
Chapter 115 What Is Our Mission?

Chapter 115 What Is Our Mission?

The dark night sky gave the electric eel the best cover. No matter how good the imagination of both sides was, it would have been impossible for them to guess that a more than 60 meter long, terrorist, electric eel was in the middle observing.

In fact, even if the electric eel were to cause some chaos during the day, it would not have to be afraid. After all, the sea was the largest mystery that humans haven’t finished solving. Over the decades, there have been many lost planes over the Bermuda triangle so it was normal to have other small bizarre incidents occur.


The gunner’s dexterity was almost as good as the World of Warcraft’s gold medallist in the game. The shot went straight into the cabin of the white ship, and a heavy harpoon as thick as his arm shot through the cabin.

"Go and get a butyric acid bomb!" Casey crawled on the deck and shouted to his men who were also crawling on the floor.


Banes called out to two black men who crawled to the storage tank with the "butyric acid bomb." Ignoring that intense, nauseating odor, Banes lay prostrate and crawled to the front of the deck. He stood up and with all his might, he launched the bomb on to the whaling ship.


The two black men next to him did not want to be left behind, and they tossed two bottles of "butyric acid bombs" in the same direction.


Before the gunner could escape, he was knocked down by a glass bottle that hit him on the middle of his head, and the yellowish butyric acid splashed all over his face.

Ahhhh!... The endless night was filled with a sudden, terrible cry. Half a second later, the voice came to an abrupt end, and the gunner seemed to have fainted from the foul smell.

"Woohoo!" Banes jumped up from the deck and danced with excitement.

"Banes! Banes! "

The two black men also stood up, and with the distinctive hip-hop style of a black man, sang out with rhythmic like hip-hop music.

After being hit by a few bottles of bombs from the gun turrets, no one dared to go near them. No one even bothered with the man who fainted whose forehead was hit by the yellowish, butyric acid bottle.

By this time, the electric eel had been quietly lurking under the bottom of the whaling ship. Chen Fan looked around a few times and then smiled!

The electric eel rubbed its claws, and then with the two front claws that held the spear, thrust it into the propeller of the whaling ship. The spear pointed against the belly of the ship while the electric eel writhed under the water.


A loud noise came from the water, as the eight-meter diameter propeller, that had been forcibly struck by the spear, was yanked from the bearing and plunged into the sea.

"What is this?" Kato gave a hard blow of his fist to the man next to him. "You two, hurry and check it out."

He had not completed his sentence, and the sound came again. The whole hull shook violently; twice this time.

"Stupid, we can’t stay here anymore!" With a pat on the table, he ran to the helm. He pressed the propeller button and the powerful engine gave two loud sounds, then started up smoothly.

Pulling down the sailing gear, the engine noise was very normal, but the boat was still motionless.

Kato had pushed the gears a few times, but it still hadn’t moved.

"Is the gear broken?" Kato shut down the engine, kicked a few technicians in the buttocks and urged them to hurry and go check it out.

He was not happy about the removal of the two propellers because the whaling ship had lost its ability to drive.

The eel used the spear to hold the place where the propellers once belonged, and then it worked its way through the water, pushing the 80-meter long ship out into the distance.

The white ship, of course, would not let them go easily so it followed behind.

But at that moment...

All the people on the whaler were stunned. They looked at each other, and for a moment no one uttered a word.

With their limited brain capacity, they couldn’t figure out why the ship would be able to break out at the fastest speed and sail ahead, even when the gears were turned off.

Chen Fan, of course, was not a man of sympathy. He had broken the propeller and was suddenly repentant, replacing the ship’s power system with the electric eel’s.


On the other side of the ship, from the shine of the light, they could see that a few hundred meters away in front stood a five to six-meter-high rock!

"Ah," Kato’s mouth was opened wide; bigger than a whale. With a whoosh he ran to the helm, spinning the rudder like a wheel.

Silence, dead silence!

All of them stood still. Not only their breath was paused, but even their eyes dared not move.


A sound was heard and the whaling ship set off in an S-shaped line on the surface of the sea to avoid the deadly rock.

