they knew either. As Flarong said, once they had reached the palace, and met the King, and as long as they had enough strength, then there would be no problem. It would not be too late for them to slowly understand then.

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