
Chapter 179 - Senior Sister of Normal School..

Chapter 179: Senior Sister of Normal School..

Opposite the south gate of the school, there happened to be a Seeyo coffee shop.

Wang Yan ordered a cup of American-style milk extra and sat down at a corner table on the second floor with a book in his hand.

Sipping his coffee, he didn’t open the book. Instead, he quietly gazed out of the window. When he was alone, his temperament suddenly turned cool.

He let his mind go blank. When he got quiet, his mind got clearer.

He had only been in university for a few days, but a lot of things had happened. He had gotten to know a lot of new people.

In the dormitory, Wang Yan was the head. He handled everything with ease.

In the class, Wang Yan was the class monitor. He didn’t intend to do the daily management. He just wanted to get along with everyone happily.

His style seemed to be divided, but he kept perfect distance in this way.

The dormitory was the place to sleep, so he must be close to his roommates if he wanted to be in control.

Thus, Wang Yan took the initiative to take care of his roommates one by one, so his words would carry weight.

The class was a place to learn, and there were too many girls, so keeping proper distance was more important.

Confucius said: women and villains are difficult to deal with. If you get too close, they will take advantage of you, and if you stay far away from them, they will be resentful.

A wise saying.

Therefore, Wang Yan followed his heart and took use of that emotional moment to go up on stage giving them an impressive speech. Then, he immediately withdrew and kept his distance from everyone.

He’d leave the class matters to Lou Lou. There was no need to get involved in the matters concerning the girls.

He was sincere, forthright, approachable but also aloof. This was the image that Wang Yan wanted his classmates to see.

It could be said that up until now, his performance had been quite outstanding.

In fact, Wang Yan’s natural way of doing things was very close to ‘wisdom’.

When he was in the capital, he had kept a low profile because the capital was so big and full of powerful people; even though he had only interacted with people of his own age, their visions and abilities were in the top tier.

When he came to the Star City Normal University, Wang Yan accurately determined his level of strength within a short period of time. Then, he immediately took actions accordingly.

He took the initiative to conform to everyone’s level, took the initiative to obtain leadership, took the initiative to decide whether to advance or retreat…

“Taking the initiative” was not an action but an attitude.

During his time in the capital, Wang Yan’s greatest gain was learning how to “flaunt wealth with people who love money, and keep a low profile with people who don’t love money.”.

After coming to Star City, Wang Yan’s greatest growth was learning to “display different attitudes and handle things with different methods in different environments”.

In the capital, Wang Yan was just an outsider, a little rich kid with no background.

But in this school, Young Master Wang was one of the people standing on the top ladder.

So, keeping a low profile here wouldn’t gain him an advantage; instead, he must show his strength.

There was no need to hide his strength here. The difference between the two environments was so great that it was difficult to describe it.

Most people in the capital would be able to recognize his outfit and accurately determine his level of consumption.

However in the school, only a few senior girls could recognize part of his outfit. His roommates, even Squirrel, who came from a rich family, did not understand what the Patek Philippe actually meant.

When Nuonuo and Gao Ya saw the watch, their first thought was: Young Master Wang is low-key, doesn’t like to show off, and is full of confidence.

Song Chen, Song Xi, Dutch Potato, Sichuan Boy… None of them recognized it.

If Like Jade were to know the price of the watch, what would his reaction be?

It would definitely be a sight to watch.

His low-key style would be regarded highly by people in the capital. However, he’d be called ‘introverted’ and ‘boring’ by most people in this school.

He couldn’t use his previous experience to handle things in a different environment and deal with people from different levels.

Among peers with simple thinking patterns, impulsive emotions, and shallow experiences, he’d have unnecessary trouble if he continued to hide his strength.

Anyone would dare to come up and mess with with him. Wasn’t that annoying?

Therefore, when Like Jade and Squirrel were about to fight, Wang Yan followed his instincts and bared his fangs. Then, things went on smoothly.

The effect was much better than expected.

He was now well respected by his roommates and other students in his class. It was smooth sailing.

Next, as long as he got along well with most of the students, he’d enjoy his university life happily.

When he was with a group of people, Wang Yan began to act like a leader.

However, only when he was alone did he truly realize that he was still the young man who was curious about everything but was always surrounded by loneliness.

Loneliness was not equal to heaviness.

It was just that most of the time, he could only say insignificant things to people around him.

Wang Yan actually enjoyed this kind of loneliness. It allowed him to clearly separate “Himself” from “The world”, and define “Himself” and “The world”.

In short..

He was different from others.

When he was thinking, he was the world. When he was lonely, the world was not him.

Wang Yan decided to read some philosophy when he got time.

A god-level tycoon who knew mathematics and philosophy… Hehe, just thinking about it was very interesting.

He stopped his reflection and started reading.

Two hours passed by in a flash. During this time, many people had noticed this youth and his extraordinary bearing. However, due to his quiet temperament, they did not dare to come over and disturb him.

