
Chapter 129

Chapter 129 [Episode 66] The Opening of Skyway 2

Sang Hyuk, who wiped out the obstacles with the storm of swords, continued to focus on Krakon tanking. Even for Sang Hyuk, it was hard to keep focus at this moment.

So, Sang Hyuk asked Gye Baek and Dark Knight, who had spare time, and made some requests.

It was Sang Hyuk, who usually does not need any help at all, but at least for now, he needed help.

Sang Hyuk was able to concentrate more on Krakon’s attack thanks to these two people. Without both of them, it would be harder to tank Krakon, and it would take longer and more users would die.

Anyway, Sang Hyuk asked Gye Baek and Dark Knight for assistance and he kept focusing on Krakon.

Because Sang Hyuk did not lose focus until the end, time went by without any big problem.

Of course, Krakon was continuously bombarded with various kinds of ranged attacks as its health went down, so the number of users who attacking Krakon stabilized at almost 120,000.

This number was stable because new users were pouring in and if not for the constant influx of replacements for casualties, it would have been possible to drop down to 10,000 in an instant.

Krakon’s struggling like this was very severe, but in the meantime, Sang Hyuk endured Krakon without missing his tanking patterns to the end.

There was just only one dangerous moment. After 2 hours, the duration for using the Magic Armor’s was over. After removing Magic Armor, the tanking became harder and eventually he had a near-death crisis and the ‘Golden Dragon’s Coin’ was thrown.

Fortunately, he was able to get a second chance by luckily getting the face side and although it was still hazardous, he still could endure it.

Thanks to thorough preparation and excellent on-time ability, Sang Hyuk was able to maintain his completed tanking pattern without breaking.

But all of these things will only lasted until Krakon’s health drops to five percent.

After its health reaches 5% or less, then whatever happens, its aggro could no longer be controlled. Of course, according to the aggro, Krakon would attack the user dealing the most damage, but it was impossible to lock aggro just like now while preventing Krakon from attacking other players.

To make it simple, it’s not only aggro which just jump up, but its attack pattern is completely different and its power is even stronger.

In extreme terms, it was harder to reduce the last 5% of that monster’s health than to reduce 25% of the monster’s health.

Sang Hyuk was well aware of this fact, so he had made some preparations in advance. However, today there was a new variable so Sang Hyuk discarded all of his plans and improvised a new plan.

‘Nothing is free’.This is the name of the plan Sang Hyuk had to create on the spot.

* * * *


As soon as Krakon was shrieking with an immense, piercing voice that tore through his eardrums, Sang Hyuk quickly looked to his left and right.

Thanks to Sang Hyuk’s complete tanking for about three hours, many users were able to participate in the event quite comfortably.

When he recall his past life, the participants of this event in this present life were very lucky.

Most of the top rankers in his previous life died at least three times, but at least they were able to continue participating in the event.

Many people died dozens of times. Fortunately, there was no connection delay after death as an event effect, but Karma losses from the death were still there.

Considering that, it is no exaggeration to say that the users participating in this event now are consuming official points almost every second.

“Everyone have been comfortable so far, right? But now, it’ll be a little uncomfortable.”

Sang Hyuk did not hesitate to stop the tank when the red aura began to flow from Krakon’s body. And… he fell back.

5%….. Krakon’s health becomes 5% and it finally activated the widespread mode.

In fact, Sang Hyuk originally intended to defeat Krakon, when it activated widespread mode, as quickly as possible by using a lot of preparations. If he does that, he can get more official points for himself and there won’t be a lot of users dying unnecessarily.

He was not a saint, but he wanted to do his best with what he could.

But when the malefactors appeared, everything changed.

“Rats….. I can not tolerate your free ride on my bus.” (TL note: Sang Hyuk doesn’t want the malefactors to get the benefits of what he did. That’s why, he call them as rats, and he is unwilling to let them profit from his success.)

Sang Hyuk, noticing that there were a lot of rats behind the malefactors, made up his mind to not do what he could.

In reality, it was impossible to toss the rats out.

If those rats are called rice weevils, then now it is already hard to distinguish between the rice weevils and rice because there are too many rice weevils.

So, Sang Hyuk decided to abandon all the rice weevils and the rice.

If he does this, ordinary users who can be called the rice would scream. But it is what it is.

In fact, Sang Hyuk had no need to give consideration to these ordinary users. If Sang Hyuk sacrificed for them, then later Sang Hyuk would receive nothing.

Rather, they have already been lucky thanks to Sang Hyuk so far.

Sang Hyuk was not the kind of users who weeps at the sacrifices of ordinary users and tries to save them. He was a person who could kill any user if necessary.

So, Sang Hyuk chose to sacrifice everyone to handle the rats at once.

“Uh, uh, the tanker has left!”

“What, What! The aggro jumped up!

“Darn… It looks like its spreading, isn’t it?”

“Because the aggro is spreading, the tanker could not endure it and backed off?”

“Aarrgh, it’s looking at us!”

Because of him, the users were outraged.

As the tanker disappeared, Krakon began to violently rampage, just as it did in the previous life.

The battlefield, which was very stable, quickly became a mess.

Krakon trampled everywhere, killing hundreds of users at once.

Some of the tanker users said they would try to take the aggro, but they became puffs of white dust and disappeared.

