
Chapter 247 - A Treasure Trove Of Dao Law Seeds

Seeing the frightening and the wavering look on the others\' faces, Old Yan didn\'t say anything as he walked straight inside without a care.

It seemed that he didn\'t mind any potential danger inside as there wasn\'t a trace of fear on his face.

The moment he passed through the door and entered the room behind the huge metallic door, his figure completely vanished into the darkness as though he had disappeared.

Even after seeing Old Yan bravely and fearlessly entered the eerie dark room, everyone was still hesitant. They were looking at each other to see who was going next.

None of them wanted to be next. Seeing this, Ling Chen could only smile as he entered the pitch-black room. And just like Old Yan, his figure also disappeared as soon as he stepped foot into the room.

Soon, it was the White Tiger Demon God followed by the Sun Demi-God and the other experts. In less than a few seconds, they have all entered the pitch-black room behind the metallic door.

Even though they could enhance their sight which would allow them to see in the dark by concentrating their true Qi energy in their eyes, none of them dared to use that skill.

They were simply too afraid. Furthermore, as their guide and also as someone who had already been in this place before, they didn\'t see Old Yan used this skill. As such, they refrained to do so.


As soon as they have all entered the room, the giant blue metallic door suddenly closed by itself.


After the door was closed, the eerie dark room suddenly turned bright as the day which in turn allowed Old Yan and the other experts to see everything in the surrounding.

"This… What on earth is this….?"

"What the hell is this place?!"

However, the sight in front of them was so shocking that their hearts almost stopped beating from fright. Some of them even had their legs went soft as they slumped down on the ground while shaking uncontrollably.

Even Old Yan who had been there before was still shocked and dumbfounded upon seeing this scene again.

The moment the large main hall behind the giant blue metallic door turned bright, what greeted them was a mountain of skulls and skeletons.

There were all kinds of skeletons from different creatures, not just humans. Their varied shapes exceeded one\'s imagination. Some were unreasonably large while others were wonderfully small

Compared to this mountain of skulls and skeletons ahead of them, the previous trail of skeletons they have seen when they first entered this place was not even worth mentioning.

Not only that, the entire room was surrounded by a thick death aura.

At the same time, due to the impact of the giant door closing, the room slightly shook which caused many skulls and skeletons to start rolling down. Some even fell down in front of them.

Even though these people have died a long time ago, they could tell that they were all very powerful just by looking at their skeletons.

They were all mighty and invincible Demi-God experts just like them.

Aside from that, they could also see numerous shining gemstone within the pile of skulls and skeletons. Each one of them exuded a different colored light.

"Dao Law Seeds!" Blurted out the White Tiger Demon God with a greedy expression on his face.

It was as if all his fears had disappeared upon seeing these shining gemstones.

Although they were called Dao Law Seeds, they didn\'t actually look like seeds but like a piece of gemstone. Some were as small as a marble while others looked as big as a tennis ball.

Though they all looked pretty and dazzling, the power emanated from them was extremely terrifying.

As the crystallization of the power of Law, each one of them contained a different power. Some of them were emitting a fiery heat as though they were the incantation of the sun while others were emanating a cold frigid Qi that could even freeze one soul.

Even though it was their first time seeing Dao Law Seeds in person, they already knew what they were with just a single glance.

This treasure trove of Dao Law Seeds sent all of them into a daze. None of them could refrain from palpitating while looking at so many Dao Law Seeds.

"How is this possible? There\'s so many of them."

One has to understand, to break through the legendary Martial God, one has to form their own Dao Law Seed which was the crystallization of one\'s Law or elemental power.

In another word, each one of the Dao Law Seeds here belonged to a deceased Martial God expert.

For a hundred thousand years, no one has managed to break through the legendary Martial God realm which proved how hard it was to take that step.

Yet, at this moment, they were looking at hundred of Dao Law Seeds and each one of them was formed by a Martial God expert, so how could they not be shocked.

They also knew that none of these Dao Law Seeds belonged to the people from this world and was placed there, so where the hell they came from? And how powerful is the Great Luo Martial God to able to kill and acquire that many Dao Law Seeds?

Though their minds were buzzing with questions, their hearts were also beating faster and their eyes were full of greed while they were looking at the numerous Dao Law Seeds. It was as if their greed was far stronger and greater than their fear.

They didn\'t need much, just one. They only needed to fuse with one to breakthrough the legendary Martial God rank or even higher.

Looking at the frenzied and feverish look on the White Tiger Demon God and the others\' faces, Old Yan already knew what they were thinking as he reminded them." Don\'t touch any of them unless you want to be crushed to death by these giant humanoid creatures over there."

Upon hearing Old Yan\'s warning, they suddenly jolted awake from their dream as they remembered the four giant humanoid creatures standing at the four corners of the main hall like statues.

These four humanoid creatures were like the incantation of a giant with their shocking fifty feet tall bodies.

Their humongous bodies almost reached the ceiling of the giant and large main hall with both of their hands placed on the hilts of their giant swords in front of their chests.

Unlike the previous metal humanoid creatures, these looked more human and warrior-like. They were all adorned with ancient golden armors.

They looked like four ancient generals. Aside from them, there were also two more guarding the door at the end of the main hall. They looked just as big and as fierce as the other four.

Old Yan and the other experts looked like ants compared to the giant humanoid creatures. Just looking at them made their scalps tingled.


While everyone was still stuck looking at the giant humanoid creatures with a frightened expression on their faces, Ling Chen who fine earlier suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood as he fell on his knees.

"The poison is finally taking effect." Murmured Old Yan as he shifted his gaze towards Ling Chen with an evil smile on his face.

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