
Chapter 421 - Heroes Are Gathering

Chapter 421: Heroes Are Gathering

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Yes," said Ye Chong with a firm nod as he did not intend to decline.

"What…" The reply was part of Feng Su\'s prediction but it still sounded shocking coming from Ye Chong\'s mouth, "What *are* you…?"

"I can\'t tell you."

"Do you really think you could defeat me?" Feng Su said in a threatening tone. If the foe was fully aware of her identity as well as her hand, her security would be very much breached.

The atmosphere grew cold as Tackan stood up with the rest. As being unaware of the exact relationship between the two persons, they did not state their stance yet. It simply was not the time yet, they should observe for now. They identified someone\'s stranding by the strength and Feng Su had earned their respect with her strength, thus she shared the equal status with the entire team.

"Do you think you could leave here safely if I went all out?" That was the last nail to the coffin, seriously Ye Chong no longer had a way out without a fight. Tackan and the others started frowning. The group had already divided against itself before the Congregation even started. A battle would take place, and very likely it would be a dead-or-alive battle. The others looked at the silent two worrisomely. They did not intend to get involved in the conflict however, as a sign of respect towards the strong.

"Your physic abilities are pretty good," initiated Ye Chong, "but they do not impose threats on me. Your coordination lacks practice," said Ye Chong briefly which had caused Feng Su\'s eyes to enlarge.

"Coordi-what?" Tackan sounded confused, so were his men. That was the first time they heard of such term.

Feng Su\'s rationality sank deep into the abyss, as her quivering eyes set upon that frail-looking silhouette at the door. It was not strange for outsiders like Tackan\'s group to not understand the term "coordination", since it was a specialized term that meant the coordination between one\'s mentality and body in Mentalist\'s studies.

But how in the world does he know "coordination"? That is a term only known by the real professionals, an uncommon term in the field too… Wait, he said my coordination lacks practices… so…

Feng Su was not foolish, she realized the weakness of her ability the moment Ye Chong mentioned it.

She had very good mental foresight but her body could not follow the pace of her vision, causing a tiny delay between each session and that was more than enough to cost her life!

Feng Su\'s face went all chalky out of sudden, as her biggest weakness - which she herself never realized - just got revealed by one stranger. Her will to battle extinguished, as being truly horrified.

Horrible… This boy is horrible…

Her eyes went frightfully wide.

Her only reliance had been revealed to be totally unreliable. Her trump card was flipped right to the floor by her foe. The fear in Feng Su\'s eyes was fully captured by Ye Chong, who acted all calm and unreadable. Well, it did take Ye Chong a few days to identify the issue of Feng Su\'s foresight ability. Feng Su might be one of the few top mentalists among her tribe, but Ye Chong had way better understanding and experience with mentalists\' studies. So he eventually saw it, the very weakness of her future sight.

It only took one simple line from Ye Chong to shatter every last bit of confidence in Feng Su.

Feng Su glared at Ye Chong, with the vanishing entity in her eyes.

The staring lasted for about 10 minutes and Ye Chong remained indifferent. Tackan and the rest had become fairly cautious of this boy, as warning of not messing with him kept ringing inside their head.

Feng Su then stormed back into her room without a word.

… (Meanwhile)…

Ye Yin sat right next to Ye Luo.

"Didn\'t you say that he might be coming for the Congregation?" asked Ye Yin nonchalantly.

"As you\'ve heard, he *might*, the modal verb is used to express possibility. If I wanted to say he\'s coming for sure, I\'ll use the modal verb *must*."

"What do you mean?" asked Ye Yin angrily with a raise of brows.

"Alright, alright…," Ye Luo replied laboriously. "Keep your \'I\'m Ye Yin the Great\' look, how many times must I remind you of this? Stay low! Stay low! You must stay low! At this rate you seriously could begin counting the number of eyes at us now."

"I too, must remind you," Ye Yin tried inhibiting his fury, "It is the leader\'s order to bring him back! Are you implying a mutiny on your side?"

"Holy Ye!" Ye Luo exaggerated his tone. "Didn\'t I look cooperative enough? Which part of me said \'mutiny\'? Did I betray anything? Do you know how many connections I\'ve utilized in order to get you on this ship? You said you wanted to go to the Congregation, then I got you to the Congregation. Without a single hesitation. Please stop accusing the innocent!"

Ye Yin, the number one pilot of Ye family was finding this Ye Luo a handful child to have on a ride. Well, Ye Luo had always been that troubling child in his eyes since childhood. Ye Yin was the first pilot in the family, while Ye Luo was the first martial arts practitioner in the family. Both of them achieved something in the end. Moreover, Ye Luo was also the eldest son in the family, thus his fearless attitude towards Ye Yin. The mission of escorting Ye Chong did not work well this time, although Ye Yin accidentally netted Ye Luo eventually. He could not be simply letting Ye Luo go, since Ye Luo was the one who submitted the report to the family, he *must* know Ye Chong\'s whereabouts.