The users realized that the broadening Krakon’s aggro could not taken by anyone.

The rampaging Krakon and the users who responded by using zerg tactics, using human wave attacks to delay it as a desperate last resort.

Actually in this situation, Sang Hyuk could deal an extreme amount of damage and minimize the casualties using all the hidden cards he has prepared beforehand. But Sang Hyuk had no intention of resorting to his final strike yet. (TL note: final strike, nuke, focus only on attacking and not defending)

He was going to wait a little longer for the rats to be swept away.

Of course, he wouldn’t just keep watching and he never planned to wait. He lets the rats, who were hiding among the ordinary users, to be washed away using Krakon, and at the same time, he was going to unsheath his claws and wipe away the rats that were gathered separately.

Just like now.


When Sang Hyuk wielded the Great Sword of the Weakened Shadow King, he shattered several users of the Dark Dragon Guild in front of him.

Sang Hyuk asked Gye Baek and Dark Knight to find these rats, Gye Baek and Dark Knight secretly worked together and found a bunch of rats looking and waiting for an opportunity.

The most noticeable of them was the Dark Dragon Guild.

Exactly, they belonged to ‘Line Dark’, and ….. the reason why Sang Hyuk can attack them without hesitation is that the One Guild was still at ‘war’ with them.

Sang Hyuk did not end the Guild War with them even though he completely destroyed them.

The reason was simple.

He deliberately did not end it so he can smash them again anytime. DD did not end the guild war so they could get their revenge.

Of course, if Sang Hyuk did not want to officially end the Guild War even though DD wanted to end it, then without mutual consent, the guild war was not over. *

Anyway, in that sense, Line Dark is hit by the bolt from the blue.

They had originally intended to defeat Sang Hyuk through a large-scale raid if Sang Hyuk was weakened due to his tanking of the Krakon.

So, DD stepped off from the battlefield for a while to check the timing of the surprise attack. But of course they were discovered by Gye Baek and Dark Knight and as a result, the situation has become like that.

“This is messed up!… Everyone run! That guy must have lost his strength for sure!”

DD was trying to surprise him, but the situation now was that they have been surprised in turn. But he could not just let it go like that, so he ordered an attack.

The elite users of Line Dark, gathered by DD, were about 200 people.

Originally, this number was an overwhelming power to deal with a single user.

However, For DD, who had already been destroyed once, his eyes were already filled with anxiety.

A monster against whom numerical superiority does not work…..

DD could not easily shake off the uneasiness around his whole body because he knew better than anyone how horrible the monster was, that stood in front of him.

‘Please…. Even if it is you, you have been dealing with that monstrous giant for 3 hours, there’s no way you’re not weakened, right?’

This is what DD believes.

It was an obvious fact that Sang Hyuk would have lost his strength while fighting against Krakon.

Of course, Sang Hyuk really was weakened as DD expected.

It made sense that he’s not at his best after dealing with Krakon, the 2nd grade Sky Whale.

If Sang Hyuk’s normal condition was 100%, it’s definitely 40% now.

He was obviously weakened because the difference between 100% and 40% was large.

But there was a very big trap in this number.

DD might have thought it would be worth it if Sang Hyuk was weakened but it was such a big mistake. Whether or not Sang Hyuk was at 100% or even 40%, DD was always the same.

If there are 2 people, a healthy and strong person and a sick and fragile person, how they would kill an ant….. the method was no different.

Just lift your foot and step on it.

To Sang Hyuk, DD was just such a thing.


It’s just a matter of lifting you foot and step on it.

Sang Hyuk stepped on DD and all his men. There was nothing difficult.

Just swing the Ten Millennia Goldbone Whip and the Great Sword of the Weakened Shadow King to sort them out in an instant.

* * * *

Cleaning up the rats ended sooner than expected. However, after cleaning them up, Sang Hyuk did not move and quietly watched the Krakon’s battlefield.

Anyway, Sang Hyuk was sure to infuriate the greedy rats with what he was planning next.

Sang Hyuk prepared three things in total.

It was the Thousand Sword Fort, which he had already used and had to be discarded, and beside that, he also prepared High Class Secret Magic Cards ‘Seal God Boundary Area – Giant Trap’ and ‘Dark Blood – Madness Incantation’.

But as he was looking back on the situation, it seemed that he could intervene in time and finish it using all the things he had prepared.

The right time to do it…after a lot of users have failed to reduce Krakon’s health and gotten themselves killed trying.

Without Sang Hyuk in the first place, they could not deal damage to Krakon properly.

Even in the previous life too, it was not the users who defeated Krakon. If the users just kept sacrificed themselves and endured then eventually when Krakon tried to regain its strength after the time limit, legendary NPCs appeared to finish the Krakon.

Thanks to them, the event rewards shrank in half and there were many rumors. Of course, the half reward was great, and they wondered what kind of reward would have come out if they had won.

Sang Hyuk was going to finish it before the appearance of the legendary NPC this time, so he expected the proper reward.

And together with it, of course, the Sky itself would open.

Chapter 129 [Episode 66] The Opening of Skyway 2 – End

Editor’s Notes: Obviously the author is referencing the fact that due to a lack of a formal peace treaty, the Korean War is officially in a state of ceasefire/armistice only.

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