
Chapter 73: The God of Lightning that isn’t the God of Lightning, Part II

Chapter 73: The God of Lightning that isn’t the God of Lightning, Part II

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

I clearly remembered this because I remembered seeing the news report on the armor and the unbelievably low chance of completing the full armor set.

“Freaking one in a quintillion chance…” It was like telling people not to even attempt at crafting the armor. Don’t make it; just dream about it. It was like it was designed to make people abandon their quest to craft the item. People even joked that the armor probably never even existed.

When people first found out about the Armor Set, there were many who set out to craft the set. Monsters in Australia dropped Armor Shards, no matter what level they were, dungeon and field monsters alike.

There was a surplus of Armor Shards because of how often they dropped and soon, the value of the Shards plummeted. Every time someone failed to create the armor, the value dropped even more.

Some, like large guilds, would mass millions of pieces in an attempt to create the Armor Set. The result was complete and utter failure. Not a single one of them ever succeeded in making even one piece of armor.

No one knew how to do it. There wasn’t any record of any sort that hinted about the combination. There were so many combinations that it became just about impossible.

If someone at least knew what the starting piece was, there could have been some headway. But no one knew. It could have been A1 or D10.

And yet, there was always someone that could make the impossible possible. Miracle workers.

-There was that one guy, Lightning Shoe, Wakaba.-

He wasn’t the God of Lightning, but the Lightning Shoe for crafting the Armor set’s Boots.

-Still, that was some dumb luck.-

It wasn’t easy being known just from equipment and items only, and only one at that.

The reason devas with Rank 8 or higher equips were famous was because they were strong enough to wield them. Yet, Wakaba became famous just from the Boots.

-This time, it’ll be me!-

I searched through the list and bought the pieces I needed. There were still a few people out there that believed they could create a miracle, so the price of some of the pieces ranged from 1,000 to 9,000 golden rings, but I bought them all without hesitation.

I bought E9, A7, B3, C5, C9, E3, A10, D4 and D1. “I just need the last shard now.” I had confirmed that the nine pieces were there before I left for the Seorak dungeon, and that there were enough of them. However, I couldn’t find the final shard and had to give up on it.

This final shard would take some time to appear as it was only dropped by harpies. Harpies were hard to kill and would fly away from battle if they were about to die. Only a few devas would set out to hunt them.

“Please be here.” I searched for B7 in the search bar.

===[Shard of a Cracked Azazel’s Lightning Phantasm B7]===


It was there. There was only one left! I quickly clicked on it. It cost 25,500 golden rings, but I quickly clicked the Buy button. I had every intention to fly to Australia to find one for myself if it wasn’t here, but now I didn’t need to!

Harpies were high level and solitary monsters, making them pretty difficult to hunt, but I was confident that I could kill them easily by baiting them. It would take quite some time though, so it was good that there was one on sale!

Each Shard took up its own slot in my inventory, but I didn’t care.

-The effect of making just a single armor piece was immense, right? I should quickly go outside and craft it.-

I wasn’t about to make it in the middle of a huge crowd and attract everyone’s attention. I was going to check out some skills and see if there were any decent spears to buy, but right now, I was focused on the Armor Shards.

I went back up to the first floor to pick up my repaired equipment and quickly left the Store.

“I should find some place secluded.” There were too many mortals and devas around. I sprinted out of the plaza and headed for Gooryong Mountain.


Reaching the mountain, I looked around to make sure there was no one around me and opened my inventory to take out the ten Pieces.

“Combine Azazel’s Lightning Armor Shards!”

==[You will now attempt to combine ten Azazel’s Lightning Armor Shards. Please put the shards in whatever order you wish.]==

I placed the Shards in order, from E9 to B7. The second I placed down the B7 Shard, all of the Shards began to spark and floated up into the air. The sparks grew in intensity the higher the Shards floated. The sparks grew stronger and stronger until they burned as bright as lightning.

