
Chapter 258 Fly

Chapter 258 Fly

This was definitely the spring of King Rachi, as well as Argyll’s big break! If Argyll made full use of this opportunity, he could soar to fame easily, just like the carp, which transformed into a dragon upon jumping over the dragon’s gate!

Argyll, who had seized control of the finances, was like an athlete who had been injected with 50 amphetamines. The immediate unleashing of his potential was so great, even the lord would be astonished.

Regarding any need for sleep, as a Magic Caster of great ability, Argyll thought he could pull three all-nighters without any problem. Gold ingots were readily available, but not silver ingots. As such, he could get the goldsmiths to immediately melt all the silver coins and command the local skilled trade caravans to go out and collect silver coins of other tribes.

In just two days, Argyll re-entered the command center of the hovercraft transport ship. In the open-air warehouse behind him, there were already at least 203 tons of metal.


Just as Zhang Xueyang had predicted, since the madness that was the European Union and South Africa alliance had occurred three days ago, the price of non-ferrous metals in the country changed by the day. As of this day, the price of palladium had inflated by 35 percent per gram. This caused much anxiety in the country, especially among the people in the metal processing line of work. Because of this, they desperately went around buying palladium.

"Begging your pardon Professor Zhang, will the latest policy limiting the export of metals adversely affect our country’s high-technology industries?" Qin Qiaozi, the CCTV-2 news anchor, who was sitting upright before the interview desk, questioned Zhang according to the prompted script on the display screen.

"Of course, the effect would be huge, but you can’t say it would necessarily be adverse!"

The special guest, Professor Zhang, who had been involved in the research of precious metals at the Precious Metal Research Center of the Beijing General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals for 20 years, pondered for two seconds before answering, "Our country is rich in resources, and of the five precious metals that are involved in the restriction of trade, palladium is the only one that we import from other countries the most, as its source is the most concentrated."

"Currently, figures given by South Africa show that a hundred tons of palladium would be supplied every quarter year. This figure would not be at all sufficient for the use of our industries. Where there is demand, there will be an equal need of supply. In this era of globalization, the prospect of huge returns would surely cause the opening of alternative routes for palladium to be brought into our country."

"Does this not mean that the price of precious metals would increase drastically, thus causing a drastic increase in the price of irrigation ditches, and thereby affecting the development of the entire industry?"

"That is unavoidable, just like how the average price of rare earth elements drastically increased by six times the original price from the first half of last year until now, ever since our country limited the export of rare earth elements. This European Union-South Africa alliance to reduce the export of palladium occurred to protest our country’s limiting the export of rare earth elements."

"Professor Zhang, you believe that this incident was in protest of our country’s rare earth element policy. I’m sure that all our viewers have one same question in mind. As rare earth elements are extremely valuable resources for our country, and limiting the exploitation of such rare earth elements is merely a measure to better protect these resources, why would this cause such a vehement backlash from other countries? Aren’t they perhaps overstepping their bounds?"

"This backlash is because the importance of rare earth elements in the electronics industry is comparable to the importance of petroleum in the industries." The corners of Professor Zhang’s mouth curled up slightly, as he posed an extremely interesting question, "What would happen if the Middle East limited their export of petroleum?"

"South Africa’s limiting the export of precious metals is the same as our country limiting the export of rare earth elements, as well as the Middle East’s Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)’s limiting the export of petroleum. They all use such resources as leverage, ensuring their international right to speak. For example, I’m sure you’ve all heard of last year’s incident, where Japanese authorities detained our country’s fishing boat. At the time, the Japanese authorities behaved rashly. Our Department of Foreign Affairs gave a statement warning Japan that, if they persisted in this course and added insult to injury, our country would have to take extreme measures and all consequences would be on Japan’s shoulders. This counterattack was not just empty words, as from that day forth, our country cut off all exports of rare earth elements to Japan. This immediately humbled Japan, who stopped their false bravado because rare earth elements are the heart of their electronics industry."

He added, "The use of palladium in the industry is equally important, so we’ll have to see what kind of mentality South Africa holds in starting this ’war of metals’ with our country."

"War of metals?" Sitting in front of his big screen TV, Chen Fan randomly switched the channel once the economy broadcast ended.

Was South Africa so powerful, or were they just the figurehead of the various European countries?

Just then, Chen Fan sensed a suppressed restlessness behind him. His vision darkened, as his eyes were covered by a slightly cold and soft object.

