
Chapter 265

The staff’s face was red as well while the reactions in the comments under the live broadcast became intense:

【Yaoyao, you really be always showcasing your husband’s affection!】

【This reply beats all the answers on the screen!】

【Yaoyao, Mr. Shen really could never escape from your beauty! Did he help you shower too?! 】

【Don’t stop! Please continue! OMG! I want to know what happened next! 】

【What happened after the shower, hehehehe…cracks me up】

The staff member let out an awkward cough and showed the answer:

‘Jumping off the building’

Yu Yaoyao was bewildered. “What? This can’t be possible!” she said, “My husband likes to have me jump off the building?” Yu Yaoyao soon recovered from her disbelief. “Perhaps I do look good jumping off a building,” she joked.

“He mentioned that he found you brave and professional,” the staff added, “He found you most beautiful and graceful than anyone else.”

“Unfortunately, you got the first question wrong,” declared the staff.

The staff pulled out another task card. “Second question,” said the staff, “What do you think your husband is most afraid of?”

Yu Yaoyao smiled. “Losing me,” she said affectionately.

“That is correct!” said the staff, nodding, “He is most anxious that if you changed one day, if you are no longer yourself, he wouldn’t know how to cope. He is afraid of losing you.”

Yu Yaoyao blushed at the words. While her fans in the comment section found this very affectionate:

【Mr. Shen is so sweet! 】

【It’s the first time I am seeing this happen. I am screen recording this! 】

【Advanced pickup line!】

Yu Yaoyaoo, meanwhile, faced the camera nervously. She wondered if Shen Yichong had discovered that she was different from before. Perhaps he knew her secret.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the staff again. “Third question,” said the staff, looking at the task card, “When does your husband feel helpless against you?”

Yu Yaoyao thought about the question and replied. “When I cried on him,” she said as her face turned red, “We were getting romantic. I think I whispered something in his ear and snorted then. I ended up breaking down and cried. He was helpless and couldn’t do anything about it.”

“Correct answer,” said the staff. “Your husband wrote that he felt helpless when you were hospitalized and cried every day.”

As emotional as the scene was, the fans took it in a very different way because of one blunder:

【Crying on… Mr. Shen… snorted?】

【Snorting is not the point. Mr. Shen is the point!!! I wish I could know in what position! Which part of him was she crying in! Ho ho! 】

【The front part is too dirty. I just wanted to say that blowing air into Mr. Shen’s ears… Yaoyao is so talented! 】

The camera switched to Shen Yichong, who was aware of the comments under the broadcast. His face was stiff, and his ears were red. In a rare occurrence, Shen Yichong seemed to be blushing as well, which did much to fuel the already awkward situation, adding to the viewers’ mirth.

Director Zhao smiled and patted Shen Yichong on the shoulder. “Jobs come and go, but you have a wife. Cherish her. There is no rush in making money.”

Shen Yichong’s mouth twitched. “Just one more correct answer,” he said, “and we will pass this level.”

Director Zhao grinned. “No worries!” he said happily, “I am happy with what I have heard so far.”

The fans watching this laughed. They felt the Director was smart for framing the questions in such a way that it gave a glimpse of personal lives of the couple and added to the hilarity as well. The fourth question was even more scandalous.

“Which body part of yours does your husband find the sexiest?” asked the staff.

Yu Yaoyao reddened even more. The audience, though, were in uproar. Yu Yaoyao was still covering Shen Rui’s ears with her hands. “Erm…,” she began, “my… my whole body.”

The staff soon announced that the answer was correct, and it made the viewers even more excited. Three questions had been answered correctly. They had passed the level, but the staff asked the fifth question, anyway.

“We asked Mr. Shen about the food that you cannot eat,” said the staff.

“Snake,” Yu Yaoyao blurted out.

The staff declared this to be correct and showed the answer on the task card for all to see:

‘Snake Meat’

The staff smiled. “Congratulations!” he said, “You have passed the Tacit Test successfully.” Before giving the hint for the next level, he asked, “Mrs. Yaoyao, do you hate snake meat because you are scared of mollusks?”

Yu Yaoyao shook her head. “What about insects?” he asked, “Are you afraid of them?”

“Not really,” said Yu Yaoyao jokingly, “I can kill one if I see one, and I can kill two if they come in pairs.” She chuckled. Snakes weren’t afraid of insects, anyway; they were beneath them in the food chain.

The staff grinned. “Okay, I hope so,” he said, “Here is your hint: Please head to the Insect Museum next.”

The camera showed Shen Yichong, who was frowning with a serious face. Also, the joyful expression on Director Zhao’s face a moment ago had disappeared. He was inspecting the mysterious box that was covered with a cloth. He looked at Shen Yichong. “She can give up if she is scared of insects,” he said.

Shen Yichong hesitated a while. “She did say that she isn’t scared,” he resolved and decided to trust her.

Just then, one of the staff was instructing another. “Put the key a little more in,” he said, “Right in the middle of the creatures.”

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