A huge flash of lightning struck the Shards with a deafening roll of thunder. The air around me was charged with electricity.

Multiple bolts of lightning struck the gathered Shards for five whole seconds until the gathered Shards unleashed their own bolt back into the sky. I watched the whole thing happen with my mouth wide open. I had never seen anything like this before.

This is what they meant when they said the effect was immense. It really was a good idea to not do it at the Store.

As soon as the lightning stopped, the electricity that charged the air around me dissipated, and in place of the Shards were a pair of blue boots, enveloped in a purple haze. Purple haze!

The completed boots fell straight to the ground. I walked over to them and picked them up.

“Item check!”


[Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Boots (Rank 10)

A pair of boots that belong to Azazel’s Lightning Armor set.

All stats increased by 300

AGI increased by 200

Grants Blink skill (cooldown 300 seconds, MP cost: 1, no skill points required, range of 500 meters.)

1% chance to inflict Powerful Shock onto opponents. (Powerful Shock: inflicts 100,000 damage, decreases movement speed and attack speed, DEF and MDEF by 80% for 3 seconds)

Decrease damage from Lightning-based attacks by 10%

Chance to avoid critical hits decreased by 170%

Movement speed increased by 10%

Durability 1,155,000/1,155,000

DEF 3000, MDEF 3500]

[Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Armor Set

Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Helm: X

Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Cuirass: X

Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Greaves: X

Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Gauntlets: X

Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Boots: O

One currently equipped. Equip at least one more to receive set bonus.]


“!!!” My jaw dropped as I read through the Boots’ description. I did already know about the Boots Stats. Wakaba had gone around showing off his Boot, so everyone knew about them. But knowing about them and seeing them firsthand was very different.

“So…this is one of the seven treasures.” There were many famous items out there, but there were seven that came out above all the rest. Black Hole and Unbreakable Will were a couple of them.

STR increased by 300 and AGI by 200; it also had a free Blink skill!… There were so many awesome effects!

“But that Powerful Shock effect has to have made it one of the seven treasures.”

The effect lowered movement and attack speed, DEF and MDEF by 80%. It was only for three seconds, but that was enough time for any deva over the level of 1000. A deva that strong could shower, eat, and brush his teeth in three seconds.

“Damn, whoever gets caught in the Powerful Shock effect pretty much becomes helpless for those three seconds.” That was probably why there was only a 1% chance for the effect to activate.

These boots were also why Wakaba completely switched up his fighting style. He began investing all of his Stat points into AGI and bought items and equipment to make up for his other Stats. He switched to an archer class and used arrows that had the longest range. He even purchased skills to increase his attack range and attack speed to be able to attack multiple enemies at one time.

His plan was to increase the chance of activating the effect by putting out as many attacks as possible. The result… was a complete success!

He would team up with his guild members, who would tank for him while he shot arrows until the effect activated. Three seconds was more than enough. To devas that didn’t have the Unrivaled skill, those three seconds were an eternity. Even deities feared Wakaba!

A bolt of lightning struck you once you were caught in the effect. Once that happened, you practically stood in place, practically screaming to everyone around you to attack you!

“It’s game over once that happens.” Wakaba effectively became a reaper of death once he switched his fighting style. He didn’t care about damage, nor did he need to. His only role was to use his Powerful Shock to incapacitate the enemy tank. It was even better if the enemy tank had multiple healers and supporters as Wakaba could incapacitate all of them. Furthermore, the Powerful Shock effect didn’t require MP or have a cooldown like skills; he just needed to have the Boots equipped to use it. His teammates only needed to look out for the bolt of lightning that notified them that the effect took hold and focus their attacks on the poor victim.

Wakaba’s guild, the Baobab Guild, became one of the world’s strongest guilds, and it was all thanks to Wakaba.

“I doubt I’ll be able to utilize Powerful Shock as well as Wakaba.” The only reason Azazel’s Boots became one of the seven treasures was because of how Wakaba switched his fight style and properly utilized it to its full potential.