The people who had just escaped death were acting out a scene that was similar to what was always seen in a control room of an airport when the plane has safely landed after a tragedy. "Oh..." The desperate people suddenly burst into happy smiles and hugged each other. They shouted with joy to each other and the joy filled the whole cabin.

"Long live the captain!"

"Captain, banzai!"

All the people generously sent their praise to Kato, and Kato was enjoying it!

Just as everyone’s mind was relaxed...

All of a sudden...

The view outside the window once again made everyone’s breath stop and their hearts beat faster.

The whaling ship, after sailing out in the distance, made a large circle, and again headed to the huge rock.

After a lot of experiments, researchers concluded that the human body would explode at a level six times higher than the normal level in the face of a huge crisis. Then, after the crisis had lifted, there would be a lot of fatigue in all aspects of the body, and the physical quality would fall to 0.7 times lesser than the normal level.

And then if there’s another crisis, the brain will be temporarily in a vacuum, and the body’s secretion would be dysfunctional.

"Ah, a ghost..." Not knowing which coward gave out a sad and indescriptive howl.



Then the terror of the whole crowd spread like a pestilence, and every one of them sniveled.

"Stupid, quiet!" At the age of thirty-eight, Kato, of course, had not lived enough, and in the face of a great crisis, he fully embodied the distinction between the captain and the ordinary crew.

Once again, frantically turning the ship’s rudder, Kato in only less than two seconds, turned the rudder at a maximum angle to the left.

The very fast speed changed in the blink of an eye. It was as though the ship was blessed by the "lucky goddess" and managed to prevent crashing on the rock. There was only a long deep scratch on the side of the ship.

Wheezing, wheezing. Kato was sitting on the floor. He was wet, as if he had just come out of the swimming pool, and the huge excitement had almost snapped the string in his head.

"Oh my God, are they mad?"

Banes looked at the scene with disbelief as the red whaling ship went straight on to the rocks, and then there was no hope at all.

Suddenly with a turn, and a big drift, for more than a thousand meters, once again the bow of the boat sailed toward the rock.

Twice! Looking at that situation, it was very likely that this would happen a third time!

The seven to eight people on the white ship stopped breathing and stared at the front of the ship in disbelief.

"God!" Kathy said with a loud voice that broke the calm. The whaling ship was... actually... turning back.


Suffocation, despair, pain, fear...and so on was a series of negative emotions that filled the whaling ship. Some timid ones had their eyes closed and fell into the cabin because they were not able to endure much more torture.

Kato felt as if something in his head had suddenly broken off, and that thing seemed to be called "sense"!

At this moment, Kato had given up the bushido spirit, the spirit of a captain, the spirit of honor, seeing the ship was about to collide with the rock in a few seconds. He ran out from the cabin with lightning speed, and then jumped into the sea with a splash.


It was like chaos...

The whale-ship, driven at a speed of 35 knots, crashed into the rocks in a thunderous manner. The whole sea trembled as though it was experiencing a 7.5-magnitude earthquake.

What is the concept of the collision at a speed of 35 knots? This is equivalent to a truck carrying a thousand tons and hitting the top of the hill at 65 kilometers per hour.

A spark that was three-meters thick glinted on the bottom of the boat. The bottom of the whaling ship, had a big crack that was three meters wide and few dozen meters long that was caused by the collision with the rock.

"Help!" At this time, the other twenty or thirty people on the boat, jumped into the sea, calling for help in an unknown language, and swam to the white ship.

Kathy suddenly felt that they were no more intelligent than a three-year old because, she just couldn’t understand why the Japanese were deliberately banging into the rock so many times. Were they mad?

"Kathy, do you think we should save them?" Banes pointed to the Japanese who were struggling on the surface of the sea.

"Save people?

"Answer me, what is our mission?"

"To save the dwindling whale population!" Banes, who had a strong sense of mission, didn’t even need to think before answering.

"Then what are they? Tell me loudly!"

"It’s human, oh no, it’s a ghost!

"Then, it’s settled?" Casey gave a "you’re really an idiot" look.

"They’re not whales. Why should we save them?"

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