He would love to cooperate, but Ye Luo was never the cooperative kind in the family, not even under every sincere plight and Ye Yin could not force him to work his way. This Ye Luo was shameless enough to remain the same stubborn even after being placed on a guillotine, and Ye Yin hated that to the core. Ye Luo agreed to "assist" him only when Ye Yin used the name of the leader in the first place.

And that was why they headed to Risserd, as Ye Luo said that Ye Chong could be joining the Congregation this year. Ye Luo was fine with the operation, on one single condition - only Ye Yin would be allowed to come along. Well Ye Yin was confident in settling Ye Chong singlehandedly, he was the top fighter in He Yue galaxy after all.

Hah, the truth was, Ye Luo told Ye Yin that it might be likely to see the boy at the Congregation merely because Ye Luo wanted to join the Congregation himself. Yes, it was a fabrication to gain a free ride to the Congregation. He was qualified being the ace of Dankwood\'s last congregation anyway. Regarding the leader\'s "ultimate order", he did not care. He would love to come alone but certainly Ye Yin would never allow that.

Ye Luo must attend the Congregation, by hook or by crook. He was willing to kill in order to attend the event. He would kill himself if he did not make it.

Well, so, Ye Luo, by making an excuse of bringing his brother to have a mind-opening operation, dragged Ye Yin to the ship. Those dismissive looks from the crew members had occasionally enraged Ye Yin a few times.


"Who… should we… mess… with…," muttered the little boy, with thumb on his chin, as he skimmed through the list.

Both Yan and Huang families are too skillful to mess with, so they are a big no-no.

So… hmmmm

The little boy pondered, "Ah…" He reached out his fleshy finger, "He\'ll do," with a smile at the beautiful sister near him.

…(Congregation ~ the day before~)…

Something happened that caught everyone\'s attention, even before the event commenced.

Doc Danelles, the top fighter of Risserd had apparently received an appointed challenge from a white-garbed lady at his accommodation.

Every other fighters nearby were alarmed, as they watched Danelles accepting the challenge like a man.

The outcome? He lost and he sincerely transferred his rights to this white-garbed lady.

Everyone agreed as they backed off.

The discussion started brewing among the residents, not on the strength of this lady, but on that freezing charm of hers. It took only a few days for Rui Bing to become the hottest topic for the Congregation this year.

"Rui Bing? Are all females this strong today?" muttered Huang Jiming at one corner of the hotel\'s lobby. Congregation is so intriguing. I have never see this in the tribe, maybe… maybe I should join too.

Somehow the thought had caught onto Huang Jiming.

He would not be joining as a martial arts practitioner, since he knew his fists well. Alchemy? Nah, he could not even differentiate a tube and a flask. He could try his luck joining as a mentalist though, since his Xi Feng tribe was the local resident of free space zone while being the few top tribes of master mentalist, although most of his descendants had moved on to piloting. He believed he could still do something with his mentalist capabilities.

I might not be able to find that fella, but at least this sounds entertaining enough.

Thought Huang Jiming with a bright smile, which somehow caught the attention of the waitress who poured too much tea in the cup.

And later in the afternoon, a rather handsome mentalist had successfully joined the show too. All females in Flying Moon City started following his news right away.

People were excited, even before the Congregation had officially commenced. The participants literally spelled a different congregation this year.

"Alright, we are going for the dining party," reminded Liu Sheng drowsily. "Yawn… wake me up when we hit main course."

Rui Bing took a look at her invitation, she passed a look of confusion at the little boy. She did not move into Yan family\'s residence like other participants.

She just got her invitation.

"Go, just go, why won\'t you go?" laughed the little boy, who somehow had become manager of Rui Bing\'s fighting career. He seemed pretty passionate about it too. "But remember to tag me along, Sister Bing!" he said as he reached out his fleshy arm.

Huang Jiming also had just received the invitation. Yan family the host did not reckon the sudden participation from both of them so the invitation got a bit late. Anyway Huang Jiming took a look at the invitation interestingly, he could feel his blood heating up. How could he be not excited when he would be seeing all other experts from their respective fields?


"What? Wait, what? Come again? You are going? Excuuuuseee me? They invited *me*, not you. Look at the name, it says \'Ye Luo\', L-U-O, there\'s no Y-I-N behind." There Ye Luo was, shouting in his room, "They did not invite you, so why are you coming? Huh? Hmm? You would like to follow me? You want to stay by my side at every single moment possible? Do I look not straight enough for you? Please, they might think you are some hobo looking for free food or something. You are still a known celeb alright? So stay royal. What? You don\'t care? Alright, alright, alright, here\'s my white flag, just come along. Just pretend you are also invited. Happy?" said Ye Luo helplessly to Ye Yin.

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