“But that still doesn’t mean I’m about to become an archer like Wakaba.” None of that mattered to me. The Powerful Shock was helpful, yes, but I didn’t need it. Wakaba’s new fighting style also relied on teammates to keep the enemy away from him. There was no way he could be that successful if he fought alone.

“Since Wakaba the Reaper is no more, doesn’t that mean it’s better for other devas and deities?” I looked down at the Boots as my thoughts wandered. I put the Boots on and set them to invisible.

“Open Stats Menu!”


[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 200 Death Count: 0

Title: Earth’s First Deva

HP: 1,429,500/1,429,500 MP: 172,700/172,700

Strength: 6,400 Agility: 4,700 Vitality: 2,799

Willpower: 1,667 Intelligence: 1,597

Unassigned Stat Points: 0

Fatigue: 0

Special Effects: Luck Boost (X+ 1), immune to all status effects, Dungeon Seeker 6 points

Physical Attack: 20,385 Physical Defense: 6,444

Magical Attack: 5,391 Magical Defense: 5,682]


“I suppose…this is the power of one of the seven treasures!” It had only been one day since I reached level 200, but my Stats were so much stronger from equipping one Rank 10 item!

“Ha…haha…hahahahaha!” How could I not laugh?

“It’s part of a set, but I suppose I should end it with just the Boots.” When Wakaba assembled the boots, the large guilds scrambled once more to collect the Shards as the total number required went down from 50 to 40.

“The chance to assemble one piece was still a 1 in 90,000,000,000,000,000.” Not a single other piece of Armor ever appeared again.

“Even if I have high luck, I doubt that I’ll be able to assemble a piece on my own.” I was more than satisfied with the Boots.

“I suppose if I get bored…and I mean really bored… I’ll try my hand at it. Blink!” I used Blink to leave Gooryong Mountain and headed back for the Store. I still had more to buy!


At the same time Lee Jiwon’s Azazel’s Earth-shaking Lightning Boots were assembled, the shards used to assemble the Boots were all removed from the auction houses. The shards crumbled into fine dust and blew off into the wind.


A party of five devas were out hunting giant scorpions in the great Australian Outback. One of the party members, Esther, was the party’s supporter and was occasionally casting Courage and Resist Poison on her party while debuffing the giant scorpions around them.

She was her guild’s strongest support caster and had no problem casting buffs and debuffs simultaneously. Her level and items were decent, too.

She would also occasionally pick up monster drops for her party, as well. She bent down to pick up an E3 Shard that a giant scorpion dropped when the shard vanished from her hand in a cloud of dust.

“Wait, what the hell?” Her party members turned around at her surprised voice.

“What? What is it?”

“I just picked up an E3 Shard, but it just disappeared. No… it was more like in turned to dust and blew away…”

“What? What do you mean?” Her party members ceased their hunting and gathered around her.

“What I mean is… wait a second!” Esther quickly opened her inventory and saw that not only did that E3 Shard disappear, but so did her other Shards. They were all gone!

“Guys, check your inventories now!” The others opened up their inventories and saw the same.

“What the hell?”

“My C5 Shard is gone!”

“Mine too! My D1 Shards are gone, too! I had thirteen of them in here!” Their Shards were gone.

“No way…it can’t be…”

“Did someone assemble an Armor piece?”

“Yeah, right! Do you have any idea how hard that is?”

“How else can you explain this…?”



No one could answer Esther’s question. They knew exactly how hard it was to assemble one piece of Armor. It was impossible! They knew that the chance of assembling the first piece was 1 out of 1,491,041,720,931,840,000. Australian devas laughed at those who tried to assemble the Armor, while taking their money.

It wasn’t just Esther’s party; other Australian parties found that their E9, A7, B3, C5, C9, E3, A10, D4, D1, and B7 Shards disappeared. The same went for the Shards that were on sale at all the auction houses!

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