
Chapter 93 – The assassin keeps in check

Chapter 93 - The assassin keeps in check

Translator: VALIANT

My date with Maha was fun.

That’s what I was thinking while we ate dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Of course, my dates with Dia and Tarte were fun too, but the dates I had with Maha were a bit different.

In Dia’s case, she would let me take the lead and make one request after the other.

As for Tarte, just like Dia, she would let me decide. However, she was very attentive to my facial expressions and observed even the smallest details, never telling me what she wanted herself. Also, even when she wasn’t actually enjoying herself, she pretended to have fun for my sake.

And finally, when I went on dates with Maha, we would alternatively lead each other, and she would actively think of ways to entertain me and act.

Doing this was fun and stimulating, and it was a great way to discover new things and expand your vision of the world.

Of course, that wasn’t to say my dates with the other two were boring. Dia was cute when she was being selfish, and her straightforwardness made it easy for me to figure out what she wanted.

It was the same with Tarte too. The fact that she was forcing herself and pretending to have fun was awkward, but I could feel that she was doing it out of adoration for me. I found her concern amusing.

In short, each one of them was fun in her own way.

[Hnnng…! Our date today was great. …It’s so regrettable that it must already end.] (Maha)

[I also enjoyed myself. Soon, you’ll have another party to attend, huh.] (Lugh)

[Yes, indeed. It’s the last of several party invitations I couldn’t turn down. I’m sick and tired of the royal capital. Nothing but powerful people with too much free time on their hands.] (Maha)

The aristocrats who were obsessively fascinated by Orna wanted to invite its proxy representative to their own parties the moment she came to the royal capital.

This was because they wanted to secure Orna’s products, or because of their interest in the brand… But above all, it was because they took pride in inviting the vice-president of Orna, who was the hottest topic within the nobility, to their parties.

[You see, there’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. I hardly go back to my identity as Illig anymore. …So, Maha, I’d like to make you not the proxy representative, but the official representative of Orna.] (Lugh)

Illig Balor.

It was my other name as the son of the Balor Trading Company.

However, I rarely assumed that identity anymore.

Of course, I used that name on many occasions. Even without disguising myself as Illig, I was still doing lots of negotiations using that name.

[No way.] (Maha)

Maha replied immediately.

[Even now, you’re practically the real representative. If you actually became the real one, it would make your job much easier.] (Lugh)

[I’m aware of that. In terms of management, this promotion has nothing but advantages. After all, no matter who you are negotiating with, there are many times when you realize that the titles of representative and proxy representative are completely different.] (Maha)

Maha’s authority was exactly the same as mine as the representative.

However, our negotiators didn’t see it that way. From their perspective, Illig Balor was the head of Orna, while the girl they had in front of them was just a stand-in for him.

[Then why refuse? Are you hesitating?] (Lugh)

[I’m not. What I want is to work for you, Lugh-niisan. I want to devote myself to you, and I don’t want to lose the connection I have with you no matter what. This is my selfishness. I only want to be your Maha.] (Maha)

[That doesn’t sound like what a merchant would say. A merchant would dream of having their very own store.] (Lugh)

[…That is also my dream. I dream of growing up as a merchant, saving money, building my own store, and one day reclaiming my father’s company that was stolen from me.] (Maha)

[If you obtained Orna, that would make one part of your dream come true.] (Lugh)

Maha was an orphan that I picked up, and she was originally the daughter of a trading company located in a city a short distance from Milteu.

Her personality, calculating nature, and sense as a merchant were honed there.

The second-in-command of the company orchestrated the murder of her parents, then after he took over the trading company by adopting Maha, who had no relative left, he planned to kill her next.

Maha barely realized it in time and fled for her life to Milteu.

She concluded that at the moment, it was impossible for her to reclaim the company, so she gathered street children and started a business with only children to build up her strength in Milteu. …However, as Milteu began to focus on welfare, she was caught during a street children hunt for subsidies and was thrown along with her friends into an orphanage with poor living conditions. That was where she met me.

Her dream was to regain her father’s company, rescue her friends from back when she was living in the streets, and work with them.

