
Chapter 183 - It's Not Easy Being A Parent

Jason was caught completely off guard by his mother\'s sudden outburst. He had never seen her act this way. Not even in her most furious of moments.

Jason gulped as he tried to ask "I thought you were okay with the training camp? You and dad were so excited talking about it just a few seconds ago."

Jason\'s mom shook her head as she sternly stared at her son "That was before you told us that the training camp would be in New York.

You are not going Jaya and that\'s final." Jason was beginning to get frustrated but he kept his emotions under control as he tried to figure out what the problem was.

"I don\'t get it mom. You were literally jumping in joy when you heard that Nike invited me to their training camp.

I understand that I might have messed up a little in not telling you where they were hosting the training camp first.

But this just doesn\'t make sense. All of a sudden you\'re saying I can\'t go because the training camp is in New York?"

Jason\'s mom stood up from her chair as she picked up her plate. Jason\'s dad asked in confusion "What are you doing Naomi?"

She answered without looking back "I\'m going to wash my plate. I\'ve lost my appetite and now I don\'t feel like eating."

Jason stood up from his seat "Don\'t be like that mom. Let\'s talk this out. Whatever reason you have for not wanting me to go to New York I won\'t know until you tell me."

She ignored him as she walked over to the sink and began to wash her dishes. Jason was beginning to get a little hot in the head after seeing his mom\'s response.

He knew that right now the best course of action would be to just accept their decision and try to talk about it at another time.

But maybe because of the hormones coursing through his young body or maybe because of him being used to being treated as an adult he couldn\'t take being treated like a child.

Jason walked over to his mom "Why can\'t you tell me why you don\'t want me going to the training camp?

What\'s so bad about New York?" She continued to ignore Jason as she kept her focus on doing the dishes.

Jason\'s dad stood up as he put his hands up in a peaceful gesture "Now now let\'s try and keep our heads cool. 

Naomi you are not acting like an adult right now. Jason is asking a question so maybe we should try to give him an answer?

And you Jason. You\'re mother is not handling this in the best way possible but you are also stepping out of bounds a bit."

Jason ignored his dad as he kept on going "I just want an answer mom. Tell me what\'s so bad about New York that you want me to pass up on a once in a lifetime chance like this."

Her head turned toward Jason in an aggressive manner as she angrily looked at Jason "I think that you have forgotten that we are your parents Jaya.

Just because me and your dad are usually laid back you seem to have forgotten that we are your parents and that you are our child.

If we say no to something and explain to you why that is a privilege not a right. I told you no and I don\'t owe you an explanation."

Jason had never experienced his mother being as stubborn and as unreasonable as this once in his past life.

Jason was getting red in the face and his ears were getting hot "That makes no sense! If you\'re going to make me miss out on an opportunity like this you should at least-!"

Jason couldn\'t finish his sentence as a open hand connected with the side of his face. The sound of a loud smack rang through the air as Jason\'s face turned to the side from the impact.

The taste of iron leaked into his mouth as his vision began to go red. Jason\'s mom had a glint of regret flash through her eyes as she bit her lip.

"I am the adult and you are the child Jaya! If I tell you that you\'re not going to the training camp then that\'s it!"

Jason\'s dad was just as surprised as Jason if not more "Naomi! I know that this is a hard situation but-"

He was interrupted as Jason\'s figure disappeared in a blur. Jason had sprinted to the front of the apartment.

He screamed out as he grabbed his shoes "This is fucking bullshit!" The door then slammed shut after he had ran out.

Jason\'s dad hurriedly made his way to the door but by the time he was able to stick his head out and look around his son was gone.

As he made his way back in to the apartment he was running both of his hands through his hair out of stress.

After walking back in he saw Naomi sitting on the floor of the kitchen as she was in the middle of sobbing into her hands.

He walked over to her side and sat down next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder as he began to comfort her in silence.

After a few minutes Naomi spoke "I-I\'m so sorry Henry. I\'m such a bad mom. I knew that what I was saying was unreasonable but I just couldn\'t think of any other way to handle it.

Jaya kept pressing and asking for answers and I knew that I couldn\'t give him one. I don\'t know what came over me. 

My head got hot and my vision went black. The next thing I knew I had already slapped him!"

Henry gently kissed the top of her head as he rubbed her shoulder "I know baby I know. We try to act like superheroes in front of our kids but the reality is that even parents are human.

We all make mistakes. Now granted you did make a big mistake but that\'s just part of being human. No one is perfect."

She began to cry even harder after hearing him say that "Now Jaya is running around the streets and he probably hates me."

Henry kissed her again on the top of her head "Don\'t worry about Jaya. You know that he has some... interesting friends. 

Nothing bad will happen to him while he\'s outside. And how could you think that Jaya would hate you?

He\'s probably a little hot headed right now because of the whole fight that you two had. But after he has some time to himself to cool down a little he\'ll get over it.

You know how that kid is. He has so much love in his heart that there\'s not that much space for hate.

But I do think we should let him go to the training camp." Naomi looked up in surprise after hearing Henry say that.

"How could you say that Henry? What if they find him? All of the years that we spent making sure that Jaya could have normal life filled with love and peace would go to waste."

Henry answered "They\'ve never seen him before. We left over a decade ago. They don\'t even know if we had a boy or a girl.

Do you think they would recognize him just because of his last name? Do you know how many Korean and Chinese people have Yang as a last name?"

After a few moments she seemed to have relented a little "But what if they do? Just because there\'s only a small chance of something happening doesn\'t mean that it won\'t.

Wouldn\'t it be better to just not take the risk at all?" Henry pulled her into a hug "Baby, life is too short to live it in fear.

Isn\'t that why we did what we did? We took a huge risk all those years ago and for what? We did it because it\'s what we thought would make us happy.

If we live our life taking chances and chasing dreams wouldn\'t it be unfair to Jason to make him live life safely at the cost of missing out?

I worry about Jason too. He always pushes himself the hardest when he plays basketball. But that\'s what makes him happy.

Yes, as parents part of our job is making sure that our children can grow up safely. But sometimes there are risks that you just have to take.

You can\'t live life completely devoid of risks and dangers. All we can do is educate our children so that they can make the most informed choices.

We can provide all the guidance and structure in the world but ultimately it\'s up to them to determine if the risks are worth the reward."

After a while she finally nodded her head. She then leaned on Henry as she asked "Okay, you managed to convince me Mr. Smarty pants.

But shouldn\'t you be chasing after our son now?" Henry just chuckled "I told you already didn\'t I?

Jason has some special friends so I don\'t think we need to worry all that much. For some reason that kid just gives me a weird sense of confidence."

Naomi looked up with a sweet look in her teary eyes "Maybe it\'s because he reminds you of someone?"

Henry chuckled "That might be it. I seem to remember a familiar scene happening a little over a decade ago.

Everything turned out pretty well for that immature boy so I\'m pretty confident that Jason will be okay."

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