Closing the book, Wang Yan stretched his body and immediately became the godly-level tycoon again.

He raised his hand to look at his watch and found it was 9 o’clock. Xi Zi should be here soon.

He turned off the silent mode of his mobile phone and found a few wechat messages and text messages. Just as he was about to reply, a girl came to his table with a cup of coffee in her hand.

“Handsome, the tables in the shop are all taken. Can I sit here?”

Wang Yan looked up at the girl and then looked around the shop quietly. His gaze paused for a moment at a booth not far away before he nodded with a smile.

“Sure, please take a seat.”

In that booth, three girls were whispering to each other, trying hard to not to look his way. But they could not control the expressions on their faces.

They were smiling with excitement, eagerness, curiosity, nervousness, and mock.

To put it simply… They were waiting to watch a show.

The girl was very brave. When she heard this, she calmly sat down and looked at Wang Yan’s face.

“Thank you. Are you from our school or on the slope?”

Wang Yan was stunned.

The girl smiled in surprise. “Freshman?”

Wow, what a quick reaction!

“Yes.” Wang Yan nodded. “Freshman. Economics and management department. Wang Yan.”

The girl narrowed her eyes with interest. The corners of her mouth went up, and she smiled in a particularly charming and seductive manner.

“Few freshmen look as fearless as you’re. You’re quite a ruthless character… My name is Li Shuyun, a junior at the Academy of Fine Arts.”

After a pause, she continued, “Our school refers to our Normal University, the slope means the media school, and next door refers to the… nurse school.”


Wang Yan nodded in understanding and looked at her with interest.

Her eyes were very lively, and there was a mole no bigger than a rice grain on the tip of her nose. When she smiled, she looked confident and seductive, and her forehead was smooth and full.

Overall, she was a great beauty with a score of more than 90 points.

Wang Yan asked with a smile, “Ruthless character… Why did you say so? It’s the first time I’ve ever be called that.”

“Then do you think you are a ruthless character or not?” Li Shuyun tilted her head slightly.

TSK, she was a senior girl who was very good at controlling the conversation, a senior girl who was a control freak…

Wang Yan suspected that if he followed her rhythm, he might one day be brought into a hotel by her without knowing how it happened.

Hehe, a senior girl of a teacher’s school, interesting..

At This Moment, Xi Zi sent him a wechat message. The message popped up on his screen: On the way. Be there in10 minutes.

Wang Yan calculated the distance between this place and the Vienna International Hotel. He shook his head with a smile and started to pick up his things on the table.

“I think? I think it’s time to say goodbye.”

He stood up with his things and waved his hand gently. “Bye bye.”

Li Shuyun was stunned and found it hard to believe.

What was going on?

No one had ever been able to retreat under such circumstances!

When she came back to her senses, she could only see Wang Yan’s back.

It made her even more interested in Wang Yan, so she immediately gave her companions a look.

Just as Wang Yan walked to the stairs, a short, thin, and loli-faced girl ran over and asked timidly and mischievously, “Handsome, can you add me on wechat?”

Wang Yan sized her up and suddenly revealed a wicked smile. “It has something to do with my name. You can try searching for it with the People Nearby.”

“But I don’t know your name?” The fake Loli pretended to be angry.

“I think you know.”

Wang Yan replied with a smile and went downstairs.

The fake Loli and Li Shuyun looked at each other and suddenly felt discouraged.

“F*ck! It’s the first time that both of us failed… This kid is really hard to deal with!”

Li Shuyun, on the other hand, was unusually excited. Her eyes were sparkling as if she had seen a gem in the window of a shop.

“But it’s more interesting this way… Wang Yan from the economics and management department, I remember you!”

As he strolled to the hotel, Wang Yan replied to the many messages he had received. Then, he sat in the lobby for a few minutes before Xi Zi arrived.

The travel-worn Wang Yunxi gave Wang Yan a big hug the moment he entered the door.

“Yan, that’s awesome!”

“Haha, Xi Zi, your excitement hasn’t faded yet?” Wang Yan laughed.

“Not at all! The more I think about it, the more excited I get. Isn’t this just picking up money from the ground?!”

Although Wang Yunxi didn’t know much about live streaming in the guild, he could roughly calculate the economic benefits that the four would-be first-rate streamers could bring. Thus, he was full of admiration for Wang Yan.

However, to Wang Yan, the income wasn’t important. After all, it would only bring him over ten million a year.

What he wanted was the revenue!

As long as there was enough revenue, it could cover up a lot of things for him.

After getting to know workings of live broadcast guilds, Wang Yan found that this low-level business actually satisfied lots of his needs.

Those who understood would naturally understand, but those who did not would not understand even if he explained to them.

In short, Wang Yan would not be the legal person and actual manager of the guild. He did not plan to form any connections with it, nor did he plan to run it as his future business.