[Please don’t underestimate me. I can make it come true even without owning Orna. In fact, I’m almost done fulfilling it. I’ve sent you my reports, haven’t I? All the new recruits I mentioned are doing great.] (Maha)

[Yeah, you did write that.] (Lugh)

She had been investigating the specifics of her old friends who had been scattered into different orphanages, meeting them individually and scouting them.

It was partly out of sentiment, and partly by pragmatism.

Even if they had Maha, who stayed strong and survived in a harsh environment from a young age, as their leader, their experience of running a successful business with only children was also a treasure.

In fact, they actively worked and paid back way more than what she invested in them.

That was how Orna gained valuable assets.

[Besides, I’ve managed to buy out about a third of my father’s former business. I’ve sent you the acquisition plan too, haven’t I?] (Maha)

[Yeah, I read that too.] (Lugh)

The trading company that formerly belonged to Maha’s father began to sell off its assets due to poor performance after the change in its leadership.

Maha bought the store they put up for sale and opened a branch store, which was doing pretty well as a starting point.

I once told Maha『I won’t tell you to keep your personal feelings out of this, but if you do decide to follow your heart, make sure you show me your results.』

And that’s exactly what she did.

[I can make my dream come true even while remaining your subordinate. I will reclaim my father’s company and rescue my former companions. And to top it all off, I will support you all the way, Lugh-niisan. I will not settle for one or the other. I choose both. I’m capable enough to do that. And so, I can keep working for you] (Maha)

I broke into a smile.

Maha really was a strong girl.

And her fondness for me was honest and heartwarming.

[Thanks, Maha.] (Lugh)

[You’re welcome. At first, I felt indebted to you. If I had been left in that orphanage, I might’ve been killed without being able to do anything, or sold to some perverted nobleman. But thanks to you, Lugh-niisan, I was saved, and I was able to develop myself as a merchant. Which is why, I thought I had to return the favor.] (Maha)

[Is it different now?] (Lugh)

[It’s not. Even now, I still feel grateful to you. But more than that, it’s just because I love you, Lugh-niisan.] (Maha)

Her face was full of happiness.

My heart skipped a beat.

Once again, I realized that Maha was no longer a child, but a beautiful woman.

[I love you too, Maha.] (Lugh)

[I know. …But I have to say, it’s frustrating that this date has to end like all the others. Especially since given the course of events today, we could’ve gone all the way. Now I have to leave. Lugh-niisan, please give me a goodbye kiss as a reward.] (Maha)

Maha stood up.

She closed her eyes and waited for me.

The length of her eyelashes, her clear skin, the scent of her body mixed with her mild perfume, I found everything about her to be irresistible.

Then, I kissed her on the mouth.

When I parted my lips with hers, Maha’s face turned red, and she pressed her hand on her lips.

[…I’m so happy. Whenever I asked you for a kiss, it was always on my cheeks or my forehead.] (Maha)

[I had a feeling kissing you on the lips was the better choice today.] (Lugh)

[Fufu…! Now I’m ready to work hard!] (Maha)

Maha rushed out with a cheerful voice and a smile.

…I can’t believe Maha actually sprinted. She must’ve really been running out of time.

That girl is truly diligent.

Now, I should order a cup of herbal tea to sober up before I leave.

As I was enjoying the tea I ordered, someone sat down in front of me while deliberately making noise.

There, I found my collaborator.

[You are really popular, aren’t you? You already had the little magic genius, the big-breasted spear-wielding maid, the false princess, and now, you have the gorgeous and successful merchant girl. They’re all so cute, beautiful, talented, and head over heels in love with you, aren’t they?] (Meena)

[So it’s you, Meena. I didn’t think you’d be in this town.] (Lugh)

Meena the snake demon. The one responsible for corrupting the Second Prince whom I killed yesterday.

What is she doing here, and how did she know I was here?

Did the information leak out from somewhere? …I need to investigate that.

[I’m pretending to be human so I can enjoy human culture. There is no way I would have missed the festival. Fufufu…! It was so, so much fun! Humans are so tiny, feeble, and unsightly, yet how can they create such marvelous things? It’s so adorable!] (Meena)

Sneaking into the center of the aristocratic society as Countess Granfelt was hardly something on the scale of amusement.