The touch could only be attributed to a woman’s beautiful skin. Without a doubt, the hands covering Chen Fan’s vision were those of a delicate and magical being.

"You’re back from school?" Chen Fan used both hands to lightly pinch the hands, which were as gentle as water. He knew it must be Yun Meng.

"Yep!" Yun Meng replied cheerfully, as she circled the couch to sit down. "You haven’t been back in a while, leaving me alone at home everyday with no one to talk to!"

"You’re no longer a child, yet you still want to be coaxed?" Chen Fan very naturally took her into his arms. In his arms, her gentle fragrance wafted towards him.

Women could intoxicate men, and similarly, men could intoxicate women. For men, their broad, solid chests and their unique temperaments were their best catalysts.

"Mmm," Yun Meng shook her head and cooed like a kitten.

"Have you thought about which university you want to go to?" Chen Fan randomly asked. "As I recall, you have only about two months left before your college entrance exam."

"My teacher recommended that I apply for the Chinese National Foreign Language Institution. She said that their teachers are highly qualified and that 60 percent of the teachers are foreigners."

"Your teacher is definitely an advocate of foreign countries! What’s so great about foreign teachers, anyway?" Chen Fan solemnly patted her slim waist, which could be measured by a single handspan. "I’ve never even heard of that Chinese National Foreign Language or whatever. It must be a crappy school."

"But... There is a high entry requirement," Yun Meng protested gently.

"Even if you get in, I don’t want you to go. I think that only Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nanjing University are good enough schools for you." Chen Fan pinched her beautiful and round cheeks hard. "You’ll apply for Fudan University. It’s the closest to home! If you don’t get in, we can use our money to bribe connections!"

Yun Meng lifted her gaze to Chen Fan doubtfully, not believing that one could get into those legendary universities just through money and connections, as she thought that only third-rate private universities would allow such things.

Yun Meng was just about to ask if he intended to buy her a place at the school, but before leaving her mouth, the words transformed into a shriek instead. Chen Fan had, at that moment, placed his hand into her woollen jacket, giving her a fright and making her blush.

She was wearing a white cotton bra. Chen Fan’s palm now covered that piece of knitwear and lightly held her breasts.


Panting, she was overcome with emotion. Her eyes glazed over, and she looked extremely seductive.

Chen Fan stood up to lock the room door. It was 12:30 in the afternoon before they moved to the restaurant on the second floor to have their meal.

With such a beauty at his side, he had a very enjoyable lunch. Since he had nothing to do after lunch, he took Yun Meng shopping around Yuanbao, the high street of Zhongyun. There, he bought clothes for the both of them.

Argyll wouldn’t arrive until tomorrow, and the ten thousand crossbows, which Chen Fan had been ordered from San Li Da Crossbow Factory using an offshore company’s name, were already currently in his dock!

An order of ten thousand crossbows was indeed a large one, especially for a single shipment, as modern crossbows were mostly only used as recreational exercise equipment. Foreign orders were mainly collective purchases from European or American clubs for hunting activities. Thus, Chen Fan’s huge foreign purchase order had overwhelmed the sales manager of San Li Da Crossbow Factory, who had even offered to go to Ethiopia to provide post-sales services. It was an offer which was politely declined by Chen Fan over the phone.

Taking Yun Meng shopping had made Chen Fan feel like he was carrying a powerful flashlight, as it was too eye-catching. By the time he had parked his car and they had walked to the main street, both of them had immediately attracted countless gazes. In fact, if looks could kill, Chen Fan would already be lying dead on the street!

Naturally, most men were able to control themselves, only taking quick glances at the two in admiration. Only a few thick-skinned men, who thought themselves to be extremely attractive metrosexuals, checked her out a few times.

He could not stop many others from also assessing his girlfriend’s appearance. Besides, rather than bothering him, the looks made him feel a rush of pride.

Chen Fan directly took her to the Hermes store to let her pick out a pretty little bag and several other small items, while he sat down and looked around. The service here was excellent! A lady had immediately run over to ask Chen Fan if he would like some hot water, the very second they had entered!

"If it’s no trouble," Chen Fan gave a small smile in return to her wide smile, but his expression immediately froze, as he saw something outside of the window.

Now was the least busy time in the afternoon, when customers were the fewest. In the entire store, there were only Yun Meng and five other sales assistants, who were currently standing at attention. A youth in his teens, who had an immature look, walked into the specialty store, then headed directly for Yun Meng, without even glancing around.

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