Therefore, he had to make it clear with Xi Zi.

They went to a barbecue shop nearby and sat down in a small private room. Wang Yan started to talk to Xi Zi.

It did not take much effort to convince Xi Zi to be the guild chief.

Wang Yunxi was willing to come and appeared to be so excited, which meant that he was interested.

For an ordinary person, controlling a guild that had four quasi-first-rate streamers was a very proud thing and a career that he’d work hard for.

Wang Yunxi happened to have this ambition.

Halfway through the conversation, Xi Zi was about to say something but hesitated. He asked haltingly, “Yan, that… do you really want me in? Or it’s just… I mean we’re going to work together for a long time. I have to make sure.”

Wang Yan knew what Xi Zi was worried about and what he wanted to ask.

After pondering for a moment, he asked, “Xi Zi, how much money can you put in it?”

Wang Yunxi was overjoyed. “I can manage to put in 700,000 yuan!”

Wang Yan nodded in understanding.

“Don’t burden yourself. How about this? You put in 500,000 yuan and we make a fortune from it together.”

“Okay, okay, okay! No problem!”

Wang Yunxi was grinning from ear to ear.

Wang Yan did some simple calculations and asked again, “You put in 500,000 yuan, I’ll put in 1.5 million yuan. Currently, I give you 5% of the shares… Brother Xi Zi, if you’re not satisfied with it, just say it now and we can talk about it…”

“I’m satisfied! Yan, 5% is enough!”

Wang Yunxi didn’t let Wang Yan finish. He was pleasantly surprised.

When Ling Ya talked with Wang Yan, she had estimated their value at around 3 million. They asked Wang Yan to put in 2 million in cash and hold about 50% of the shares.

In fact, they had lowered the estimate of their value. Many guilds would give them signing fees of 4 million or 5 million.

In one year’s time, their value would far exceed five million; five million would not be enough for a single person.

Of course, the issue of shares could not be measured so simply. It was a very complicated issue.

When it came to Wang Yunxi, his valuation of the guild had soared to more than ten million. Even if he put in one-third of Wang Yan’s cash and only took five percent, he was still overjoyed.

This was how mature adults who knew the working of the society handle things.

Wang Yan thought it worthwhile to get Xi Zi’s loyalty to the guild and maintain their friendship with 5% of the shares.

It was a win-win solution… No, win-win-win solution.

After they returned to the hotel, Wang Yan and Xi Zi continued their conversation until dawn.

They needed to get a few things clear.

First, they had to fully respect the opinions of Ling Ya and the other three, but they must have their own development plans.

Second, they would not talk about anything that had happened before the cooperation. They would just focus on the future.

Third, they’d register the guild in Shanghai.

Fourth, they had to complete the registration as soon as possible. Wang Yunxi was the legal representative and the major shareholder. Wang Yan did not directly hold any shares.

Fifth, they had to quickly hire a guild operation manager, a public relations manager, and four personal assistants. They would purchase some public accounts and some big V’s to strengthen the promotion force.

They had discussed all aspects quite thoroughly.

Only the fourth point was not discussed in depth.

The two million startup capital of the guild was actually nothing. The most valuable assets were the four streamers who were still on the rise.

And they trusted Wang Yan.

Wang Yan and Wang Yunxi were well aware of this, so they didn’t talk about it. If they talked about it too much, they would become estranged.

In terms of personal feelings and morals, Xi Zi was reliable. He was loyal and filial. He treated Wang Yan’s father as his grandfather. Wang Xiufang was more comfortable ordering Xi Zi around than ordering Wang Yan around.

The important thing was the second point.

Wang Yan admitted that the reason he was able to win over Ling Ya and the others was because he was very successful in pretending to be a rich guy. He managed to subdue them with his imposing manners.

Therefore, at this point, he absolutely could not give himself away. So they must be careful not to talk about Wang Yan’s previous life.

Wang Yunxi patted his chest and promised, “Don’t worry! I’m very good at this kind of thing. In the future, I’ll be Young Master Wang’s distant relative. I’ll cover you and no one will know your secret!”

Well, there were no loopholes now.

Later, Wang Yan would tell Ling Ya and the others to work with Xi Zi in a professional manner. He wouldn’t allow them to do any tricks behind his back. He thought they would know what’s best for them.

The four of them actually had good characters. They were honest and grateful to people who had helped them. There wouldn’t be any problems for at least two or three years.

When one day they were fully grown up and began to be dissatisfied with the current situation, Wang Yan would grow stronger, too, and be able to control the situation.

In terms of growth speed, who would dare to compete with the godly tycoon Wang?

They talked until the next morning and got everything clear. Wang Yan stood up and went back to the military training.

There was basically no need for President Wang to do anything in the following process.

The only exception was the use of the [ Spicy consumption card ] .

Wang Yan planned to seize the opportunity and make some good money.

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