[Did you come all the way here just to make small talk with me?] (Lugh)

[Certainly not. Fufufu…! But I see you’ve gone and done it. I can’t believe you destroyed one of my toys. And it was my second favorite too.] (Meena)

[What are you talking about?] (Lugh)

She’s trying to trick me into admitting it.

I’m not foolish enough to leave any evidence of my assassinations.

[My, playing dumb, are we?] (Meena)

[Truthfully, I had nothing to do with this. I’m an aristocrat loyal to the Kingdom of Alvan. I would never turn my blade against the Second Prince.] (Lugh)

[Is this your roundabout way of asking me if I have any proof? If so, then the answer is no. But at the very least, I ensure the health of my toys. And that one was supposed to be unbreakable. Therefore, I can only assume that someone destroyed him. And you see, you are the only one in the world who could make him “die from illness” under those circumstances. In other words, you killed him.] (Meena)

[You’re making some terrible false accusations. What you say is absurd.] (Lugh)

[It does sound absurd. But there’s no mistake about it. …And of course, this makes me so upset I want to get even with you. Since you murdered my toy, perhaps I should destroy one of yours too.] (Meena)

[Should I take that as a declaration of war?] (Lugh)

Meena and I glared at each other in silence.

Neither of us showed even the slightest intention of killing the other.

And that was bad news.

When you show your killing intent to another, it’s to give them information. Such as your aim, your timing, your moves, etc.

When someone who is used to killing shows their killing intent, it’s only to intimidate another.

Therefore, when someone who is used to killing doesn’t show any desire to kill at all in this situation, it’s not a threat, but a sign that they will take action.

[Well, that was just a joke. That toy was one of my favorites, but you are much more interesting. It would be foolish to lose you over such a trivial matter. …I’m sure you’re of the same opinion too. It’s clear to me that if one of your lovely girlfriends were murdered, you would suspect me and try to kill me even without any proof.] (Meena)

Meena mockingly shrugged her shoulders.

Nonetheless, I couldn’t let my guard down.

There was still a good chance that she would try something.

Bearing that in mind, I did some probing.

[To reiterate, I did not kill him. Besides, even if that was the case, you’re the one who messed with me first. I thought I told you to leave my friend alone.] (Lugh)

[Oh my, so you know about that. That one is my favorite toy right now. I really like that boy. Innocent, amusing, unsightly, and ridiculous. So, I gave him a little something. …Ohh, but I suppose I’ve touched a nerve by doing that. I’ve been messing with your friend. So it would then be unreasonable for me to kill one of your girlfriends as payback. Alright then, I guess this makes us even this time.] (Meena)

My suspicion was now all but confirmed.

Meena did have a hand in Naoise’s disappearance.

And from the way she spoke, he wasn’t safe, but he wasn’t dead either.

[…Just what the hell did you do to Naoise?] (Lugh)

[You will find out soon enough. Actually, why don’t we drop this bothersome topic? I would like to get down to my real business here.] (Meena)

[You mean our conversation just now wasn’t your reason for coming here?] (Lugh)

[Why, yes. That was just insignificant trivia.] (Meena)

The creatures known as demons were nuts.

Her favorite toy she had ensnared was murdered, she talked about killing my girlfriends, and she was involved in Naoise’s disappearance, yet she casually brushed it all off as insignificant trivia?

[Soon, the next demon will appear. And that one will be extremely powerful. So much so that I can say with certainty that you and your adorable squires will be no match for him. But not to worry. Reinforcements will come.] (Meena)

[Reinforcements? Don’t tell me you’ll be helping us? I thought you wanted to hide the fact that you were opposing the demons.] (Lugh)

[You’re right, I won’t help you. Just look forward to it. But though I say that, I’m sure you have an idea of what I mean, don’t you?] (Meena)

[Who can say.] (Lugh)

I lied.

Judging by the flow of our exchange, I could guess who would show up there.

[I’ve compiled all the information in this document. Ah, but I’d rather you don’t read it here. All the information I can share with you is in there. I don’t wish to tell you anything more. You have such a silver tongue, I might end up leaking out something just by talking to you.] (Meena)

Meena left.

Then, I looked over her document.

I didn’t expect all this to happen right after my date.

The emergence of a new demon is a threat. But this time, we should be able to do better now that I have information.

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