
Chapter 191 - Star - Wedding Day Part 1




Finally, it was the day of my wedding to Artem. Everyone had some ideas about traditions and what we were supposed to do, but they didn\'t mean anything to me. They said I was supposed to have a party to celebrate my last night of freedom, but I told them that my whole life was freedom now, and I didn\'t need it.

They also told me that Artem couldn\'t see me the day of the wedding until I was walking down the aisle. I didn\'t understand that, but everyone, even Artem, said that it was bad luck for him to see me in my dress before the wedding. 

This was going to be difficult for Mom and Dad though, they couldn\'t see each other and they were both putting finishing touches on my dress. Apparently Mom was going to get my dress on me and then go put hers on while Dad did what it was he wanted to do to mine.

Everything had been settled and finalized in the days before the wedding. I had wanted my whole family to be in on the wedding, and they all agreed. However, Reed and Bailey said that they didn\'t want to take the honor of walking me down the aisle away from my dad. So, they were part of Artem\'s groomsmen party, and Mom was going to be waiting in a different tent near the ceremony location until after Dad and I were in place.

Anyway, aside from those changes, Artem had spent the night in a spare room on a different floor, and he was dressed and out at the wedding meeting spot while I was still getting ready. It was his job to greet the pack as they showed up. We had wanted to invite Trinity and Reece to the wedding, but they were visiting Aunt Gloriana at the moment. It had already been scheduled by the time that we had called them up.

They had a lot on their plates too so it was understandable. Still, it would have been nice.

After breakfast and a shower, Chay started to do my hair and makeup for me. My hair was being done in a loose elegant braid that hung forward over my left shoulder. There were tiny little pearls stuck into the braid at different places. Chay had done my makeup lightly. A soft lilac color over my eyes, soft blush, a soft red over my lips. When she was done, I was amazed that the soft shades and light application of makeup could make such a difference. It was beautiful though, and I loved it.

After my hair and makeup were done, Chay started on my mom\'s for the day. We looked much the same by the time it was done, just slightly different shades of the colors, and mom\'s hair was braided to go over her right shoulder.

After we were ready for the dresses, Mom had to do her work. With my growing baby belly, there was a chance my dress might need to be altered, but thankfully there hadn\'t been any changes in that time, and the dress fit me perfectly.

The dress was simple right now. It was long and flowing, with nothing to break up the solid white of the dress. The cut of it was wonderful though, and I thought that Mom had done an amazing job.

After I was in my dress, Mom went to put hers on, which left the opening for my dad to come and put his finishing touches on my dress.

"You look beautiful, Star." Dad said as he came into the room smiling. "I can\'t believe that I just met you, and you\'re already getting married." He looked like he had a tear in his eye when he spoke.

"I know, it must seem too fast for you, huh?"

"I don\'t mind, as long as you are happy." He grinned at me. "And I know that you are."

"Yes, I truly am."

"Good, now let\'s finish this dress for you."

Dad stepped away from me then and twirled his finger.

"Spin in slow circles for me, please." His grin told me he had a plan and that he needed me to cooperate.


I did as he asked, spinning slowly so that he could work his magic. I was watching the floor so that I didn\'t trip on the long flowing dress. I felt the magic build up in the room and was momentarily shocked when flowers started to appear on the dress right before my eyes.

The flowers were of every color I could think to use: pink, yellow, purple, blue, orange, red, green, all in different shades, but nothing too bright. The flowers started at the bottom of the dress\'s train and curved up and around the dress. They went behind me and then back in front of me again as they twisted and wrapped around me. The flowers were grouped together more at the bottom of the dress and became less dense as they went up to the bodice. They went all the way up and over my shoulders, decorating the straps of the dress.

I was shocked and amazed at the sight before me. Dad was smiling as well as he now looked at the white dress decorated with a rainbow of colors.

"It\'s beautiful Dad, I love it." I jumped at him and hugged him tight when he caught me.

"I\'m glad you love it sweetheart. I wanted to have a part of our Fae heritage in the dress, since it\'s such a special day and all."

"I am so happy. Thank you for doing this for me." I felt the joy welling up within me. 

"It is my pleasure. I want to do the same to your mother\'s, but I can\'t see her until the wedding. Perhaps you can decorate it for me?" He grinned.

"If she lets me, then I will for sure." I nodded and agreed.

"Thank you." His smile would have been thanks enough, he looked so happy.

When Mom saw the dress several minutes later, she nearly cried.

"Aaron truly does have a way with magic, doesn\'t he." She was happily caressing one of the flowers on the dress.

"He wanted yours to look like this too." I smiled at her.

"Yes, but he can\'t see me until the wedding." Mom was looking down at her simple white dress that matched mine before the additions had been put onto it.

"Will you spin in slow circles for me Mom." I smiled at her. "Just keep turning until I tell you to stop."

"Star, what is this about?"

"Please Mom." I pleaded with her.

"Oh, alright." She finally did as I asked and spun slowly.

I gathered my magic and thought about the flowers. I thought about making them part of the dress from the bottom up. I thought about the colors that were on mine, and the way that they twisted around. And after a moment, the flowers started to appear.

"Oh my Goddess. Star? You can do this too?" We hadn\'t really discussed magic since Mom had gotten here since we had been too busy.

"That\'s right. Dad taught me how to use my magic." I grinned at her. "And now I can add the flowers he wanted to put onto your dress as well."

"Thank you Star, thank you so much. This is lovely." Mom\'s dress was similar to mine now, but she had spun in the opposite direction and therefore her flowers curled the other way around her. It was funny, it was like we had planned it. Either way, I loved the way it looked now. And I was proud of myself for helping to make my mom\'s dress so special. It was the first thing that I had been allowed to do for the wedding.

It was time to get going now. Grandfather and Chay came to get us and lead us to the tent that was sitting near the opening to the clearing. Mom went into one tent, me into another, and then there was Chay, Ella, Leelin, Sydney, Criztie, and Dakotah in the last one.

We weren\'t going to have a flower girl, that wasn\'t needed. The entire wedding had flower petals raining down over it from the magic that Dad had worked for us. We were, however, going to have a whole group of boys walk down the aisle as they held the rings. Some of the newer boys to join the group were carrying them for us: Marcus, Will, Kevin and Gil. All the other boys were walking with them and would stand around the platform during the ceremony, even Nico was among them.

Kent, Toby, Morgan, Doc, Reed, and Bailey were waiting to walk their counterparts down the aisle for the ceremony. This made sure that everyone that we loved and cared about would be part of the wedding. I wouldn\'t have had it any other way.

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